"Hitachi demonstrates extremely small RFID chips, 2007"

Do I remember correctly, that the core developers and patent owner sat in a airplane that crashed and the whole thing was then owned by Rothschild?

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How Hilary crashes cars and planes.


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Yep. I concluded a few years ago now that the nanotech has far surpassed all need for actual microchips. Dr Charles Lieber invented syringe injectable mesh years ago. Loot it up. Meanwhile the rest of the mainstream population think they are safe from microchips, and don't realise they've already been injected. Whether the entire global population has been injected or whether there are multiple research projects operating simultaneously across different countries, is unknown but my conclusion is that is what they are doing. That's why we have countries with magnetism, countries with nanotech, and then there's the howbadismybatch.com that highlights the batch inconsistencies with concentrations of vaccine injuries and deaths by batch numbers.

For example -

Syringe-Injectable Electronics with a Plug-and-Play Input/Output Interface


Syringe-injectable mesh electronics integrate seamlessly with minimal chronic immune response in the brain


All military R&D has levels of top secret classification, much of which is done in the DUMBS (Deep Underground Military bases). The brain drain of scientists to foreign countries was in my opinion a cover story to cover the loss of scientists into top secret military projects.

THEY are only showing you what they want you to know. Top secret projects have resulted in technology that is at least 60 years ahead of what you see. There are at least 32 levels of top secret classification above the President of the United States - which is why they can run the country with a half-demented puppet in place.

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As Andy Frisella mentioned, in an interview with GaysAgainstGroomers, a good while ago (Youtube); they need to reduce the global population, because we are essentially too many to control. They need to kill enough people (see the "COVID" INJECTIONS, "Covid treatments" etc.), before the rest wakes up, otherwise they're doomed.

Added to this is the possibility to remotely control humans that have allowed (or not; some were forcibly injected, during "Covid") themselves to take these injections, via 5G frequencies operating with the nanotech inside people's bodies. We saw this during the "pandemic", where people started acting violently towards each other; ramming cars into people etc. etc. (imagine the "remote FUN" they're having! Hhahhahhah).

La Quinta Columna stated that "Covid" was the result of graphene added to the regular "influensa" vaccines that especially the elderly have been poked and prodded into taking for years; they were able to use frequencies from 5G to create a bodily elimination response, seen as "respiratory disease".

It makes "sense", in their "view" of humanity, that they must get rid of the "surplus", and with the intention of breeding babies in laboratories, they will have full access to "fresh meat", any time they want. In this regard, humans are going from "free range", to "battery"/caged humans ("Smart cities"). We are merely cattle to them, and they treat us exactly like many humans treat animals, in "modern", industrial "agriculture".

Their MO is to continue the designed system of suffering, both for humans, animals and plant life/nature, since this seems to be the way they sustain themselves. Makes "sense", if these are demonic forces disconnected from "Light source/God".

Humans need to teach them a "lesson", and that is to bugger off and take responsability for their nonsense, so they can be worthy of being re-connected to Life and life/creation force.

CHEERs, and keep up the good work. :)

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Very well put summary of the situation!

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Thank you, Anita. :)

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They DO emit MACs, we are IT professionals, when this news first was out we couldn't believe that such horror could have happened, that they injected people with something capable of generating MAC addresses. We went to crowded places with an old Android (Android 7 on a mobile phone), they showed as as 'MISC', tons of MISC were popping up fast. We tested it with an other, old tablet, a Chinese one, that showed the MACs, those MACs were unidentifiable. Newer IPhone and new Andorid hide them. They can be seen with new Android with the help of an extra application called Bluetooth Scanner.

MAC is a protocol, no one is exempt, the first 6 tags should refer to the manufacturer and the last 6 should refer to the device. But these MACs coming from people haven't got either, no manufacturer, no identified device.

Who tells otherwise is lying. At the beginning there was a very good video about it, the list of scientific proof at the end was minutes long. I also regularly tested it on planes where most of the people switched off Bluetooth on their devices (eats the battery if it is on), 55-70 popped up in my range (range is appx 20 meters).

"REVIEW: The MAC phenomenon and the intra-body nano-network of communications"


These MACs are dynamic similarly to the dynamic IP, they change. However they - we think - won't change the first tag(s) referring to the type of the vaccine. Eg. Pfizer vax starts with 4 or 5 or 6, always, the rest may change but these are constant.

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