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Many readers may have heard the concepts of our shadows, projections, the dark night of the soul and Egregores, but not everybody may truly understand what these concepts actually mean, be they on a personal level, and – more importantly- in the context of our current planetary situation, on the level of humanity. Let’s go through these concepts one by one.
The famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung identified the shadow as a psychological archetype. He said that archetypes represent society’s collective unconscious and they are in common with all humans of all cultures, throughout all times. One archetype is the Persona. It consists of typical behavioral patterns usually linked to a persons’ profession. It’s a mask. It’s how we portray ourselves in public. The function is to hide undesirable aspects of ourselves; we hide them even from ourselves and thus create our shadow.
The shadow is comprised of repressed thoughts, instincts, desires and weaknesses. It’s the part of ourselves we find unacceptable. The shadow qualities are the worst of humanity that we also share with humanity. The dark part of the shadow is what we consider as evil. An example of the dark side is portrayed in the second Star Wars movie where Luke Skywalker enters a cave on Yoda’s planet Dagobah and encounters and fights Darth Vader who isn’t really there but represents a projection of Luke’s shadow. The dark side has an immense power of seduction, apparent in its power when it made many German people follow Hitler.
But we also may have light shadows, the good part. These are qualities like generosity, creativity, empathy, confidence and leadership. We may see these qualities in other people. This means we project them onto other people but don’t realize that we too have these qualities as they are hidden in the shadow until we make them visible and realize them. We can uncover these through the negative (and positive) characteristics we project unto others. It’s vital for self-knowledge to discover our shadow and accept it.
The way to uncover our shadows is by observing our projections. When we constantly meet people with certain characteristics in our life, we need to analyze if they are serving as a mirror for us because we are projecting our shadow unto them. For example, if you keep encountering impatient people, it’s showing you your shadow. Hidden in the darkness is your own impatience. The way to heal the shadow is to realize it, accept it and to bring your light/love to it. Light dissolves the shadow. Shamans have a saying: “Nothing that needs to hide in the dark has any authentic power of its own”. Thus, bringing your shadow into consciousness, accepting it and illuminating it with your love will dissolve it.
The dark night of the soul is when the meaning of life one’s mind has had as a fixed concept thus far collapses. Nothing makes sense anymore and nothing has purpose. Often this state is triggered by some major external event such as the death of a loved one, the loss of all material things, e.g. by bankruptcy, divorce, disability after an accident, natural disaster or malicious government intervention. Symptoms include sadness, loss of orientation, emptiness, sleep disturbances, and no joy in anything anymore. The dark night of the soul can be the greatest gift in life, disguised as the worst nightmare because once one comes through this darkness one emerges with a different consciousness. Life takes on a new meaning; one is reborn with an aliveness not known before. Priorities shift often to living a more spiritual life. The Ferrari one lost no longer has the same meaning as before. People feel much more connected to spirit, the Oneness. It’s a kind of death of the ego and a rebirth. People then often look back and are grateful they went through the dark night in order to bring about a spiritual awakening. I went through a brutal dark night of the soul a few times involving losing everything and then becoming very ill. I emerged on the other side with an expanded perspective and began to walk the path I came here for. I wouldn’t want to miss this for anything in the world. It reconnected me to my higher self, and led me to learn shamanic practices and Reconnective healing that ultimately let me find my purpose in life, feeling connected to spirit, the oneness of all that is. This comes with an unshakable knowingness about issues, events, relationships and outcomes and it brings about many synchronicities that illuminate the path forward. I know in my heart that we will come out of this darkness and ultimately transform ourselves and our planet into a wonderful place of freedom, justice, joy and abundance. If you’re reading this, you can rest assured that you are here for a purpose at this time. Take the time, go within, connect with your heart and you shall find it. At the end of this article you can find a short instruction on how to go into heart space.
An Egregore is an autonomous psychic entity with no independent existence. It comes about by a collective group of people holding certain beliefs and giving it power through their emotions triggered by their beliefs. It’s also given power of existence by the group’s devotion, rituals and sacrifices. Fear is a major fuel source for Egregores. If the people give it enough of these, it takes on a life of its own and will do everything possible to continue receiving power by the people. They act like a parasite, a mind virus or Wetiko, a term used by the Cree Indian tribe and explained by Mark Levy and David Icke. Mark Stavish wrote a detailed book about Egregores (ISBN 978-1-62055-577-4) explaining how they come about, how to identify them and free oneself from them.
When we look at our current planetary situation, we can identify the mirror being held up to humanity as the psychopathic evil people – the cult- running things on the planet. We project our collective shadows onto them. To heal our shadows, we need to become aware of these shadows, accept them as belonging to us and bring our love to them in order to dissolve them. We are also going through a collective dark night of the soul triggered by the trauma of the past three years since 2020. Some of us have come through it already and have begun awakening. They are finding renewed purpose in their life which is not the accumulation of material things, but to be of service and helping the awakening, evolutionary process that is happening now. They are little islands of light all around Earth, finding each other, working together, finding new ways of living a heart based life. A larger part of humanity is still in the dark night of the soul though suffering from the loss of all meaning in life their mind has had so far. This is a collective that is maintaining and giving power to the evil cult (mostly without realizing it). It’s like they are maintaining an Egregore with their beliefs, fears, sadness, devotion and obedience. The cult’s sustenance is low vibrational emotions, above all fear. This is why they create fear, but also misery and sadness. There is only one power that can dissolve these emotions and take away their sustenance: unconditional love.
We can assist our fellow humans who are still in the dark night of the soul by having unconditional love for them. This doesn’t mean we have to accept inappropriate behavior or their actions. We can still have unconditional love for them though. As the word says, it’s unconditional love. This means our love is not based on certain conditions. It’s not easy for many to imagine having love for someone who is mean to us and others. But we all come from one source. We’re all connected through one consciousness. When we meet others, we are just meeting the same consciousness in a different body than ours.
In order to get out of the darkness they need time to reflect on their life. If we know someone going through it, we can maybe take some chores of their hands so they have more time for reflection. We can suggest or teach them to look upon worrying situations with a different kind of energy. This alone can bring about a change of the situation to one that is easier to deal with. Most of all, we can lead by example. In order to get weed out of the garden, we all need to weed our own gardens first. We can take the first step of developing purity, goodness, and virtue through observing the precepts of right action, right speech, and right livelihood. We can be of service, speak softly, let our light and love shine. The more of us come through the dark night of the soul and begin living a life in a state of unconditional love, the faster the cult Egregore will dissolve.
I have come to insider knowledge recently by somebody who was in a cult family. This person explained that the top level of the cult people have a very highly developed consciousness including abilities such as telepathy which stays with them until their “Karma runs out” due to the evil deeds they commit. This evil – often called the devil- has the same abilities as creator, except for actually creating. They can distort creation and they take great pleasure in destroying creation. The only power they can’t stand up to is unconditional love. If enough of us learn to live a life in a state of this love, the cult will dissolve.
As David Icke has been saying, we don’t need to find solutions, but remove the cause of the problem. This is also the way I practiced medicine. It was never about battling symptoms, but finding the cause of them and removing it. The cause of our current situation ultimately is the absence of love. Love dissolves our shadows, love helps us emerge from the dark night of the soul, and love dissolves the Egregore, the cult. So let’s love each other!
How to go into Heart Space
Find a quiet comfortable place for you. Close your eyes and do the following breathing practice to calm your mind, your body and emotions:
Breathe in to a count of 4, hold to a count of 2-4 (whatever is comfortable for you), breathe out to a count of 4 and hold to a count of 2-4. Repeat this for a couple of minutes. This resets your fight or flight system and tells your body you are safe.
Focus on your heart. It helps to lightly touch your heart area. Then conjure up positive emotions such as gratitude. We all have something to be grateful for. This will connect you to Oneness through your heart. Feel the expansive love coming through you.
In this space you can also ask your heart questions. Answers will be quick and short and don’t involve ifs and buts and other mind chatter. Answers from the heart are true and feel expansive.
You can also visualize what you want to manifest in your life in this state of connection and thus give it more power.
I want to thank Gregg Braden and the Heart Math Institute for teaching this technique.