David Icke Invited Me to a Live Talk on Twitter Spaces About Vaccine Injuries and Promising Treatment Approaches
Last Sunday I was deeply honored to be invited by David Icke to a live talk with him on Twitter Spaces hosted by Bartcoin. The subject of the two - hour session was the injuries inflicted by the Covid jabs and promising treatment approaches. If you don’t have time or the ability to listen to the replay, below is a summary of what was spoken about. The replay is here: https://x.com/bartcoin_erc/status/1766871682273124500?s=20
David methodically explained how the entire Covid scam was pulled off by creating a problem only in the perception of the public’s mind with a coordinated media storm of deception. The supposed symptoms of “Covid” are wide and varied and can be caused by many different illnesses, particularly the yearly flu that completely disappeared in that time. The PCR method, developed to multiply genetic material by Dr. Kary Mullis for lab research, was misused to create Covid cases with the claim that the PCR “test” can test for a viral infection. Anybody who tested positive with the PCR “test” and died within 28 days was counted as a Covid death, even when they were run over by a bus or killed by gun shots or died of any other illness. Deaths were created by using several drugs on old people to murder them. In Britain they were killed with an end of life drug, Midazolam, in combination with Morphine. Both of them are respiratory depressants making breathing difficult. In the USA patients were put on Remdesivir that caused multiple organ failures, including the kidneys. Due to kidney failure, the patients developed pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs) making breathing impossible. Then there was a huge financial incentive for hospitals to put everyone on a respirator and designate any death as a Covid death. The entire hysteria was created to introduce the “vaccine” which has been causing massive disabilities and deaths.
I spoke about the challenges of discovering what is in the vials since the manufacturers are trying to keep this secret. There is technology in the hidden that we don’t know about and the research is left to individual scientists and medical professionals who don’t have the state of the art equipment large institutions have. Large institutions are mostly controlled by Big Pharma and/or government both of whom have no interest whatsoever to do this research. Despite these challenges, 26 teams on five continents have discovered that the vials contain Graphene Oxide, Hydrogels, toxic metals and even possibly parasites.
I detailed the massive damage Graphene Oxide does inside the body as it transcends all protective membranes such as the blood brain barrier, placental barrier and testicular barrier. It shreds cell membranes and mitochondrial membranes and causes breakage and mutation in chromosomes and DNA. It deforms the end pairs of chromosomes, the telomeres causing cells to die and general aging. It’s a massive free radical depleting the body’s master antioxidants Glutathione and Sodium Oxide Dismutase within hours. It causes massive inflammation in all tissues and it activates immune cells which it then destroys. It aggregates and grows so large that it can clog blood vessels. It causes platelets to stick together and form blood clots. In fetuses it blocks the formation of blood vessels in the heart and it retards the brain tissue development. It has detrimental effects on the nervous system and red blood cells.
Questions came up if there was an ulterior motive for these jabs than just killing and disabling people. I responded that I believe there is as there was no nitrogen nor phosphorus found ins some vials which are the backbone of mRNA. I went on to speak about the hydrogels that can be used as per the research of patents by Karen Kingston as a response and sensor system that can receive input from outside but also send back information. They are most likely the cause of the rubbery clots coroners are pulling out of dead people. I refer to the dark field microscopy findings of Dr. Ana-Maria Mihalcea, Dr. Nixon and others who are photographing micro chip like structures in the blood and vials.
David elaborates on the plan of creating a human hive mind whereby we are connected to artificial intelligence that then delivers our thoughts, perceptions and emotional responses. Elon Musk is selling a concept with Neuralink implants though an implant by surgical means is not necessary and not meant to happen. Musk said that it can be done through the veins and arteries i.e. an injection. He has also been putting up low orbit satellites to generate this electromagnetic field, called the cloud. The cloud and the fake vaccines are connected. Our bodies are dependent on electrical information and anything that can disrupt electrical and electromagnetic signals can interfere with our brain function, eg. our perceptions. La Quinta Columna was the first to research Graphene. It amplifies the power of electromagnetic fields inside the body. Thus, self-replicating nanochips with graphene inside the body are creating an interface between the body and the brain, rewiring the electrical activity in the brain. It can thus alter how we process reality into perception and it can connect the brain to the cloud as “predicted” to happen by 2030 by Google’s futurist Ray Kurzweil. What is happening goes very, very deep and we need to grasp the scale of what is going on, which is where the mainstream alternative media is not going into.
Spiro (@Sprio_Ghost) was one of the speakers as well and made some very accurate comments in that this is a war against humanity and they want to change the definition of what it means to be human. They’re using the manufactured crisis as an excuse to roll out this technology. DARPA and the military are heavily involved in this as it’s a massive military operation. Discover magazine published an article that DARPA has been working on self-disseminating vaccines. It mentioned how similar the technology was to what was currently used for the Covid “vaccine”. This technology can explain the shedding phenomenon. He had bought magnets and found that they stuck to about half the people who had gotten the shot. He delves into the method of problem-reaction-solution to get the public to accept, even demand something, e.g. the fake vaccine, to save them.
David was asked how he feels about being vindicated after so many years seeing what awful agenda is being rolled out. David states that it’s not something he ever wanted to happen and hoped it won’t but after doing the research for 35 years he came upon a lot of information and also cross referenced a lot of information. He was sure it was going to happen. The idea of what he and others like him do is to alert enough people to stop it form happening. It’s no satisfaction that it continues to happen. Since Covid a massive amount more people can see that the world is not what they thought it was. That’s the reason he is vehemently challenging where the mainstream alternative media is going or rather not going. What is happening is vast, but as Socrates said wisdom is knowing how little we know. There is always more to know. The mainstream alternative media is circling round and round in an eddy repeating what has long been known anyway. It’s the whole area of the electrical and electromagnetic nature of the body and reality, in fact the illusory nature of reality that they don’t go into. It’s not just that we are being manipulated in our perceptions by control and censorship of information that provides another view but our very reality we are experiencing is not how it seems to be. We believe we live in a solid world, but it is not. The scale of the deceit is massive. The cult driving this knows not everybody is going to believe everything they say. So it’s trying to hold the barricade by gating information, a here and no further limitation of information. The area of research into the Graphene, nano chips in the fake vaccines is breaking this barricade and gets into what is really happening.
Maryam Henein, (@VanishingBees ) another speaker and filmmaker added some information on Graphene oxide how toxic metals such as Arsenic increase the cytotoxicity. She said she just put out two new articles on Graphene Oxide.
David adds that the mainstream alternative media is mostly made up of people who had bought the Covid hoax, including Tucker Carlson and Brett Weinstein. Many admit they don’t know what is going on yet they are put center stage, whereas people who have been researching this for decades who do know what is going on are not being interviewed. There is a vast area knowledge that needs to be researched but the mainstream alternative media is not researching it. It’s a barricade. When he calls it out, he gets a tidal wave of abuse back. This happens particularly when he calls out Elon Musk for all the things he is doing like the low orbit satellites, the Neuralink implants and the electric autonomous cars. The MAM is giving him a free ride instead of questioning his actions what they would have done before.
Michael, the host of this Spaces makes a good comment in that the dam of information broke and they are trying to reinforce it by barricading the information from going to the next level.
David reiterates that it’s important to have the humility to realize that whatever we know, there is always more to know because that’s what drives you on. He’s absolutely not happy knowing what he knows. He wants to know what the next stage is, because there is one. This has taken him from researching the global cult level into the non-human level which is driving this on, into the simulation level of it. It goes into the level of incarnation as a means of keeping us in the trap in the simulation. The cult has no problem with information going around that is out anyway and so you have the mainstream alternative media going around in an eddy repeating this information. It’s the information further down that is the problem for the cult. That’s what the MAM is here for, to stop any investigation into that further level of the agenda.
Michael adds that the real information is in the unseen. It can affect the energy field of the masses to bring about certain outcomes. He says that when you research conspiracies you ultimately end up on a spiritual level.
David is currently finishing up his third book of a trilogy of The Trap and The Dream and talks about matter just being energy of a certain frequency and it’s not actually solid at all. In the universe the amount of matter is tiny compared of what is not matter. At least 99% of the visible universe is plasma which is called the fourth state of matter, a more ethereal state of matter. What we perceive as the solid state of matter is a tiny smear compared with plasma. Yet all our five senses are focused on the matter level. We see matter with empty space between, but the “empty” space is actually plasma. The MAM is focusing only on matter. In the unseen, the plasma is where we have the spirit world and such things. From this plasma level, this level of matter is being orchestrated through the global cult who is being controlled from the plasma level. That’s from where the masters are controlling the cult. The Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates characters are only gophers. When the MAM focuses all the attention only on the level of matter, they got you because you will never see where the real manipulation is starting out.
I then spoke about what can be done in terms of solutions for people who were jabbed. I describe what has been found by energy practitioners in Germany and Switzerland in regards to the spiritual implications of the jabs. I wrote a separate article on that here:
Michael interjects that the aura protects us and if it’s fragmented we are more susceptible to all types of attacks.
I agree with him and explain that the blueprint for our body is also in the aura and if the blueprint is altered or damaged, it will cause physical illness in the body. My very good friend and Pranic healer in Switzerland is constantly clearing out thousands of unauthorized energetic attachments from her jab patients.
I explain that intravenous chelation with EDTA, with the addition of Vitamin C and Plaquex is able to clear the blood from hydrogels and quantum dots. I explain that EDTA binds toxic metals as well. I explain the effects of Plaquex, which repairs cell membranes and mitochondrial membranes. It helps the body increase its antioxidant synthesis such as Glutathione and SOD. It reduces inflammation and the stickiness of platelets. It makes red blood cells more flexible to pass more easily through tight blood vessels. I explain a little history of this treatment that began in 1950ies Germany as a preventative for fatty embolism during orthopedic surgery. It was then discovered that it balances the blood lipids and removes plaque from blood vessels. It improves the function of many tissues including liver and kidney and it can bind foreign substances in the blood and cells. The other important treatment to add on is EBOO which is Extracorporal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation which also filters the blood through a dialysis filter besides adding oxygen and ozone. Ozone has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and improves the immune system. The most important part of EBOO is the dialysis filter as we believe it can filter out the hydrogels and quantum dots. I’m advising a clinic that will be opening shortly and I will coordinate the research hopefully in collaboration with Ricardo Delgado and Dr. Campra of La Quinta Columna to test the used filters for these substances. That will provide the evidence that the treatment combination works. As of yet, there is no standardized treatment program as we are in the realm of frontier medicine where many physicians do what they believe works best and I have been collecting information from such colleagues who are afraid to go public in order to combine their approaches and find the best solution.
Health Uncensored (@HealthUncensord) agrees that they want to remove spirituality from humanity. He adds that he has new information on the link between vaccination and autism and will be putting out two papers shortly which will be groundbreaking. Autism is a deletion of spirituality stuck in fight or flight.
Spiro wants to find out more about the treatment approaches I mentioned. He mentions Alex Jones on a show with Elon Musk and actually praising the brain chip when he also has been saying there is a war on our mind. He explains our whole system as our debt system of slavery is hindering us from reaching our full potential. The future of humanity is on the line. Energies, cycles are very important which the cult knows about. He recounts what David said a few years ago that we are in a window of great opportunity right now but also in a window of great danger. He suggests we prepare for any coming catastrophes, e.g. food security.
David refers back to what I said about the aura. We have a self-organizing field around the body which is electromagnetic. For example, breathing, digestion, blood circulating all happen without our conscious input. This self-organizing field is telling the level of matter, this really narrow band of frequency, how to organize itself. Therefore, anything that destabilizes that electromagnetic field, is going to affect the body and destabilize that. The extraordinary increase in technologically generated electromagnetism is fundamentally affecting that organizational field. The health implications of tinkering with this field are staggering. The self-replicating nanotechnology from the jabs is changing the nature of the magnetism of the body. In regards to magnetism, synchronicities are based on magnetism pulling in people, things and situations based on the perceptions that are impacting upon the nature of the magnetism you are putting out. Our perceptions are projected as frequencies as are our emotions. These two create vibrational magnetism, drawing to us situations, experiences, people that relate to what we are subconsciously putting out. Anything that messes with that, messes with our whole organization of our lives. If we put out frequencies that can attach us to these entities in the lower astral dimension, we become easier to possess. These entities find it easier to attach to our field. They can then start to influence our mood, thoughts and perceptions because the frequencies we are putting out thanks to these jabs are sympathetic to their frequency.
Jenny (@mommaleo) asks David how he would explain to people the nature of reality who we are.
David says that the bottom line of everything is: Who do you believe you are? What we believe, we perceive and what we perceive, we experience. If you believe that you’re just a little me and that the true I are the labels of a human life in this tiny band of frequency we call matter, you will be limited by your perception of self, your self-identity to that range of frequency. Then you will not be able to create a different life for yourself because you’re only operating on a tiny part of infinite potential. Why? Because that’s what you believe you are. If you reassess your self-identity from “I am a human, a human body” to “I am consciousness, I am an infinite expression of eternal consciousness on an eternal journey of exploring forever” that self-identity is a massive expansion of the perception of the I. You are now infinity. Your perception of self identity by definition connects you into the levels of reality that you are identifying with. If you expand your perception of self identity, you connect to expanded levels of reality. So then you don’t see yourself as a name, a race, a sex, a job and a life story, as that’s just an experience. As you expand you start tapping into levels way beyond the manipulated realm we are locked into currently in our human experience. You start tapping into levels of awareness that are not infringed upon by these lunatics and demonic entities. You are beyond them. And you start to see how it all fits together. The foundation of this conspiracy is all a control of perception and control of self-identity. The perception they want us to have is “you have no power, you are little me, you have to look to us, experts, politicians, authorities to tell you what to do. That’s the perception of self they want us to have. The escape from that doesn’t mean fighting them. It means re-evaluating our self-identity. If you are an expression of infinite awareness, not just conceptually but living it, then how can a bunch of prats like Gates and Schwab impact upon your life if you’re not in the frequency that they’re in? You can get caught at the censorship level or you can tap into these expanded levels of awareness, of knowledge and get it direct. The real revolution, the breaking down of this whole control system is to break out of its control of our perception and our self-identity. Everything changes from that.
I wrote the last paragraph as verbatim as possible as this is profound and really the solution everybody keeps asking about. It is up to each and every one of us to expand our perception of self and remove our self from the frequency range where they control us from.
This Substack is outstanding! May God shine his light on your investigation about this nanotechnology! Is there a more direct hyperlink to your interview with David. I am having a little trouble viewing the interview! Thanks! Bernie
The fight for truth and accountability goes on, and public figures such as yourself are doing a hero’s job of staying with it. Four years into the awful drama, with all that has already been revealed, almost no one I know has changed their mind on the subject, and most are still on board with it all. Considering all factors, it seems this episode will probably follow Pearl Harbor, JFK, 9/11, and UFOs into the loony bin category of permanent Conspiracy Theory. No matter how compelling the evidence. And so much irreparable damage has already been done.
We seem to be in some karmic sorting mechanism as a species. Passing through the Eye of the Needle is spiritual process. What new era will come after our current one remains to be seen.