Tonight, Friday the 13th Edward Loose is hosting a live spaces on Twitter X to discuss the death of famous body German builder Jo Lindner who passed away in his late twenties in Bangkok. Join me and my friend Bart, who owns the largest gym in Bangkok where Jo Lindner trained to find out what killed Jo.
The media blamed his death on steroids, but they didn’t cause his death. He was forced to get the Covid jab four times in order to travel which was necessary for his job. Find out the real story tonight at midnight UK time, 7 pm EST and 6 am Bangkok time:
Spaces Live Audio And Winning The Game
This is a live audio revolution
Sep 13, 2024
In a few hours I will host a Space with Professor Anita Baxas
and the friend of a famous bodybuilder who died from what we expect to be the Covid Injection .
Within this moment we now have a chance to win the battle against the people that did this to us and were behind Covid and put us against each other whilst poisoning the majority .
Live Spoken Audio gives us a chance to beat the oligarchs and power brokers by creating a spoken network that ultimately puts the powerful on the spot and at the mercy of questioning from the public .
Live media for the common person has never been available before Twitter Spaces ( powered by WebRTC Protocol ) until now .
With this platform we currently have a chance to discuss and network in real time with only the 24 hours of each day and 365 days of every year standing between us and a new world system .
I have created a template below for a New System which will beat the old elite . It is reliant on live conversation and treating people with respect :
-No Euphemisms
-Public Algorithms
-P2P Audio ( Peer To Peer Audio ) Like Twitter Spaces
One more thing - Twitter can and I expect will be taken down and turned off at some point perhaps when we are closest and need it the most . A true P2P Audio System is needed that does not rely on Twitter . Ideally a network of spoken conversation can be created that no one person or group of people can turn off . The dream would be a walkie-talkie of blockchain , an uncensorable good quality audio network no one can cancel but everyone can listen to with everyone working together to get key people in front of the microphone and on the stage . But for now Twitter Spaces is the closest thing we have to a revolution and we need to use it live .
Spoken Conversation Is The New Written Word
Subscribe to A Live Audio Revolution = Tip Of The Spear
By Edward Loose · Launched an hour ago
Save The World With Live Spoken Audio
Why do we always have to overcome the lies, obfuscation, and repeat of lies as if the truth?
That is defense. Offense would be a direct track to gains in this fight for humanity.
Just voicing my personal battles as I’m in this fight for the truth. The programming is intense. I’m the one put in the wrong by above. Words matter and this alone is a battlefield. Very frustrating that self evident truths are being matracized as if programming of individuals is beyond hope. Are we already fighting a battle lost?
In his last interview he mentioned white plots in his blood vessels.....