Investigations into the contents of the vials and prior Substacks by myself and many other researchers have so far identified the following substances in some of the Covid vials: Graphene Oxide, various Polymers from Polyvinyl Alcohol to Polyacrylates, DNA plasmids and mRNA. There may be other compounds that couldn’t be identified yet.
Let’s go through these one by one and see what studies say about their carcinogenic potential.
Graphene Oxide (GO)
GO is a massive free radical that fragments chromosomes, breaks and mutates DNA, deforms chromosome end base pairs, called Telomeres, causes massive inflammation, destroys immune cells such as T Helper cells and alters genetic expression by hyper- or hypomethylation of DNA. These effects alone can explain the explosion of cancers.
When I originally used to search for studies about the cancer inducing effects of GO a few years ago, there were many studies to pick from. When I searched again now, there were studies portraying how good GO is in combating cancer cells and studies showing it causes cancer became harder to find. It appears they are trying to hide information on this now. Not really surprising.
A study1 in 2019 checked for alterations in DNA and histology (microscopic tissue changes) when mice were given GO to swallow for five days. All three doses from 10 to 40mg per kg body weight significantly increased DNA damage in bone marrow cells. They also found lesions in histological slides of liver and brain tissue such as cell death, inflammation and cellular degeneration.
Another study2 from 2013 on cell cultures and in mice found that GO clearly altered gene expression as badly as a chemotherapy drug, cyclophosphamide, a known mutagen. It was also found that GO elevates the activity of the cancer suppressor gene p53, a sign that a carcinogen is wreaking havoc on the DNA. Unfortunately, it was found that mRNA encoded protein suppresses precisely that cancer suppressor gene and turns it off. P53 is inhibited by this protein made due to mRNA via interruption of an interaction between MDM2 and p53 which is necessary to activate p53’s antitumor effects3. This is truly a diabolical mix as it allows cancers to develop and grow unchecked. This is like inserting bank robbers into a bank and handcuffing the security guards.
But it gets worse: The mutagenic potential of GO is perhaps a more dangerous threat than the above effects, because it is also possible to induce germline mutation that threatens the health of the next generation.
This study4 investigated the genotoxicity (toxic to DNA) and mutagenicity (ability to alter DNA) graphene oxide (GO) nanoparticles in vivo. It estimated the possible genotoxicity and mutagenicity of GO nanoparticles as well as possible oxidative stress induction in the mice liver and brain tissues. Nano-GO particles administration at the dose levels of 10, 20, or 40 mg/kg for one or five consecutive days significantly increased the DNA breakages in a dose-dependent manner that disrupts the genetic material and causes genomic instability. GO nanoparticles also induced mutations in the p53 genes as well as increasing the expression of p53 protein. Positive p53 reaction in the liver and brain showed significant increase of p53 activation. This is a sign that GO has cancer inducing effects by altering the DNA. Since p53 is inhibited by the protein coded for by mRNA, this activation doesn’t happen, and cancer can grow unhindered as mentioned above. Additionally, induction of oxidative stress was proven by the significant dose-dependent increases in the malondialdehyde level (a marker for oxidation) and reductions the level of the body’s main antioxidant defense, glutathione. In summary, the study found acute and subacute oral administration of GO nanoparticles induced genomic instability and mutagenicity by induction of oxidative stress in the mice liver and brain tissues.
This is a lymphoma patient in Switzerland. The black dots are affected lymph nodes. Barely one week after receiving the booster, the black dots increased exponentially.
It is known that inflammation fuels cancer growth5. GO causes massive inflammation, elevating the inflammatory cytokines Interleukin 6 and 12, Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha and Nuclear Factor Kappa Beta. The constant inflammatory state inside the body caused by GO and probably the polymers/hydrogels are beneficial for the development of cancers.
By deforming the chromosome end base pairs, known as the telomeres, accelerated aging is induced. Telomeres are vital for cells and their chromosomes to be able to divide. Once the telomeres are too short or deformed, the cell can no longer divide and begins to age. Accelerated aging is associated with increased cancers.
While searching for studies on GO and cancer I stumbled on this study6 from Iran showing that GO reduced the energy currency of the body, ATP in sperm thus reducing their motility and metabolism. No wonder infertility has become such an issue.
Polyvinyl Alcohol and Polyacrylate and Cancer
In a safety study7 with Polyvinyl Alcohol, topical administration didn’t cause cancer, but intravenous application in Beagles caused Central nervous system depression and anemia, followed by renal damage. Several studies tested the carcinogenicity of subcutaneous implants of Polyvinyl Alcohol sponges or powder. The majority of these studies showed tumors growing that were localized to the site of implantation.
Polyacrylates which are used in super glue, don’t seem to cause cancer directly by being a mutagen. In this study8 it caused a drop in blood pressure, hemorrhaging due to making blood vessel walls fragile. It causes arrythmia, neuromuscular disorders and death. It acts as a Calcium sink by sucking up the body’s calcium and then precipitating with it. This causes low Calcium levels in the blood that then leads to cardiac arrythmias, and it could explain part of the calamari clots.
I couldn’t find studies directly linking polyacrylates to cancer, but the calamari clots made from polymers lead to the destruction of white blood cells, our primary immune defense system as they try to unsuccessfully break down these clots as seen by Dr. Ana-Maria Mihalcea in dark field microscopy.
While looking for these studies I stumbled on another study9 that could explain part of the fertility issues:
Polyamides are used to deliver genetic material to cells and nucleus for gene transfection into the DNA and they block androgen receptors signaling done by Dihydrotestosterone, DHT! This means it blocks the effects of DHT on DNA. It thereby blocks the effects of Testosterone, the main hormone involved in male fertility!
My search for the cause for cancer from these jabs have led to two studies that are part of the explanation for the fertility issues in men.
Toxic Metals and Cancer
A review10 from India examined the carcinogenic effects of various toxic metals. Metals found in the vials are Aluminum, Barium, Antimony, Cesium 137 which is radioactive and others.
Aluminum-induced carcinogenesis is related to its ability to bind to the estrogen receptor and mimic estrogen functions, therefore its named metalloestrogen. Metalloestrogen triggers expression in genes that contain estrogen responsive-element (ERE) on their promoters. In mammary gland cells, this gives rise to an increase in the number of divisions of breast cells, thus increasing replication errors in cancer-related genes. In addition, estrogen can also induce endometrial cancer. Barium doesn’t seem to be a carcinogen. Radioactive Cesium of course can induce cancer.
These toxins are not only in the Covid jabs but also in our environment. They have been found in rain water, wild animals, foods, water and toxic metals such as Aluminum and Barium are in chemtrails as is Graphene.
Another possible explanation for the cancer explosion: German New Medicine
I wrote about the premise of German New Medicine by Dr. Hamer in an earlier post here:
In summary, a conflict such as worrying about a loved one can lead to the increase in cells of certain tissues, called a tumor. Often this happens in the breast. Â Once the cause for worrying has gone, the superfluous tissue is resorbed, and the tumor vanishes. The phase of resorption and tissue degradation is accompanied by signs of inflammation during the regeneration phase.
A conflict of separation causes regression of cells in mammary ducts to allow for greater flow of breast milk which is the body’s logical reaction in the sense that breast feeding is needed to end the conflict. Once the separation has ended, the lacking tissue is rebuilt and then often diagnosed as a tumor/cancer of the mammary duct.
In men worrying about the children (including adult children) can lead to prostate tumors. It’s the body’s logic of ramping up reproductive abilities to have more children in case the existing children don’t survive.
An event causing fear of death for oneself, or another leads to an increase in lung tissue, often diagnosed as a lung tumor. Once that fear or conflict is resolved, the tumor is resolved, often accompanied by inflammation, even pulmonary tuberculosis.
Issues about not being able to become pregnant or not wanting to become pregnant can cause increases in uterine tissues, leading to myoma or endometrial tumors.
Lymphomas can happen when there is a conflict of wanting something gone. For example a man has a new pace maker that isn’t serving him well. He would prefer to get rid of it which can lead to swelling of the lymph nodes as their job is the filtration and collection of unwanted fluids.
Cancer in the Colon can turn up because of a conflict of not being able to get rid of something. This can be unacceptable behavior by others, unjust prosecution in court, difficult exam with mean questions one flunks.
During the past four years many will have gone through one or more such conflicts which can lead to tissue growth that is then diagnosed as a tumor or cancer. Just think of how many unjabbed were separated, uninvited, maligned and treated unjustly by jabbed family members and friends. Think of the fear of death that many will have felt due to the media frenzy during the plandemic.
There will be other reasons for the explosion of cancers that hopefully will come to light with time.
What can be done?
First and foremost we need to detox and eliminate the Graphene Oxide as well as the polymers and toxic metals as much as possible from our environment, our life and our body. I wrote about alternative cancer treatments here:
1. Induction of chromosomal and DNA damage and histological alterations by graphene oxide nanoparticles in Swiss mice
Hanan R. H. Mohamed, Mary Welson, Ahmed Essa Yaseen, Akmal El-Ghor
Pages 631-641 | Received 17 Jan 2019, Accepted 10 Jul 2019, Published online: 01 Aug 2019
2. Graphene oxide can induce in vitro and in vivo mutagenesis
Yuanyuan Liu, Yi Luo, Jing Wu, Yinsong Wang, Xiaoying Yang, Rui Yang, Baiqi Wang, Jinrong Yang & Ning Zhang Scientific Reports volume 3, Article number: 3469 (2013)
3. SARS-CoV-2 spike S2 subunit inhibits p53 activation of p21(WAF1), TRAIL Death Receptor DR5 and MDM2 proteins in cancer cells Posted April 15, 2024
Shengliang Zhang, View ORCID ProfileWafik S. El-Deiry
4. Estimation of genomic instability and mutation induction by graphene oxide nanoparticles in mice liver and brain tissues
Published: 30 November 2019
Volume 27, pages 264–278, (2020)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research Aims and scope Submit manuscript
Hanan R. H. Mohamed, Mary Welson, Ahmed Essa Yaseen & Akmal A. EL-GhorÂ
5. Inflammation and Cancer
Singh, Nitin; Baby, Deepak1; Rajguru, Jagadish Prasad2; Patil, Pankaj B3; Thakkannavar, Savita S4; Pujari, Veena Bhojaraj5
Annals of African Medicine 18(3):p 121-126, Jul–Sep 2019. | DOI: 10.4103/aam.aam_56_18
6. Cyto and genotoxicities of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide sheets on spermatozoa
Ehsan Hashemia, Omid Akhavan*bc, Mehdi Shamsaraa, Reza Rahighib, Ali Esfandiard and Aidin Rahim Tayefeha
National Research Center for Transgenic Mouse, National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, P.O. Box 14965-161, Tehran, Iran
Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, P.O. Box 11155-9161, Tehran, Iran. E-mail:; Fax: +98-21-66022711; Tel: +98-21-66164566
Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Sharif University of Technology, P.O. Box 14588-89694, Tehran, Iran
Department of Physics, Kharazmi University, P.O. Box 31979-37551, Karaj, Iran
Received 6th February 2014 , Accepted 28th May 2014, First published on 29th May 2014
7. Final Report On the Safety Assessment of Polyvinyl Alcohol
Bindu NairView all authors and affiliations
Volume 17, Issue 5_suppl
8. Characterization of toxicity involving haemorrhage and cardiovascular failure, caused by parenteral administration of a soluble polyacrylate in the rat
R. Hicks, A. K. Satti, G. D. H. Leach, I. L. Naylor
First published: June 1989
9. Single-dose pharmacokinetic and toxicity analysis of pyrrole–imidazole polyamides in mice
Published: 21 August 2012, Volume 70, pages 617–625, (2012)
10. The Open Nutraceuticals Journal, 2010, 3, 188-193
1876-3960/10 2010 Bentham Open
A Review on Epigenetic Effect of Heavy Metal Carcinogens on Human
Sanjay Mishra1,* , Surya Prakash Dwivedi 1 and R.B. Singh 2
1 Department of Biotechnology, College of Engineering & Technology, IFTM Campus, Delhi Road, Moradabad 244 001, UP, India
2 Halberg Hospital & Research Center, Civil Lines, Moradabad 244 001, U.P., India
Well written new information, looking outside the box. Rare today, Thank you Mam.
"Hint: it's in the jabs"
No. that's surely a conspiracy, um, theory. They always want only our best, don't they?