Here we go again: The below linked Medscape article is telling physicians that they need to look out for bird flu in their patients with nose, throat and eye swabs which is guessed it…….PCR (non) test in patients with wide, varied symptoms that could be anything.
Note that a professor of VACCINOLOGY is being rolled out as an expert on bird flu: "It's a bad situation," said Florian Krammer, PhD, professor of vaccinology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York. "Globally, we've seen tons of exposure in cities around the world and even in the birds here in New York City where I am."
Will we be fooled again? It's time to stop round two of testing, jabs, lock downs, masks before it goes any further. It is NOT a virus killing birds. It's EMF, toxins in air and water (and wind mills).
They count on our short memories. The zombies will fall for it.
Surely, people won’t fall for this scam again.