I believe there is growing evidence that using EDTA is highly toxic. It appears that it’s first line treatment for nanotech.

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What I found in the EDTA vial was a contamination. This doesn't mean that EDTA is toxic at all costs. As I have written in an earlier article, EDTA used correctly is safe. Health professionals have used it incorrectly in the past, using too high a dose, giving it too fast which has caused issues. This applies to almost anything you use the wrong way. EDTA is the only antidote to the self assembling nanotechnology that is even listed in the Moderna patent as an antidote for the mRNA jabs as described by Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea MD, PhD. People who claim EDTA is toxic are trying to derail the only effective treatment to stop the self assembly process and also have never taken the certification course or treated patients with EDTA chelation. They don't know what they are talking about. It's suspicious that most of these people are peddling oral "supplements" of which they make a lot of money. I am currently researching a such a supplement hailed as the panacea for removing nanotech. The results of my research are shocking and will be published soon on my Substack.

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Is it MasterPeace because that needs looking into.

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Thank you

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pushing fear of the word nano is pushing fear of a *SIZE* lol people are shameless. the body fluids are nano colloids. meaning a nano solution... a liquid with a ton of well charged small particulates and mostly mineral ions in a healthy system in terms of the colloid... nano colloidal chemistry is the root of biology....

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It's not just the size. I have no problem with useful mineral ions in nano size. But I don't like nano-sized nanobots in my blood. And all the other things the bots produce. Or think of aluminium, mercury.

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yes things are in that size as well. scaring people with the word nano is bullshit fear mongering is the point im making there. and it's obvious on the surface of that one.

masterpeace doesnt impart aluminum to people and theres no toxic crap like you mention in it. this is just a hit piece from a synthetic poison pharma pusher against an all natural product that will shut down the synthetic EDTA chelation racket in no time.

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lol dr ana said there was proof that natural zeolite clinoptilolite is toxic in a book, it's literally not mentioned in that book at all. oneone checking her "work" with these industrial boiler room cleaners turned "medicine"

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I read an article she wrote about zeolite. At first I was shocked. But her linked studies were about technical zeolite.

One study here talks about clinoptilolite and zeolite beta polymorph A (BEA).

One Study mention "Graphene quantum dot incorporation in the zeolitic imidazolate framework with sodalite (SOD) topology. Graphene quantum dot (GQD) and zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF-8) were synthesized.“

ZIF glasses can be synthesized by the melt-quench method, and the first melt-quenched ZIF glass was firstly made and reported by Bennett et al. back in 2015.

„the PXRD pattern verified the synthesis of ZIF-8(Fe) with a sod-like structure that sized consistently at 36.10 nm“ (9)

So we are talking about technical zeolites of the subclass "metal-organic frameworks (MOF)" with a size of 35nm. In this size range, they can probably act as a catalyst.

What they did in the studies mentioned by Dr. Ana is different. They created a nano-sized artificial zeolite and combined it with Graphene quantum dot.

Outside of the human body. This is not comparable to taking natural activated zeolite in micrometer size.

She should have taken a closer look here.

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NO KIDDING. she references dr staninger's book claiming it slanders zeolite too and we got the book and theres not a mention of zeolite in it. obvious liars these edta synthetic poison pushers are

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yes exactly she's referencing synthetic shit they just call zeolite and they throw poison on in their f'd up labs. has nothing to do with nature or masterpeace. exactly. devil in the 1 layer thick details michael. indeed

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Ivermectin was banned worldwide in 2020 when people needed it most in order to impose toxic 95% Safe & Effective gene therapies. It was discredited as ‘horse dewormer’!

They may not ban EDTA since that implies acknowledging the presence of nanotech in their GMOs.

They're going to discredit it instead.

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i could walk down the street and get IVM without a prescription anytime. what are you talking about.

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I get prescribed IVM from reliable sources in US but only one state acquired OTC approval - TN. And how could you be unaware of the hit IVM took across all western legacy media and government shills/surgeon generals as of 2020? You cannot get IVM in Canada, AU, NZ or anywhere in Western EU…and in US most ppl don’t know anything about it.

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I’m not trying to derail, far from it. I’m just seeking the truth because the information about nanotech remedies is very confusing.

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sorry we didn't get back to you on email if that's you. email help@masterpeacebyhcs.com and we'll make sure to respond. thanks we just handle a lot of customers - matt sena (not the ceo)

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Thank you. We don't need more laws and regulations, we need more people like you.

And me, of course. 😁

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Why the company who poisoned so much people to death and to huge sickness till their live end and still making millions of dollars with it,going on to poisoned people with other treatments now,and geting away with their crimes,why should they be honest with an antidote???

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I saw Dr Ana in ‘23 and successfully cleared my blood of numerous contaminants found in live blood analysis. That was temporary however. I wrote about what appeared months later in a subsequent substack. Long story short after learning how to use a microscope and check my own supplements the real contamination was airborne. The visual field of my scope would literally become littered with floating micelles/fibers from having my windows open…that led me to check my air purifier and clothes dryer lint - both loaded with the same. So, we do our best with lifestyle and supplements, clean food/water etc but breathing it in all day poses the real challenge. Last time I spoke with Dr Ana (June ‘24) she agreed all treatments are temporary given the exposure’s we’re living with. Long term EDTA results are unknown and I feel great, test it all before ingesting and not a jabber…just thankful for one day at a time 🙏🏼

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Nick, EDTA is not highly toxic. What Professor Baxas was showing was contaminates that found their way into the solution. Plaquex is a wonderful product because the of the polyenylphosphatidycholine that our body needs as we age. I have done both intravenous EDTA, Plaquex, Vitamin C, B-12 and Gluthione. I feel great after these treatments. I have switched to Global Healing Center’s EDTA due to the contamination of Chinese pharmaceutical products. I know that both Drs. Ed Group and Baxas will over see the quality of their products. I still have a nutritional PhD friend who warns me about Plaquex because it is derived from soy. My statement to her is that so is K2 MK-7. Normally a fermented process resolves the estradiol issue with soy. I know Professor Baxas is busy, but if she would address this concern, my wife would feel much better about me taking Plaquex. Thank you!

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Thank you for your comment. Protein in soy is the culprit of soy allergies and isoflavones are responsible for the estrogenic effects. Plaquex is made from soy which is so highly purified to only contain the phospholipids and no protein or isoflavones. There are no allergic reactions nor issues with estrogenic effects to Plaquex and Lipostabil before that described in the literature of the past 70+ years.

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Thank you!

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If they were to use organic, that is to say, NON GMO soy, it is highly likely there would be no allergic reactions, unless the body has become so hypersensitized to the allergens from GM soy that even the non GMO version causes a reaction. That reaction usually goes away when smaller doses of the 'clean' soy are introduced. movie; Genetic Roulette.

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Good you feel good after that treatment. Always, helpful to hear about people’s experiences of different types of treatment.

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Nick, while I was doing treatments I met a lady named Kim who did EDTA weekly treatments for the last five years. Her husband came down with COVID, got better, went to Walmart and he couldn’t get out of truck his legs went numb. A friend saw him and called 911. He died several hours later from a heart attack. Kim got her antibody tested for COVID exposure and she was negative. Kim been healthy the whole time and never got COVID! You can say it is antidotal, but it Kim is about the only person I know that never got COVID and lived with her husband the whole time!

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Has anyone pondered how or why there was contamination? A great product, but purity must be maintained.

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That was my question about the vials being made to purposely insert this into any liquid filled into the vial.

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if it didnt have the salt thrown on it its nearly an instant kill its a 100% man made synthetic

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Great work. EDTA vials can be contaminated with aluminum. Many people believe EDTA chelates aluminum since it will show up in the urine, but based on Dr Christopher Exley's research he finds between 50 and 250 mcg of aluminum in 10 and 20 ml vials of EDTA.

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Aren't ampule caps often made of Aluminum?

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I am not sure. Aluminum is in 42 out of 45 vaccines. One irony is that a new Alzheimer drug that is coated in aluminum, which is a cause of alzheimers.

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There are very clear images of graphene oxide ribbons, graphene oxide microsheets and graphene filaments. PEG hydrogel does not have that feature.

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Please expand on this comment if you will. I see what appear to be ribbons/filaments in the IV EDTA in two of the pictures. Where do you see graphene oxide microsheets and graphene filaments and how can you be sure what they are made of without an elemental analysis? Isn't it an inference only, without one?

Overall, what Dr. Baxas has provided would appear to be good news. There was much less contamination/adulteration than might be expected. Perhaps another brand of IV EDTA should be tested. I like her plan that before using IV EDTA on subsequent patients, it will be tested for MT/NT.

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Ideally, these images would have been presented not in dark field, but in light field. Everything would be much more understandable.

You can consult the scientific literature on this subject and the analyses that have been done around the world, the images are similar.

You can also look at these images here:

1. https://covidproject.substack.com/p/history-of-a-genocide-xxvi


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Are you referring to the NaEDTA image? If yes, I can do a bright field exam on it.

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The first image is a graphene ribbon. The second one is also a graphene ribbon. The third one is another ribbon with a bubble.

Why don't you present the images in bright field so that the similarity is more evident?

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I will do that. The reason is that most of the time I look at bright field there is nothing much to see.

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I am afraid to ask you Professor Baxas

About (Aranesp) darbepoetin Alfa

Erythropoietin Regulating Hormone.

My Wife injects 30 ug/0.3 ml

Every two weeks as directed from her blood work and prescribed to her from her nephrologist unfortunately my wife has been on dialysis now for eight months from 15 years of chronic kidney disease. She is only 55 in hindsight I wish I would’ve took her earlier to Chinese medicine and light therapy.

I pray they are not putting the nanotechnology in it and her perinatal dialysis solutions.

Thank you very Much Dr. Baxas for all your work to help humanity with a solution to combat this Evil attack on the citizens of this planet!

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Canada found a cure for all Vaxx problems - Euthanize the vaxx the injured.

Canada Starts Euthanizing the COVID-19 Vaccine-Injured. “Post-vaccine Syndrome”:

Ontario doctors have murdered the first vaccine-injured man and are coming for the rest.

The COVID-19 vaccine-injured, however, are an extreme inconvenience. They are living proof of the crime of vaccine fraud, contaminated vaccines, etc. They represent the worst possible outcome of vaccination.

Everyone involved in the COVID-19 vaccine fraud wants the vaccine-injured dead:

1) the doctors who gave the shots (you can tell by how they treat the vaccine injured).

2) the scientists who pushed the mRNA fraud (they despise the vaccine injured and viciously attack them online)

3) the media and propagandists for big pharma (they ignore the vaccine injured as much as possible and minimize the damage done to them – gaslighting)

4) the compromised health officials (they reject all vaccine injury reports)

5) the politicians (they pretend vaccine injuries don’t exist and aren’t an issue to be addressed)

Since the vaccine cult is a death cult, it was always going to go this way for the vaccine-injured.

That’s why the vaccine-injured receive no support, no funding, no research, no treatment and no compensation.

It’s not nice to say, but the goal of the vaccine cartel was always to kill them off.


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canada blocked masterpeace from entering the country for a half year. the fda stole hundreds of thousands of dollars of marine plasma from the masterpeace company without explanation or recourse. just radio silence on that at this point.

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And those who oppose free speech....what have they to hide?

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no kidding email chit7@tuta.io and ill send you screenshot proof of my comments here being blocked on my CItta account here

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Seems like anything injectable is dangerous, imo they can take whatever out as long as they don't put anything in!

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The industial production of EDTA is made nowadays with two different techniques – the alkaline cyanomethylation of ethylenediamine by sodium cyanide and formaldehyde, or the two-step Singer synthesis. For this dataset, the first technique is taken into consideration, as this is the most widely used synthesis method. Hum the process seem safe formaldehyde and cyanide 🙆

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still made 100% made synthetic made with formaledyde + sodium cyanide + acid + salt to make it less of a fast kill. It's 100% synthetic boiler room cleaner they added salt to to pass it as medicine. meanwhile the pushers of it slander the medicine nature has had on earth for eons: natural clinoptilolite zeolite

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there is no natural product of edta so you can just call it the production of edta not the industrial production. its all industrial production

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hello Anita

check out my first post with a demo video of ivermectin with pulsating green light orbs in the solution. I just got around to posting research here.

good work maam

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Wow. You have amazing images and videos. Thank you !

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you talk of Yeadon and then synthetic ivermectin nearly in the same breath. have you seen this? or do you just not care about toxic synthetics like that boiler room cleaner with some salt thrown on it they call some vague acronym............. and you slander natural products. WEIRD

“Dr Yeadon, ex-drug company executive, turned truther, has vehemently stated publicly that “ivermectin is one of the most violent fertility toxins [he has] ever come across”.”


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EDTA is made by mixing Formaldehyde, Sodium Cyanide, and Acid. It's a boiler room cleaner with salt added to it to make it a slower kill. and this person writing on this opinion website... slanders natural medicine. WHAT a surprise.

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here get on top of the research for your trilogy of slander. and spell it right if you want to get the internet SEO of your slander right i guess. It's MasterPeace

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Does anybody know about the detox clinic wich Anita advise to.should be be for free.I write a comment what is realy important to me and later i read,Posts would be no more answered.does anybody know where i can make a investigation for Go in my cells?and how to get in touch with the detox clinic Anita wrote about?

Thanks 🙏🏽

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The clinic for now is in a provisional space and does live blood analysis with dark field microscopy. It’s in Wellington Florida. If you are in Florida and want to do the analysis, provide your phone number and they will call you.

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Thank you so much for your replies.

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Is Lecithin the Phosphatidylcholine/plaque?if I surch plaque infussion in Germany i cant find anything?

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In Deutschland heißt es PPC und die Viktoria Apotheke in Saarbrücken stellt es her. Jeder Arzt und Naturheilpraktiker kann es bestellen.

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Hallo Anita,ich habe vor einiger Zeit über einen Heilpraktiker edta bei der Viktoria Apotheke in Saarbrücken bestellt.Es befanden sich Metall ähnliche Ablagerungen in den kleinen Edta Flaschen die ich mit bloßen Augen sehen konnte.in vielen Apotheke kann man leider keine saubere Ware mehr beziehen,dass betrifft auch Deutschland,leider ist dieses Apotheke genau die wo alle Ärzte/Heilpraktiker aus Deutschland bestellen.Hast du eine Idee wo ich saubere Infussionen/edta/ppc bestellen könnte?

Liebe Grüße Aminata ❤️

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Das ist wirklich ein Problem. Ich habe hier eine Ampulle NaEDTA untersucht und fand auch Verunreinigungen drin. Ich weiss, nicht wer in Deutschland saubere Injektabilia herstellt. Soviel ich weiss, gibt es keine andere Quellen für PPC in Deutschland. Es wäre unmöglich, Plaquex in Deutschland zu importieren, da der Deutsche Zoll alles konfisziert, sogar Vitamin C. Das https://www.network-globalhealth.com/ arbeitet auch mit einer Apotheke in der Schweiz aber ich weiss nicht, welche es ist und ob dieses saubere Produkte herstellen.

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Kennst du jemanden in Deutschland der Edta/PPC untersuchen könnte,an den ich mich wenden könnte?Wenn das edta nicht clean war befürchte ich das andere prepärate für uns geschädigte auch nicht mehr sauber sind.Deutsche glauben es nicht sie denken alle ihre Apotheken und Medikamente wären sicher,dass sind sie nicht mehr.In ihren Augen sind Leute verrückt,die etwas gegenteiliges behaupten.

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Der Zentralverband der Aerzte für Naturheilverfahren hat am ehesten Mitglieder, die auch Dunkelfeldmikroskopie durchführen. Es gibt eine Seite für die Arztsuche hier: https://www.zaen.org/aerztinnen-suche.html

Ich kenne leider niemanden persönlich in Deutschland. Die Bastion für Naturheilverfahren ist in Freudenstadt. Am jährlichen meeting in Baden Baden meist im November kann man ev. auch solche finden.

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Danke ⚘️ Anita

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In einem moderna Paten wurde fumarsäure als Gegenmittel erwähnt hast du Erfahrung damit gemacht?

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Ich habe keine Erfahrung mit Fumarsäure, würde dies aber sicherlich nicht intravenös anwenden. Es wird teilweise Nahrungsmitteln hinzugefügt, kann aber nierenschädlich sein.

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Vielen Dank für den Hinweis Anita 🙏🏽

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