EBOO: Extracorporal Oxygenation & Ozonation
And Blood Filtration for Detoxing (including what is in the blood from the jabs)
Dr. Brenden Cochran ND, myself and Angie Valdivieso (BSN)
EBOO: Extracorporal Oxygenation & Ozonation
The weekend before last I spent in Scottsdale, Arizona to learn about EBOO from Dr. Brenden Cochran ND of the HEROS group and get certified in its application. I learned the difference between the Stratos EBOO machine and other machines on the market which is hugely important to apply a safe treatment.
EBOO is a valuable tool in the arsenal of integrative, functional and alternative medicine tools for improving patient outcomes in various areas of chronic diseases, infections and toxicities.
One part of the EBOO tool is the application of medical ozone. In contrast to ozone used for disinfection for surfaces, medical ozone is not a disinfectant in the blood. This means it doesn’t sterilize the blood. It works by increasing the immune system. Ozone turns into Oxygen and Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and Lipid peroxides.
Approved indications for EBOO are chronic hepatitis and cardiovascular disease as it increases Nitrogen Oxide and improves vascular function. Proposed indications are removal of toxic metals, microplastics, biofilm, mycoplasma, Lyme disease and mycotoxins.
Personally, I believe that it might help remove Graphene Oxide and Hydrogels though we don’t have the lab evidence for this yet. In addition, it seems to remove clots, see photo below.
Ozone Dosage is Important
Medical ozone must be free of contaminants and is created by the machine out of pure oxygen from a medical oxygen tank. The ozone concentration is less than 5%, the rest is oxygen. The generator making ozone out of oxygen must be a medical ozone generator and the calibration for exact dosing of ozone must be precise as too much ozone has negative effects. Many machines put out way more or way less ozone than the regulator is set for. The Stratos EBOO is precisely calibrated and puts out either no Ozone when set to zero, 3.5 mcg per ml or maximum 7 mcg/ml. Anything above 7 mcg/ml will cause haemolysis. This means red blood cells will dissolve. This is the reason why some patients who are receiving too much ozone feel bad after a treatment. They are then told that this is a detox or Herxheimer reaction. There is no such thing as a detox reaction with ozone. This is actually a symptom of exceeding adaptive physiology (overcoming detox pathways or antioxidant buffering systems). The symptoms are caused by an overdose of ozone. The patient can check if too much ozone is applied. There is a waste container on every EBOO machine where fluids collect. If that fluid turns pink or yellow, it means the red blood cells are being destroyed by too much ozone. When this happens, the patient knows too much ozone is used and must inform the medical professional doing the treatment.
The concentration of Ozone is measured in mg/L or mcg/ml in EBOO. In other modalities it is measured as mcg/kg An older term used is Gamma. One Gamma is 1 mcg/ml (1 microgram per milliliter). The amount of ozone created from oxygen is regulated by voltage strength and flow. The faster the flow, the lower the concentration. If the concentration is too high, there is a burning sensation in the vein where the ozonated blood enters the body.
How different dosages are used for different effects:
1.     Low dose ozone at 1mcg/kg is used to increase the bodys’ antioxidant Glutathione.
2.     A medium dose is 2 mcg/kg which is used for neurological and cardiovascular issues.
3.     High doses of 5mcg/kg are used to stimulate the immune system.
Too high doses of ozone can cause haemolysis as described above with symptoms of fatigue, malaise. But it also over stimulates the immune system and can even cause autoimmune disease to worsen.
Good and Bad EBOO Machines
Some EBOO machines use parts that are not resistant to ozone such as silicone. This not only can cause leakage of ozone into the air but chemicals leaching into the blood from these parts as they are degraded. Severe reactions can happen because of this. The best materials to use that are ozone resistant are quartz glass, Kynar and Teflon. Metals, plastics, rubber, ceramics all break down and turn into toxins. Correctly built EBOO machines such as the Stratos need an ozone destruct area so it doesn’t leak out of the machine as inhaling ozone is destructive to lung tissue.
Practical Application
The practical application involves puncturing a good vein in each arm. From one arm blood is drawn out and passed through the filter where it is ozonated and oxygenated. Then it is returned into the other arm. The blood going back into the arm usually is a much brighter red than the blood coming out of the other arm due to the oxygen. If the color in the return line goes dark, it is a sign that too much ozone is being used.
A treatment lasts about 40 minutes to maximum one hour and can be done only once per week. If it’s applied longer than one hour, electrolytes begin to drop. A maximum of three Liters of blood is circulated in one hour. The maximum amount of blood outside the body at any one time is only 150 ml. Before treatment can begin, certain blood tests need to be done such as a blood cell count, chem screen and G6PD (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase).
The waste container which usually sits on the floor below the filter traps extracellular fluids because of inflammation. This is an indication that cell membrane repair with Plaquex should be done. The fluid should be clear. If it turns pink or yellow, it’s a sign of hemolysis due to overdosing ozone or that the filter is not made of ozone resistant materials.
Practicing on ourselves
EBOO should not be done in patients with a G6PD deficiency which is hereditary if ozone is used. EBOO without ozone, just with oxygen can be done though. This test is also a must before doing Vitamin C infusions over 10 grams, Hydrogen Peroxide and Methylene Blue infusions which should not be done in patients with a deficiency.
Sometimes G6PD is low after chemotherapy, which can normalize after a while.
Other contraindications are kidney disease, a Hemoglobin level below 10, platelet levels below 100, abnormal values of Potassium, Magnesium and other electrolytes. Other contraindications are a Heparin allergy, acute hemolytic anemia, PEG allergy as PEG is used in the manufacturing process of the filter. The filter is drained and flushed before the treatment, so no PEG should enter the blood stream.
Pregnancy, Intoxication, bleeding disorders are also contraindications. Children under 100 lbs can’t be treated and extreme caution should be used for adults under 100 lbs.
Optimal Preparation before getting EBOO
Hydrate with enough water, take a baby aspirin or Lumbrokinase to ease the blood flow. Sauna helps the veins pop out. One should eat within 2 hours before the treatment. There is no smoking on the treatment day as well as no alcohol consumption on the treatment day and the day after.
Findings in the Covid Jabbed Patients
In about 1 in 2000 patients clots are found in the tubing and filter.
Clots found in the tubing during EBOO
Laboratories have been asked to analyze these clots. One laboratory received a notice from a government agency forbidding them to analyze such clots. The other laboratory operators were afraid for their life and wouldn’t analyze them.
Besides clots, often called Calamari clots as they are not blood clots, microplastics are an issue as well. So far, no laboratory can analyze microplastics in blood. Tests were done to see if EBOO could eliminate microplastics from bottled water and it can. We can assume that the same is true for blood. Microplastics cause vascular damage, heart disease and hormone disruption.
Post Treatment
Usually, a short IV is added after the EBOO treatment is finished. This contains B-complex and B 12 vitamins. Depending on the clinic and the doctor, Epitalon, Thymus, Exosomes, PolyMVA and other items can be added.
In summary, EBOO should be strongly considered as  a vital part of  any patient suffering from chronic diseases such as mold toxicity, tick borne illness, and post covid vaccination injury. EBOO will play a vital role for detoxing patients from the Covid jabs which is the main focus of the clinic I am advising. But it has many other indications as mentioned earlier where it can be used as a stand - alone treatment or in combination with other treatments.
Myself with Angie Valdivieso BSN in her clinic in Scottsdale AZ gifting her two of my latest books.
That's awesome I can get EBOO here too. It's shocking that laboratory personnel are scared of the government and the paid off NGOs that enforce accreditation.
Then again from my experience not surprising.
JohnEllis.com has an E5 machine that does much of what you’re speaking on, but your machine sounds to be more refined for medical use, where his machine is more for water purification and energizing it! Litewater.com is a Russian based company that makes low diterium water at 5ppm, which really helps energize your mitochondria. Really enjoy your post and Plaquex. It has a very calming effect on me!