Natural Treatments for Covid „Vaccine“ Injuries
Part 1: Removing the Offending Toxins from the Body
In the last article we looked at known ingredients in the fake vaccines and how they cause death and disability showing the various organ systems they affect. Treatments must consist of three steps to help the vaccinated on the path of recovery:
- Detox the offending ingredients
- Restore basic elements the body needs to function
- Repair damaged tissues.
Today we look at ways to take out the toxins from the body. In future articles we will look at what can be used to restore basic elements the body needs to function properly and organ specific treatments to repair damaged tissues.
We need to eliminate the offending ingredients, mainly the “spike” proteins, Graphene, toxic metals and Hydrogels (LNP). I put “Spike” proteins in quotation marks, as there is no evidence a virus ever existed. Therefore the spike protein is NOT the outer shell of the virus. Nevertheless it seems that mRNA is coding for some type of protein that is protruding from cells that are then destroyed by the immune system.
To bind and eliminate the offending ingredients doctors use a combination of Phosphatidylcholine infusions (see Plaquex article in the last Substack), EDTA infusions and Extracorporal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation EBOO. In addition they use Nattokinase and Bromelain to break down the “Spike” protein.
Phosphatidylcholine (PC) aka Plaquex®
I have posted an article on Plaquex® going into more detail. Here is just a short summary of what it is and how it works. PC a particular type of phosphatidylcholine of the phospholipid family. It has a water soluble part, which is choline and two fatty acid chains which are fat soluble.
Phosphatidylcholine molecule. Water soluble Choline at the top and two fat soluble fatty acid chains on the bottom.
It builds all cell membranes and membranes of cell organelles such as the mitochondria and nucleus. The cell membrane consists of two layers of phosphatidylcholine that are inverted to each other. The water soluble part is on the outside and the inside of the cell and the fat soluble fatty acid chains mirror each other inside the membrane. Embedded and floating within these PC molecules are structural proteins, cholesterol as well as membrane receptors and electrolyte channels. A healthy cell membrane and mitochondrial membrane are paramount to good health.
It’s important to use Phosphatidylcholine that has unsaturated fatty acid chains. This makes cell membranes flexible and improves the overall function of the membrane as well as membrane bound receptors and electrolyte channels.
Phosphatidylcholine can also form lipid bubbles to take up foreign substances from inside the cells1 and eliminate them through the liver. It thus not only builds and repairs cell membranes and organelle membranes, but also binds toxins. But it has many other valuable properties as well. It has anti-inflammatory effects2 by inhibiting inflammatory cytokines and it has anti-oxidant3-6 effects by helping the body increase the synthesis of its two most powerful antioxidants: Glutathione and Sodium Oxide Dismutase SOD.
Immune cells require Phosphatidylcholine with unsaturated fatty acid chains in their cell membranes in order to activate7. If immune cells’ membranes mostly consist of PC with saturated fatty acid chains, they don’t activate. The unsaturated fatty acid chains in PC incorporated into membranes of blood platelets reduces their tendency to stick together too much8. In cell membranes of red blood cells it makes them more flexible so they can pass more easily through tight blood vessels. It thus increases the flow properties of blood.
As phosphatidylcholine is at its core a membrane therapeutic, it has many useful indications besides binding toxins inside of cells. It has famous mainly because it removes plaque from clogged blood vessels. Patients with liver and kidney disease see improvement in liver and kidney function including a reduction of fatty liver disease and even cirrhosis. It brings about cognitive improvement in patients with dementia, improves the state of diabetes, it improves mitochondrial function by repairing the membrane in damaged mitochondria and it is effective in ulcerative colitis and other GI issues. It improves skin conditions such as Psoriasis.
Dr. Ana-Maria Mihalcea MD, PhD just provided the proof with before and after dark field microscopy that Plaquex® is able to normalize red blood cells that were under oxidative stress with spiky membranes and unstick them. See here:®-effects-on-live-blood-oxidative?publication_id=956088&post_id=137227635&isFreemail=false&r=1sq8ta
Doctors use the particular kind of Phosphatidylcholine found in Plaquex® to mobilize the foreign ingredients from the shots and get them out of the cells. It is given preferably by infusion lasting 1-1.5 hours right before doing EBOO (see below).
A very important point is that Plaquex®® and the German Phosphatidylcholine made by the Viktoria Apotheke in Saarbrücken, contain a very particular kind of phosphatidylcholine in order to be effective. There are many other kinds of phosphatidylcholine and most products contain the wrong type or an insufficient concentration of it.
EDTA Chelation Therapy
EDTA is a chelator with the capacity to bind toxic metals and Graphene. Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea has shown with before and after dark field microscopy that EDTA also removes the hydrogels and reverses the Rouleau effect of red blood cells. They begin to flow freely again. She just launched a community website where doctors and patients can share information on treatments:
Each EDTA molecule has four free binding sites. It gets excreted through the kidneys and thus eliminates toxic metals, Graphene and Hydrogels through the kidneys. This treatment is called Chelation therapy and has been used to bind toxic metals and counteract snake bites for at least a century. There are two kinds of EDTA products. There is Calcium EDTA which is used to bind and eliminate toxic metals and there is Sodium EDTA which is used to treat atherosclerosis. The Calcium EDTA is the one that needs to be used for treating “vaccine” injuries. EDTA also takes out essential minerals which must be replaced. As the EDTA and the bound toxins are eliminated through the kidneys, careful checks must be done of the kidney function as the toxic metals can damage the kidneys. Chelation is done by infusions that last anywhere from 2.5 -3.5 hours depending on the EDTA dosage and kidney function.
There are oral, topical and rectal EDTA products available but each product has different absorption rates and the final levels in blood are pretty much unknown. If such products are used without medical supervision, regular blood tests for Creatinine and Urea are important to check kidney function and essential minerals must be replaced by supplementation.
EBOO (Extracorporal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation)
This is an advanced form of intravenous ozone therapy. Regular ozone therapy has been used for many decades to treat and oxygenate tissues with restricted blood flow, eg. in patients with clogged arteries, to enhance the immune system and kill off germs. EBOO takes blood from one arm, runs it through a filter to take out the toxic gunk and then passes it through a machine that adds ozone and oxygen and then reinfuses it into the other arm. It not only provides oxygen to the body but also eliminates the toxins bound by Phosphatidylcholine given beforehand. It has anti-inflammatory effects, stimulates the immune response to germs and increases the utilization of oxygen within cells9-10. The filtering is a most important step in EBOO as it filters out proteins, hydrogels, Graphene and heavy metals. It also takes out cell debris and endotoxins. About one third of the entire blood supply in the body is thus cleaned in one sitting of 50 minutes. EBOO also has anti-inflammatory effects and is useful with chronic pain conditions. In summary EBOO:
Boosts the immune system
Improves energy
Decreases chronic pain
Improves cognitive function
Decreases inflammation
Detoxifies the body
Inactivates bacteria, yeast, parasites, fungi, and protozoa
Promotes healing or faster recovery from wounds, surgery, trauma, infections, intoxication
Pranic Healing
I wrote extensively about the spiritual implications of the Covid shots and the abilities of Pranic healing to clear the energies associated with these shots in prior posts. (See and
This energy healing method clears out the energies associated with these shots and serves as spiritual, energetic detox which is just as important as the physical detox methods.
Nothing in this post should be interpreted as medical advice. I urge readers to seek the guidance of experienced physicians before embarking on any treatment.
Plaquex® clinics can be found on www.Plaquex®.com and . (Go to Arztsuche and then use the Filter “CRT” to find doctors doing infusions and not just using it for aesthetic reasons).
Plaquex®® Oral soft gels are available from In Central Europe a product called Memphosan® can be found here
EDTA Chelation clinics can be found on the websites of the following integrative medical associations in the US and Germany:,, and in Central Europe on
Liposomal EDTA in liquid form is made by Quicksilver Scientific, available through
EDTA cream is available from
EBOO and Ozone clinics can be found:
World Federation of Ozone Therapy:
Ozone Without Borders :
European Cooperation of the Medical Ozone Societies -
Germany - German Medical Society for Ozone Application in Prevention and Therapy -
Austria - Austrian Mutual Interest Association of Ozone/Oxygen Therapists -
Spain - Spanish Association of medical professionals in ozone (Aepromo)
Spain - Spanish Scientific Association for the application of oxygen-Ozone Spain - Sociedad Española de exceed (observation)-
Greece - Greek Scientific Association of Oxygen – Ozone Therapy -
Italy - Italian Federation of oxygen-Ozone
Italy - (S.I.O.O.T.) -
Romania - Association " S.S.R.O.O.T."-Romanian scientific society of oxygen ozono therapy-
RUSSIA - Russian Association of Ozone Therapy -
Switzerland - The Swiss Medical Society for Ozone and Oxygen Therapy Methods (SAGOS) -
Turkey - English Ozone Association (Medical Ozone Oxygen Association) (Modern)
Turkey - Medical Ozone Therapy (Medical Ozone Therapy Association) (Motder)
Ukraine -Ukrainian Association of Ozone Therapy -
Medical Ozone Society of the Americas -
Argentina - Argentine Medical Association of oxygen
Argentina - Inter-American Science society of
Brazil - Brazilian Association of ozonioterapia (Aboz)
Cuba - Ozone Research Centre in
Ecuador - ecuadorian society of ozone-
United States of America - American Association of Ozone
Mexico - Mexican Association of Ozone AC (Amozon)-
Venezuela-Venezuelan society of ozone-
Venezuela - Venezuelan Association of medical professionals in ozone-
Venezuela - Venezuelan Association of oxygen-Ozone Therapy (Aveot)
Asian-European Association of Ozone Therapists -
Philipines - Society of Ozone and Photonic Medicine (SOPMED) -
China – China Federation of Ozone Therapy (CFOT) -
India- Ozone Forum of India -
Japan - Japanese Society of Oxidative Medicine -
South Africa - Ozone Association of Southern Africa (OASA)
Egypt – The Egyptian medical society for ozone Therapy & Complementary medicine (EMSOTCM) -
New Zealand- Ozone Therapy Association of New Zealand (OTANZ)
EBOO clinics in India, Indonesia and the Philippines:
Pranic Healing
Melanie Straub:
Experienced and well trained Associated- and Certified Pranic Healers (World Pranic Healing Foundation) work in over 130 countries worldwide. Search for Pranic Healing and your country name and you’ll come to the official websites where you are able to find a good Pranic Healing Practitioner in your area.
2. Meijuan Cheng, Hongying Pan, Yining Dai, Jiajie Zhang, Yongxi Tong, Yicheng Huang, Mingshan Wang & Haijun Huang (2018) Phosphatidylcholine regulates NF-κB activation in attenuation of LPS-induced inflammation: evidence from in vitro study, Animal Cells and Systems, 22:1, 7-14, DOI: 10.1080/19768354.2017.1405072
3. Intensive Care Med. 2004 Oct;30(10):1974-8. Epub 2004 Mar 26. Effects of polyenylphosphatidylcholine on cytokines, nitrite/nitrate levels, antioxidant activity and lipid peroxidation in rats with sepsis. Demirbilek S, Ersoy MO, Demirbilek S, Karaman A, Akin M, Bayraktar M, Bayraktar N.
4. J Pediatr Surg. 2004 Jan;39(1):57-62. Protective effect of polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholine pretreatment on stress ulcer formation in rats. Demirbilek S, Gürses I, Sezgin N, Karaman A, Gürbüz N.
5. DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-0277.1997.tb03776.x Polyenylphosphatidylcholine Decreases Alcohol-Induced Oxidative Stress in the Baboon. Charles S. Lieber*, Maria A. Leo, Semyon I. Aleynik, Maria K. Aleynik, Leonore M. DeCarli
6. Fuji, S. , T. Okuda, T. Imgawa: Effect of Phosphatidylcholine (EPL) on experimentally injured liver disturbances Shikoku Acta med. 30 (1974) 76-85
7. Allen HB, Boles J, Morales D, Ballal S, Joshi SG (2016) Arteriosclerosis: The Novel Finding of Biofilms and Innate Immune System Activity within the Plaques. J Med Surg Pathol 1:135.doi: 10.4172/jmsp.1000121
8. Almazov, V.A. et al. Effects of Lipostabil on blood lipids, platelet function and macrophage function in patients with ischaemic heart disease. Lipostabil Symposium Moscow, Nov 1984