Whenever an article is posted on social media, Twitter/X for example, that warns what direction the cult agenda is pushing the world and humanity into, someone will inevitably criticize that no solution is offered with the warning. Usually there is a suggestion that the writer of the post does something about it. That is the mentality of looking for someone to solve the problem, tell people what to do. It’s the mentality of searching for a leader, a hero one can follow and worship. This is exactly what has been creating our current predicament for the past few thousand years. The role of leaders and heroes was easily filled by people who were put in place by the cult to further the agenda while at the same time sweet talking the masses that they would solve the problems and fight against the cult/deep state. No one person is the solution. That is what everybody is looking for, someone to solve it for them, which is exactly what brought us to this point.
As David Icke has been saying: “What we believe, we perceive and what we perceive, we experience.”
We all need to take back our minds and question our beliefs. Where do they come from? Are they valid, is there evidence to support them? And who benefits from you believing a certain thing?
We equally need to question our fear of what others may think of us when we do, think or believe differently from them. Why are we afraid to walk a different path from the masses? Because of fear of what others may think about us. Rarely do we realize that others have thousands of thoughts floating through their mind every minute of the day. Here one second and gone the next. It doesn’t matter what others think. They have a right to think whatever they wish, but so do you. If we look inside, straighten our backbone and walk our own path which may include non-compliance, creating a new way of living, working, educating our children, taking care of our health and much more, we can inspire others to do the same. By doing and being what we want to see in the world, we become and thus enable others to do, be and become as well. The more people that do this, the more of this becomes part of the field we are all connected to, and the more people will begin to walk their path as well. It doesn't take a leader to tell us what to do or to do it for us. We must and we can do it.
Most importantly we need to evaluate the perception we have of ourselves. Our thoughts and perceptions are magnetic. You attract what you think, believe and feel. If you believe you are a puny human, have no skills, are unliked and this life is all there is, then that is the kind of life you will attract to yourself. The mere fact that you have the power by thought and emotion to attract people and situations into your life is a statement of the powerful being that you are. As you expand you start tapping into levels way beyond the manipulated realm we are locked into currently in our human experience. You start tapping into levels of awareness that are not infringed upon by these lunatics and demonic entities. You are beyond them.
We can all learn to connect to this field of expanded consciousness. Personally, I use the method of going into heart space. I posted two short videos on how to do this. The first is an explanation and the second is to follow along. They are only about 6 minutes each, here:
Short explanation 6 minutes
Follow along 6 minutes
If you reassess your self-identity from “I am a human, a human body” to “I am consciousness, I am an infinite expression of eternal consciousness on an eternal journey of exploring forever” that self-identity is a massive expansion of the perception of the I. You are now infinite. Your perception of self-identity connects you into the levels of reality that you are identifying with. If you expand your perception of self-identity, you connect to expanded levels of reality.
As David Icke said many times: The perception they want us to have is “you have no power, you are little me, you have to look to us, experts, politicians, authorities to tell you what to do. That’s the perception of self they want us to have. The escape from that doesn’t mean fighting them. It means re-evaluating our self-identity. If you are an expression of infinite awareness, not just conceptually but living it, then how can a bunch of prats like Gates and Schwab impact upon your life if you’re not in the frequency that they’re in? You can get caught at the censorship level or you can tap into these expanded levels of awareness, of knowledge and get it direct. The real revolution, the breaking down of this whole control system is to break out of its control of our perception and our self-identity. Everything changes from that.
We don’t need a leader. We need to work on ourselves, perceive ourselves to be the powerful divine spark and infinite awareness that we truly are. We then change our magnetic attraction and begin pulling into our lives what we truly wish to experience. For most of us I bet this is a peaceful, just, prosperous, abundant, fair and clean world for all of us.
Thank you. I’ve often referred to my journey as dancing from one foot to the other… bouncing around with a puzzled look on my face…constantly assessing the many places my feet land. I think it’s okay to admit puzzlement and confusion in our present predicament. I do. I can’t figure out why it isn’t obvious that things are a mess right now…and that it’s going to take some serious look at ourselves individually and as a whole. Frankly… this little dance of mine helps me not get stuck in division…and helps me realize the oh so many aspects of myself disguise who I really am….the me you suggest is infinite awareness. As Popeye said “ I yams what I yams”….however… 🤔
Thank you.