New Beginnings
Eliminate worry & fear, bring more gratitude and love into your life by being prepared
Exchanging New Year’s wishes the last few days I have heard and read from so many people that they expect 2024 to be a bad year. Do we really want to give our thoughts, beliefs and emotional power to such expectations? The Law of Attraction then cannot bring us anything other but what we expect and empower. Many have forgotten who we really are. We are emanations of All that Is, Creator, Source, Oneness, God, the Original Field of unconditional Love and we have creator powers but we have not been using them consciously nor wisely.
As David Icke keeps saying, we need not find a solution but remove the cause of the problem which is the absence of love. If we want to create a good 2024 we need to change our thoughts, beliefs and put positive emotions into it. The problem for many with this though is that we keep hearing and reading about what the dark side has planned for us from World War 3, nuclear strikes, crashing of the financial system, power outages, shortages of food and other supplies, made up or real plandemics and so much more.
So how can we bring more love into our life and to our world and thus remove the cause of the problem when we are in constant worry and fear? In order to bring ourselves into a state of higher emotional vibrations we need to stop or at least massively reduce the worry and fear of what might happen. A good way to do this is to get prepared for most eventualities as best we can. Once you are prepared as best as you can be, you can stop worrying and focus on visualizing the good stuff and being more in a state of love.
Therefore I will focus on getting prepared in my next few posts as I have been delving deeply into this subject not only during the past four years but actually growing up with that mind set. I grew up in Switzerland. My grandmother and my mother went through World War 2 with food rationing and later the cold war with the impending threat of an invasion from the East. Every Swiss home at the time was built with a bomb shelter. My mother used ours as a pantry to store food reserves. Back then the Swiss government recommended how many liters of cooking oil, how many kilograms of sugar, flour and other staples should be stored per person. Thus prepping with food reserves was ingrained into me since childhood. This post is about food security. Future posts will go into securing independent energy sources, diversifying financial assets, health preparedness and defense.
Let’s delve into the subject of storing food reserves
There are ready to eat emergency preparedness meals that can be bought. Most of them though are not organic and many don’t provide enough calories for an adult and who knows what they taste like. They are also quite expensive. In my opinion it’s better to store actual food staples you can use to prepare your own menu to your taste. Be sure to get as much of it from organic sources as possible. Resources in the USA are listed at the end of this article.
Foods that store well:
Flour and wheat berries, Baking powder, dry yeast
Corn meal and dried corn kernels
Oats and Oatmeal
Cereals (eg. corn flakes, rice crispies)
Dry beans (eg. Navy, Kidney, red central American, black Cuban, Pinto)
Potato flakes for mashed potatoes (eg. Shiloh Farms – organic, Honest Earth –Not organic)
Hash brown (dried, eg. Idaho Spuds)
Dried mushrooms
Powdered Milk, Cream, Sour Cream, Butter, Eggs
Dried fruit and vegetables
Canned butter and cheese
Canned vegetables and fruit
Canned soup, soup in carton (eg. Pacific Foods, Imagine)
Canned fish (eg. Tuna, Salmon)
Canned chicken
Canned tomatoes
Roasted peppers in glass
Tomato (pasta) sauces in glass
Olive oil
Condiments, dried herbs, mustard
Coffee beans, Tea, Chocolate milk powder
Jam, Honey, Maple Syrup, Sugar
Regarding expiration dates, never throw something out without inspecting it first visually, with your nose and ultimately tasting it. I found over the decades that most shelf stable foods are still very edible a few years past the official expiration date.
Storing food has to be done right. Anything in a can, glass jar and hard plastic container can be stored as is in a cool dry place.
Everything packaged in paper, thin cardboard, cellophane, plastic bag must be stored in a bucket with a gamma seal lid or bugs will start eating it. For powdered and canned dairy, cookies and chocolate it’s best to keep them in a refrigerator as it will slow done the process of the fats becoming rancid. When storing bulk flour, corn meal, wheat berries in a bucket you need to fill the contents into a food grade plastic or Mylar bag first, add a few oxygen absorber packs and then immediately close the bag as air tight as possible. Then put the bag in a bucket with a gamma seal lid.
A ground rule for storing food: FIFO, First In - First Out & Store what you eat and eat what you store
This means, the oldest foods need to be used first, so shelve them in front on shelves. Newer foods with longer expiration dates are shelved in the back. Another rule is store what you eat and eat what you store. This can be difficult as some may not consume many starchy foods such as grains in daily life. However for a longer lasting emergency, one will have to change the dietary habits to what is available.
Oxygen Absorbers
What size and how many to use: in a 5 Gallon Bucket with flour, sugar, powdered milk & similar: Use 700 to 800 CC. For wheat, rice, grains, seeds & similar: Use 800 to 900 CC and for beans, large seeds, pasta & similar: Use 1000 to 1200 CC.
You don't need to match the CC volume of left over air in a container, just the CC volume of the actual oxygen in the air. Oxygen makes up about 21% of air. So 400 CCs of air has about 84 CCs of oxygen so a 100 CC capacity oxygen absorber would do the job. When in doubt, use a little more to be on the safe side. It’s a bit tricky to add oxygen absorbers as they heat up very fast once they are exposed to air. Once you open the vacuum pack they come in, you need to be fast in distributing them into your bags in buckets and closing them up. Immediately put the left over absorbers into a vacuum bag. You will need a way to vacuum seal them.
If you live in a hot climate, you will need a back-up portable air conditioning unit in your storage room to keep the food cool to prevent premature spoilage in case there is no power to run a whole house AC unit. This also means the room will have to have a window so hot air can be expelled by the AC unit. I will write about back-up power supply in another post.
Fresh food
In order to have a nutritious balanced diet, fresh foods are essential to have in addition to stored foods, particularly in long term situations.
You can create a vegetable garden and/or use a hydroponic system. If you live in a home with a garden, you can build planting boxes with 8 foot long and 2x12 inch wood planks. You need three planks. Saw one of them in half, then screw them together at the ends and fill with planting soil. You can either buy soil for growing vegetables in bags from Home Depot or find a garden supply center that can deliver planting soil in a truckload. This means you’ll have to have a way to shovel and transport it to the planter boxes. I had metal hurricane shutter panels I no longer needed and used these as well to build planters.
If you live in an apartment, you can find a community garden project and you can plant some vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, carrots, onions, turnips, rutabagas, kohlrabi, cabbage, fennel, potatoes in large pots on a balcony if you have one. You can also build and install a hydroponic system out of PVC tubes or build a wood box, lined with a water proof vinyl liner, fill it with water and top it with a styrofoam topper into which you cut round holes to hold the planters. You add special liquid fertilizer solution for hydroponics to the water.
Other sources of fresh food are fruit trees and fruit on bushes such as berries. The latter can be planted in large pots on a balcony. As I have a large garden, I planted Bananas, Avocado, Citrus, Mango, Papaya, Figs, Olives and I have a coconut palm tree.
Fresh protein can be meat stored in a freezer that you can purchase from small farms. But you will need a back-up power supply to power the freezer(s). If you have a large enough garden, you can keep chickens. If you only want eggs, you don’t need a rooster. As a rule you get one egg per chicken per day as long as they are younger than 3-4 years old. They are quiet and very easy to keep. You can build or buy a chicken coop, fence in a parcel of grass large enough for them to roam and dig for worms.
It would go too far in this post to write about how to grow vegetables. I may go into it in one of my next posts. I hope some of this information is useful to you for your preparedness planning. Having a working back-up for food security takes a lot of worry and fear out of your life so you can use that feeling of relief and gratitude to get yourself into a higher vibrational state, working up towards unconditional love.
Resources :
Buckets and Gamma Seal Lids
Organic wheat berries
Canned butter and cheddar
Canned meat
Hand operated mills
Oxygen Absorbers
Canning equipment, dehydrators and much more
Organic potato flakes
Organic beans, lentils
Organic grains
Organic dried fruit
Organic flour
Organic cereals and much more
Dried organic dairy
Dried organic fruit
Dehydrated foods
Organic grains and cereals and much more or
Organic Lundberg rice brand and much more
Organic bulk rice, grains
Organic bulk rice
Some organic grains
Oxygen absorbers
Grass fed, organic meat
Grass fed, organic meat
Organic olive oil: Costco,
It’s nice to find other MDs who explore this spiritual territory. I think your preparations are a good idea!
Happy New Year!
“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win,” -- Sun Tzu.