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In order to answer this question, we first need to bring in an explanation of these terms.
Twin Flames
According to hundreds of sources from astrologers, numerologists, psychics and many others, Twin Flames are two parts of a soul or divine spark that once were one but then separated, usually eons ago. Often, but not always, these two parts incarnate into lives at the same time, though very often with a time delay between the two. This is why there is often an age difference between them. Their meeting is arranged “by chance” or many say by forces outside the simulation. Both go through life experiences and grow to get them ready for their meeting. This is why Twin Flames often meet later in life. Synchronicities start to pop up in the lives of the twins that can lead them to the realization that they have a twin and are about to meet them. Synchronicities can be seeing recurring numbers such as 11:11, 333, 444, 555 but also events and information that are more than mere coincidences. These can be songs playing on the radio alarm clock with particular lyrics, an Email or two about the subject of Twin Flames; something that occurs in the life of both twins such as an ant bite both suffer from within weeks of each other or having a friend who also has a Twin Flame though Twin Flames are rare, and more such unexplainable occurrences. Often they feel each other though they have never met. This can happen because both are connected on the soul/Divine spark level outside the simulation.
Once Twin Flames meet, there is usually an instant recognition, a feeling of home and a strong attraction. Often both twins have a deep inner knowing that their purpose is to be of service to humanity, for example by helping in the awakening of others. Twin Flames mirror each other and thereby accelerate each other’s spiritual advancement or awakening. Twin Flames have shared many past lives and in-between lives which is why the familiarity is so strong when they meet. Both are connected and can feel each other’s emotions, even thoughts over large distances.
The Field of Truth Vibrations
The Field or rather fields are vibrational information fields that are all around us. We are influenced by these fields and we also have an influence on them. Dr. Rupert Sheldrake calls it the Morphogenetic field. These fields can explain the 100th monkey phenomenon which says that information put into the field for example by a group of monkeys on how to wash sand off potatoes before eating them is picked up by other monkeys on a far- away island who begin washing potatoes before eating them as well. It can also explain why we sometimes know someone we are close to will call us right before they do. We will get to the term Truth Vibrations shortly.
The Simulation
The term simulation I explained in one of the earlier Substacks. It’s the fake holographic reality projected from the lower astral level by demonic entities which our senses pick up and has play out in our brain.
Connecting the Terms
For a while now I have developed a frequent connection to what could be called “the field” or information sources outside the simulation by various tools such as shamanic journeying, going into heart space, connecting to my higher Self and soul to soul communication. I have received ample evidence that this is real and not made up in my mind by verifying answers I had received during such altered reality states with people who knew the answers to the questions.
While dozing one morning, not being fully awake, yet not being asleep either, I received insights in the form of images and messages that explained the connection of the terms in the title.
The visual images and concepts explained how the joining of Twin Flames will serve to elevate the overall vibration of the field and everybody connected to it and ultimately to bring down the simulation:
There are several fields in the simulated reality. One of them is coming from Prime Reality, outside the simulation. These are the Truth Vibrations. The other fields overlay this field and are part of the simulation. The field of Truth Vibrations coming from outside the simulation is sent in (from Source?) to help humanity awaken and raise its vibration as it is a higher vibration than the simulated fields. But this field of Truth Vibrations is still weak and most people are not connected to it and by this not connected through it to their higher Self outside the simulation.
Twin Flames are connected to that field and to their higher Selves, usually to each other’s higher Selves as well at the soul level. This is the reason they are able to feel each other over great distances. Once Twin Flames meet in person, they act like power stations or transformers within this field coming from outside the simulation, strengthening it. This in turn activates and strengthens the connections of Twin Flames not yet conscious of their role and their twin and it gets them to connect and strengthen the field even more. This will make the field so strong that regular people will and can entrain to it, thereby further strengthening it, leading to a higher vibration of everybody entraining to it. The more people connect to the Truth Vibration field, the less power is available to the simulation. Without the power the simulation zaps from us, it will cease to exist. This will ultimately get us out of the simulation and bring it down. I was even given the title for this article while still dozing.
I was also given the instruction to write about this insight. When I asked why, I was told that time is running out and the meeting of Twin Flames must accelerate due to the heightened dangers of WW3 since the Israel/Palestine situation was instigated by the ones not wanting their simulation to end. The faster this helping field of Truth Vibrations from outside the simulation is strengthened, the more people will connect and the higher the vibration will go and the less likely it will be that WW3 and other evil agendas can come to pass.
If you have been given ample hints from the Universe that you have a Twin Flame, expect to meet him or her soon. Twin Flames have a responsibility to follow their hearts and fulfill the mission they came here to undertake for the benefit of all divine sparks captured in the simulation. For most Twin Flames this involves more “Being” together rather than “Doing” together. It’s the “Beingness” that powers the field. This is not to say they shouldn’t continue doing what they have been doing if it’s serving humanity, but they need to take some time out just being.