The following statement was read in German. Here is the translation of Reiner Füllmich’s statement:
“After six weeks of pre-trial detention I would like for the first time to thank everybody personally and deeply touched who have been writing to me. There are thousands and I read everything. The trust in my seriousness as a lawyer and founder of the Corona Committee mentioned in the letters as well as my intensity and quality of my work, but most of all the positive energies conveyed to me are for me like an invisible life boat that will transport me to freedom and let us continue our work together. Because it is not over yet. The Corona pandemic was only a test run to find out what humans are willing to go along with when they are put into panic mode by psychological terror. We have to take a closer look now behind the propaganda of panic. We have to realize even more now with what lies our past is being twisted to recognize the truth. Only then we will be able to stop the evil and hold the perpetrators accountable. Without justice there is no peace and no return to humanity. This also applies to my personal case. Today I would to comment on the criminal charges against me publicly for the first time because plenty of dubious and simply false information is on the internet and in the mainstream that is supposed to destroy my international reputation as a lawyer and a human being. Together with my team of lawyers I will see to it that the whole truth comes to light and the ones responsible for the long planned plot against me will be held accountable. They are perpetrators and I will prove it. In the next editions of my personal statements I will report about the background of the Corona Committee and why I unfortunately didn’t recognize and correctly classify the warning signs of how they took away our private home and savings from myself and my wife with the knowledge and active help of a lawyer and notary and with that the entire financial existence and how the Mexico plot came about that has led to my arrest and much more. I thank all of you.”
Translated by Anita Baxas MD
By requests I received I am re-posting his address and donation account:
To mail Reiner Fuellmich a letter or postcard, send them to:
JVA Rosdorf
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Am Grossen Sieke 8
37124 Rosdorf
To financially support ICIC and/or Reiner Fuellmich, ICIC has installed a new account for donations. They request that the purpose of the donation be made known under remarks (eg. legal costs, ICIC running costs, at their discretion, etc.).
The account number is: IBAN DE44 8206 4088 0002 2241 86
Raiba Ronshausen
The account hoder is: Gisela Pelzer. She is the Manager of the ICIC Team.