Viruses exist, no they don’t. The vax is good, no, absolutely not. The earth is round, no, it’s flat. Trump will fix it, no he won’t. Jesus is the only answer, no he’s not. On and on it goes with humans haggling with each other about what belief system is correct. We all have a right to our opinions and beliefs of course. Maybe it would be to our advantage though if we questioned our beliefs a bit more. One problem is the imprecision of our language. What exactly does “belief” mean? Is it merely an opinion? Where does our belief come from? Was it instilled in us by our parents, grandparents, teachers, the media? What evidence is a belief based on? Does this evidence stand up to scrutiny?
In most cases, a belief is based on something we have always heard throughout our life. It was instilled while we were children where it entered directly into our subconscious mind during a time when our minds were not developed yet to scrutinize what we let in. We usually never questioned it. It is high time that we do question our beliefs if we want to open our minds to new information in order to find the truth of anything. The truth is the truth and cannot cause discord among people if everyone can see the truth plainly without preconceptions.
Beliefs build a box around our mind that prevents us from asking questions that may shatter our belief system. It also prevents us from taking in and looking at new information and accepting new evidence for the same reason. This is why the scientific method, when done right, posits a hypothesis and then invites others to question it down to its proverbial underwear to see if the hypothesis stands up to scrutiny. If not, a new hypothesis may be found which again will be questioned. This is how scientific understanding can move forward and come closer and closer to the truth.
But this doesn’t only apply to science. In every area of life, we need to question our beliefs in order to be able and move forward in our understanding of a situation, our life, our world. Only an open mind that isn’t married to an ingrained belief system can move forward and accept new evidence. Only an open mind can ask critical questions in any situation. For example, a Trump supporter may not want to ask questions that may bring about answers that could lead to evidence the supporter doesn’t want to hear because of a belief that Trump is the only answer to the current problems. Nevertheless, it would be important to know the truth before making any decision on voting. The same is true for Biden supporters or supporters of any politician. The same is true for religious beliefs. A catholic in a mindbox will not want to see or hear evidence about the true nature and history of the catholic church, the pedophilia, the satanic symbolism and the blood thirsty history and thus will never see what has been going on and how religion has been used to divide the human population. The same is true for “sides” in a war. Supporters of one country won’t want to see that this particular country is committing massive war crimes against the civilian population of the other country because their mindbox won’t let them see it. Their belief system tells them it’s not possible that the country they support is capable of committing such atrocities.
Many people still live inside a mindbox that prevents them from seeing what the Covid jabs are doing. They can’t see the evidence that their government has committed crimes against humanity and had them take injections that are killing millions and maiming billions worldwide. They can’t see that they have been lied to on a massive scale. They can’t see the evidence that the jabs are designed to create an artificial neural network with the potential of turning humans into mindless drones, controlled by low orbit satellites. Right here we have another divide and rule going on with people bickering about Elon Musk’s role in the agenda. Musk supporters believe he’s on humanity’s side, blind to all the things he’s doing that serve the agenda because they are in a mindbox that tells them he is a savior, a good guy when the evidence shows that this isn’t the case.
Being able to dissolve our mindboxes is vital to not only our individual survival but to the survival of the human species. It’s vital to stop being pitted against others to divide us and prevent us from coming together to stop this agenda of total human control.
How do we dissolve our mindboxes? By asking critical questions about where our beliefs come from. We need to distance ourselves from our automatic beliefs and become a neutral observer, calmly analyzing the origin of our beliefs, the evidence that may or may not support our beliefs, the origin of the evidence. In most cases there is no evidence, just hear say from the time we were children. Mindfulness can help us catch ourselves being stuck in a mindbox. For example, when we read or hear something we may find ourselves immediately reacting with “I don’t believe that”. It’s perfectly fine not believing something upon first hearing or reading about it. But the “I don’t believe that” reaction can be a mindbox in itself closing us off to seeing any evidence that may prove that to be so. When we catch ourselves saying or thinking “I don’t believe that”, we can add, “OK, but I’m open to seeing and examining the evidence and changing my mind if the evidence stands up to scrutiny”.
It’s up to everyone to begin recognizing our mindboxes and questioning their origin and then dissolving them.
There’s currently a belief divide about how we ‘treat’ the nano tech in our blood/bodies. I’ve found it very confusing and frustrating because it’s such an important issue about our survival.
We need to come together and look and learn about all possibilities without judgement.
"The obstacle is my attachment to a container,
Made spontaneously for each moment." (From a recent unpublished poem).
It isn't only the beliefs we carry for years, but the habit of needing a container to feel secure.
"This need is a condition challenging me
To leave the habit of container-making
So nothingness remains..."
In a moment of having no beliefs, empty, we can know the truth.