Covid – An agenda for population control? – Part 2: Is the vaccine chip a conspiracy theory?
Repost of an article online
One of my subscribers sent me a link to the following article. The writer went through a lot of work to gather all the sources and write an easy to understand article about the nanotech devices in the C19 jabs.
Source link:
published April 5, 2024
Hitachi demonstrates extremely small RFID chips, 2007
NewsVoice was granted exclusivity to publish a unique literature study in five parts written by docent Tomas Persson on the global "covid agenda". This part covers information about and signs that microscopic chips are present in the injection fluid.
A study by docent Tomas Persson ( )
The five parts of the literature study:
Is the vaccine chip a conspiracy theory?
The purpose of this literature study is to open up the debate around difficult questions about an ongoing societal transformation. This part examines an area with a large number of research publications that demonstrate astonishing technological possibilities of nanotechnology that are largely kept secret from the common man.
The question being investigated concerns a so-called "conspiracy theory" that one purpose of the injection campaign was to provide the people with "a chip" that can track or control the people [1-3].
The theory with the "vaccine chip" has been dismissed by the Swedish Medicines Agency [4] and called a conspiracy theory by Andreas Önnerfors [5] in a feature on Sweden's radio. It cannot be denied that it indeed sounds like a conspiracy theory, but Önnerfors presents no data to support rejecting the theory that the Covid-19 injection contains "a chip", which makes the statement doubtful.

Is it really so unlikely that the "chip hypothesis" falls flat on its face, or is there support in the literature for this claim?
A former consultant to Pfizer [6] warned that potentially toxic [7] and carcinogenic [8] graphene oxide may be present in COVID-19 injections and a hypothesis was put forward that the technology industry in a giant clinical experiment on the world population is trying to find the right dosage of graphene oxide/ hydrogel to make an IoT interface work practically in the human body.
Networked devices are called the Internet of Things or IoT [9] and the corresponding technology for the human body is called the Internet of Bodies [10]. The people could become experimental IoT devices, as analysis of patents also shows [11].
Carrie Madej has also warned about the Covid-19 injection and she had been informed about the risks, after attending a meeting on transhumanism and the fourth industrial revolution, where she learned about the technological possibilities of hydrogel and nanotechnology [12].
According to Carrie Madej, she was told that it would be possible to use sensors in the body to know what people are thinking and also be able to punish people who do "wrongs" and that it was better for her to go over to their side, because the technology will inevitably be implemented in people .
In newspaper articles [13, 14] it is described how Luis Benito investigated whether the patients emitted MAC addresses via Bluetooth signal with his mobile phone, when he worked alone in a medical clinic in the summer of 2021. The people who emitted MAC addresses were asked about the Covid-19 injection status and asked to switch off the mobile phone and Benito found that 98 out of 112 injected people emitted MAC addresses.
A Spanish documentary film [15] also reports that two out of six injected people emitted MAC addresses via Bluetooth and that MAC addresses have also been identified at burial sites where people have died from 2021 onwards.
A test in France with both injected and non-injected individuals is briefly reported in this video [16], but the number of people with MAC addresses is not reported. MAC address has also been identified from Covid-19 injected blood according to another film [17] and microscopy performed on dried Covid-19 injection fluid finds numerous antenna-like objects.
A Swedish preliminary study by Lennart Fröderberg identified MAC addresses in five out of six people [18]. Of these five, 1 person was not injected, but was PCR peaked, which raises questions about measurement errors, or whether there are other sources of spread.
Hope & Tivon [19] explain the Blåtand phenomenon and describe how you can do a test yourself. A film by Andersen [20] explains more about the MAC addresses and speculates about which functions can be implemented in the body with the technology.
The Spanish documentary film [15] also reports findings of MAC addresses on non-injected individuals and claims that even PCR tops can introduce Blue Tooth devices into the body. Tests with PCR tips [21] show that fibers from the tip break off and penetrate a piece of meat, indicating that the PCR tip can deliver material to the mucosa.
In addition, black motile fibers were identified in the apex with a microscope. Another study reports that PCR tops contain DARPA hydrogel [22].
The claim that injected people emit MAC addresses via Bluetooth has been dismissed by the Swedish Medicines Agency [4], fact-checkers [1] and YouTube videos [23, 24].
None of the fact-checkers present data denying that people emit MAC addresses via Bluetooth except that Brotleibe [24] demonstrates that electronic products can also emit unknown MAC addresses and that the Bluetooth signal does not penetrate earth, which in such cases would make signals from dead buried people impossible .
But the observations of Benito [13, 14], Fröderberg [18] and Zavala [15], that MAC addresses appear with people who approach, and who do not carry technical equipment, are not specifically denied by Brotleibe [24]. Brotleibe's condescending attitude towards "Antivaxers" and towards Zavala does not increase Brotleibe's credibility as an objective party.
Scientific literature search on nanonetworks for the human body
Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary field that involves the manipulation of matter in the size range from 1 to 100 nanometers [25], which means units smaller than 0.0001 millimeters.
Are there scientific articles that support the possibility that it could be possible to install electronic nano-networks with MAC addresses in humans via an injection?
A search among scientific articles with the keywords "self-assembled", "hydrogel" and "graphene" identifies an astonishing area of research. The following section aims to provide a brief overview of peer-reviewed articles describing techniques for building nanonetworks in the human body.
Wireless communication inside the human body where the human body is the transmission medium was investigated experimentally more than ten years ago [26, 27]. In 2001, Charles Lieber published experiments on creating self-assembling computers from a liquid [28].
The technology of self-assembly [29] ( self-assembly ) enables the assembly of nanowires, semiconductor junctions, superlattices, the deposition of quantum dots ( Quantum Dots ), mRNA-based "vaccines" and modern integrated circuits and nanoelectronics [30].
External electric and magnetic fields are the most common methods for enabling self-assembly [29]. A literature review by Balghusoon and Mahfoudh [31] describes the advances in nanotechnology to create wireless network communication inside the body (Figure 1).
English names for the technology include:
"Wireless Body Area Networks" [32],
"Internet of bodies" ,
"wireless nano sensor networks" (WNSN),
"nano body communication network" ,
"internet of nano things" (IoNT),
"wireless body area network" (WBAN),
“body sensor network” (BSN) or
“medical body area network” (MBAN) [33].

Zhao et al. [34] describe programmable hydrogel based on salt/polyethylene glycol for biointegrated electronic systems. Applications for the technology are real-time monitoring of medical test parameters as well as biological and chemical substances inside the human body [35] or self-assembling drug delivery systems [36-38].
Lee et al. [39] and Akbar et al. [40] describe the design of wireless nanosensor networks for integration into the human body. Zhang et al. [41] develop an interference model using TS-OOK as the communication scheme for the THz communication channel inside the human body.
Since nanonetworks have limited energy and computational resources, traditional operator sensing-based Media Access Control (MAC) protocols are not suitable for nanonetworks and new protocols need to be developed [42].
The interconnection between microdevices and nanonodes/nanosensors has enabled the development of a new network standard called "Wireless Nano-Sensors Network" (WNSN) [43].
Akyildiz and Jornet [44] provide an in-depth picture of nanosensor technology and electromagnetic communication between nanosensors and describe, among other things, transistors based on nanotubes. Kumar [45] describes the design of a graphene-based nanoantenna for communication in nanonetworks.
The energy requirement for nanorouters, radio communication and sensors is discussed and the required energy requirement is said to be able to be extracted from the bloodstream or from an external source via ultrasound. Other energy sources that can be used for wireless body area sensor networks ( Wireless body area sensor networks , WBAN) are Light, vibrations, radio frequency energy and heat energy [46].
Zhang et al. [47] discuss injectable self-assembling nanocomposite hydrogels that are stabilized by magnesium and regulate the differentiation of encapsulated stem cells.
Graphene oxide is mentioned as a common ingredient in hydrogel. Hydrogel self-assembles into functional units such as mechanical switch, rotor driven by magnetic field and circuits, analogous to printed circuit boards [48].
Graphene oxide is also described as being able to be used as a carrier for vaccines [49], which could explain that it can be a natural ingredient in the Covid-19 injection, but the review of scientific articles above also makes it clear that technology for nanotechnology inside the body has been developed in recent years and that an important component in nanosensors and nanoantennas is precisely graphene oxide [45, 39].
Based on the above literature review and specifically ref [48], it is clear that technology has been developed to use hydrogels and nanotechnology to build self-assembling [30] nanonetworks that coexist with biological tissue.
Via injection [50], flexible electronics can be integrated inside the human body. That fact checkers [51] claim that COVID-19 injections do not contain a Blåtand microship is thus correct, but the deception is obvious, as the injections instead seem to contain nanoparticles or hydrogel technology that enables the construction of a self-assembling nanonetwork.
In light of the above literature review, nanonetworks appear to be relatively fully developed for experimental use in the human body.
Karen Kingston [52] reports a patent [53] that describes how the Covid-19 mRNA injection contains technology to identify people and trace contacts to identify infection risks. Master patent for the mRNA technology (Methods of preparing lipid nanoparticles) [54] states under item 0002 that the technology constitutes a diagnostic tool, thus includes some form of measurement function, which also supports that the injections contain nanotechnology.
According to a study, graphene nanotubes can be used to detect Covid-19 affected lungs [55], which is consistent with the information in the patents [53, 54].
Analyzes of Covid-19 injections and blood
The first analysis that detected the material graphene in Covid-19 injections was by Pablo Campra Madrid [56] who used Micro-Raman spectroscopy. Andreas Noack [57] warned about graphene oxide/graphene hydroxide in the injection with reference to Madrid [56] and described the material as razor-sharp particles that damaged the blood vessels.
He is picked up by the police during a live broadcast [58] and is reported to have died shortly afterwards [59].
In addition to Pablo Campra Madrid [56], several studies [60-80] have identified graphene oxide and other foreign substances in the injection fluid.
In a peer-reviewed article, Hughes [81] has conducted a compilation of the studies and stated that evidence of undeclared ingredients in the covid-19 injections has been published by at least 26 researchers/research teams in 16 different countries using spectroscopic and microscopic analysis.
To these studies can be added a study in collaboration between EbMCsquared CiC and the Global Humanitarian Crisis Prevention and Response Unit [82] which constituted a forensic examination of the undeclared content of the Covid-19 injections using microscopy and Raman spectroscopy.
All samples exhibited a strong carbon signal with confirmed graphene compositions. The report was attached to a criminal case report in Great Britain [83] with criminal case number 6029679/21 [84].
According to fact-checking by the BBC [1], Reuters [85], Poynter [86] and the EU [87], there was no support for graphene oxide in the covid injections, but they fall flat as they do not report their own analyzes of the covid-19 injections.
Furthermore, the EU opinion [87] appears to have been made after the submission of the UK criminal complaint [84] but it has not been commented on in the opinion.
An analysis conducted in Australia and requested as a FOIA request has, with the exception of a few words, been censored [88-90]. Ryan Cole [ related interview ] also firmly dismisses that there could be graphene oxide in the injections at the Läkaruppropet's conference in Stockholm [91], but reports no study or data and methodology from his own experiments.
Nixon discovered that foreign structures in the Covid-19 injections were affected by exposure to electromagnetic frequencies (EMF). When the sample was shielded from electromagnetic radiation with a Farraday cage, the structures dissolved overnight.
Several studies also report findings of graphene oxide and foreign structures in the blood of people injected with Covid-19 [92-96]. Some of the structures bear a striking resemblance to circuit boards [65]. A crucial discovery by Dr. David Nixon [97-100] was that the foreign circuit board-like structures self-assembled in real time.
Nixon discovered that the alien structures were affected by exposure to electromagnetic frequencies (EMF). When the sample was shielded from electromagnetic radiation with a Faraday cage, the structures dissolved overnight. When the Faraday cage was removed, the formations reappeared [99].
The combination of thermal stimulation and electromagnetic radiation is one of several methods described in scientific literature to achieve self-assembly properties [101]. A prerequisite for a functioning nanonetwork in the human body is thus the presence of electromagnetic radiation to assemble and operate the technology.
It could also explain why more people were identified with MAC addresses in Zavala's study [15] after the people were exposed to electromagnetic radiation from a mobile phone (Blue Spirit rejected).
Another phenomenon reported is magnetic properties at the injection site [102-105] but magnetism after Covid-19 injection has been dismissed by fact-checkers [106, 107]. However, graphene in some forms when oxidized acquires magnetic properties [108, 109], and since the Covid-19 injections appear to contain graphene, the reported magnetic properties are a real possibility.
One aim of the injection campaign was to introduce advanced technology into the human body, including an IoT interface connected to a mobile phone via Bluetooth.
Richard D Hall on RichPlanet TV [110-112] who looked in detail at the findings of foreign content in the Covid-19 injections and studied research on nano-networks for the body, believes that the material constitutes convincing evidence that the main purpose is something other than "vaccinating" the population .
According to Andersen [113], it is unequivocal that the microscopy images show, quote: "micro-swimmers, nano-antennas of crystallized graphene and graphene quantum dots " , indicating that a purpose of the injection campaign was to introduce advanced technology into the human body, including an IoT interface with connection to a mobile phone via Bluetooth.
Graphene quantum dots [114] ( "Graphene Quantum Dots" GQDs) can be used as a delivery system for mRNA according to a study [115]. Quantum dots can be identified as luminous particles and they can capture energy from microwave radiation and upgrade to visible light that can communicate with cells and genes and thus interact with communication in the body [116].
However, quantum dots may risk a delayed toxic effect in the body [117] as they consist of toxic materials that require encapsulation [116] and they may be magnetic [118].
Many of the identified structures are said to be similar to graphene oxide [93] and several different foreign particles that aggregate into larger particles are present [119].
The similarities between the particles found in the injection fluid and in the blood indicate that the foreign structures found in the blood of injected individuals have a direct causal relationship with the Covid-19 injections.
A basis for nanotechnology is hydrogel, which is a synthetic polymer [120, 121]. In the documentary "Final days" [122], Karen Kingston reports the progress in nanotechnology and the patents behind the Covid-19 injection, which show that graphene oxide and self-assembling nanotechnology are part of the content of the injection fluid.
The nanoparticles in the "mRNA injection" are classified as electromagnetic devices and these injections are part of the implementation of transhumanism where DNA molecules are programmable substances for activating complex functions in the body.
Karen Kingston believes that the patents behind the lipid-nanoparticle-mRNA technology show that the mRNA injections are actually a kind of weapon system [123]. As a result of the revelations made by Kingston, she states that she was poisoned on August 8, 2023 [124].
In summary, the literature review provides support for injectable [50] self-assembly [30] technology to create nanonetworks in the human body. These nanocomponents include sensors, transmitters and receivers and they are described in scientific peer-reviewed articles [31, 48].
Microscopy images of injection fluid show the appearance of self-assembled structures resembling circuit boards [98, 81] and similar structures have also been identified in the blood of Covid-19 injected subjects [81]. Several independent studies [16, 13, 18, 15] confirm that people emit Bluetooth signals that generate MAC addresses.
Several studies [62, 63, 82, 56, 80] have identified graphene oxide in the Covid-19 injections and graphene oxide is found to be used for components in nanonetworks [45, 39].
Yuval Noah Harari , senior advisor to Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum :
“Covid is the moment when surveillance started going under the skin. The big process happening right now in the world is hacking human beings, the ability to hack humans”
That IoT interfaces have been installed in humans via Covid-19 injections is also confirmed by statements such as the World Economic Forum's own chief advisor, Yuval Noah Harari , who says: "COVID was the moment when surveillance started going under the skin" [125]. Harari also says that "the big process happening right now in the world is hacking human beings, the ability to hack humans".
The possibility of mRNA injections to hack people and collect data may also explain why Bill Gates who is a programmer and data pioneer invested in the "Covid-19 injections" [126].
A functioning scientific community is based on free scientific debate even in controversial issues, but when scientific discussion is stifled and censored with additions such as conspiracy theory and misinformation instead of being met with disproving data, we can, according to Peter McCullough, suspect that propaganda is involved [127].
The conclusion is therefore that Andreas Önnerfors' report in Sveriges Radio P4 Gothenburg [5] constitutes propaganda and that tax-financed Sveriges Radio constitutes a propaganda organ that is used against the interests of the population. The failure to report on the covid-19 injections' side effects and variable batch toxicity [128] constitutes a betrayal of the taxpayer that cannot be explained away.
But what possibilities does the technology provide and what should the IoT interface actually be used for? Is it only about data collection or can the technology also be used for other purposes? Carrie Madej warned that it will be possible to punish people who do wrong [12].
In part 3 of the article series (Neurostimulation and nanotechnology as a weapon system), research in neural sensing and stimulation and nanotechnology as a weapon system is examined.
A study by docent Tomas Persson ( )
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As Andy Frisella mentioned, in an interview with GaysAgainstGroomers, a good while ago (Youtube); they need to reduce the global population, because we are essentially too many to control. They need to kill enough people (see the "COVID" INJECTIONS, "Covid treatments" etc.), before the rest wakes up, otherwise they're doomed.
Added to this is the possibility to remotely control humans that have allowed (or not; some were forcibly injected, during "Covid") themselves to take these injections, via 5G frequencies operating with the nanotech inside people's bodies. We saw this during the "pandemic", where people started acting violently towards each other; ramming cars into people etc. etc. (imagine the "remote FUN" they're having! Hhahhahhah).
La Quinta Columna stated that "Covid" was the result of graphene added to the regular "influensa" vaccines that especially the elderly have been poked and prodded into taking for years; they were able to use frequencies from 5G to create a bodily elimination response, seen as "respiratory disease".
It makes "sense", in their "view" of humanity, that they must get rid of the "surplus", and with the intention of breeding babies in laboratories, they will have full access to "fresh meat", any time they want. In this regard, humans are going from "free range", to "battery"/caged humans ("Smart cities"). We are merely cattle to them, and they treat us exactly like many humans treat animals, in "modern", industrial "agriculture".
Their MO is to continue the designed system of suffering, both for humans, animals and plant life/nature, since this seems to be the way they sustain themselves. Makes "sense", if these are demonic forces disconnected from "Light source/God".
Humans need to teach them a "lesson", and that is to bugger off and take responsability for their nonsense, so they can be worthy of being re-connected to Life and life/creation force.
CHEERs, and keep up the good work. :)
Yep. I concluded a few years ago now that the nanotech has far surpassed all need for actual microchips. Dr Charles Lieber invented syringe injectable mesh years ago. Loot it up. Meanwhile the rest of the mainstream population think they are safe from microchips, and don't realise they've already been injected. Whether the entire global population has been injected or whether there are multiple research projects operating simultaneously across different countries, is unknown but my conclusion is that is what they are doing. That's why we have countries with magnetism, countries with nanotech, and then there's the that highlights the batch inconsistencies with concentrations of vaccine injuries and deaths by batch numbers.
For example -
Syringe-Injectable Electronics with a Plug-and-Play Input/Output Interface
Syringe-injectable mesh electronics integrate seamlessly with minimal chronic immune response in the brain
All military R&D has levels of top secret classification, much of which is done in the DUMBS (Deep Underground Military bases). The brain drain of scientists to foreign countries was in my opinion a cover story to cover the loss of scientists into top secret military projects.
THEY are only showing you what they want you to know. Top secret projects have resulted in technology that is at least 60 years ahead of what you see. There are at least 32 levels of top secret classification above the President of the United States - which is why they can run the country with a half-demented puppet in place.