Using spinning geometric patterns of neodymium magnets and chrysals to eliminate jab materials

Will send results soon.

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Where can I learn more about this? I have heard that creation of a magnetic field can disable nanobot programming (Michael Chapala) and allow it to be removed from the body.

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What is safest water to buy/drink or a reverse osmosis system on the city/county water system. We’ve no private well!

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At least two of our local grocery stores (one a food co-op) sell bulk reverse-osmosis water.

Bring your own containers @ 49 cents per gallon (recent price increase from 39 cents).

Both stores use the same outside service company that installs the equipment, and you fill your own bottles.

Requires lugging the bottles though. I use 3-gallon plastic bottles that the RO company sells. Others use 1-gallon and 5-gallon bottles.

Water weighs 8 lbs. per gallon.

I cannot install my own RO system so I do it this way. I have other water filtration methods, but this has been the simplest so far for the quantity of water my household goes through.

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where do you live ?

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I have tested 3 or 4 R/O waters from stores, some from "fancy" systems, and they All have moving Nanos, some worse than others. Perhaps some home systems in other countries are better. I have one more to look at that is supposed to have Nano sized filtration system. Will post my results.

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This is the RO company that provides the bulk RO drinking water at the two stores in my area:


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If you mail me a sample, I will check it! Send me a Direct Message and I will send you my mailing address.

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Thank you for the offer, but I'm okay with it.

It seems that there is some kind of pestilence in everything these days (air/food/water); so we do the best we can supplying ourselves, and then pray over everything that goes in or on our bodies; trusting in the Lord to take care of us:

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; (Ps 91:5)

Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. (Ps 91:6)

Thanks again for the offer though!

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You can get a small RO system and install it under the kitchen sink so you have clean water for cooking and drinking. Distilled water most likely will be safe as well. If I find some in the grocery store I will test it.

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TY for your prompt reply! Had old RO system removed under kitchen sink. Tried the Mountain Valley (one you tested) and Sprouts carries it but something wrong - tasted like it had cooking oil poured into it - the water in green aluminum containers which I liked from Amazon. Amazons arrived banged up so wanted to buy locally. Sparklets delivers but reluctant after your testing and my Sprouts experience - horrible!!

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I do not have space under counter.

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you can get a counter top one.

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I assume, counter-top stye can sit on counter in room other than kitchen - like laundry room as long as connected to water source (sink)? I'd prefer a water co that drops off bottles or the bigger glass container like Sparketts does for Mountain Water - that'd be so convenient and out of the way (in garage).

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That would be great. I would love to see the RO and DW compared. There is also a portable RO free-standing counter-top unit that is available for a reasonable price if people can't get one installed under their sink for some reason.

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I don’t like idea of sitting on counter top inside house. Darn Mtn Valley☹️

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I heard distilled was not, safe that is. Love it if you could check some out. Plus, lots of micro plastics in it. Perhaps that's what you see in the old fiji water...

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Pretty Sure "Microplastics" is code for Nanoparticles and Nano Polymers.

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Sep 20Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

Phenomenal work! I like examinations of everyday consumables. That’s the direction I’m heading although I’ll be doing LBA and urinalysis too.☺️

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If ya want help ask a busy loving person(you), they will find time!

Thank you for your posts and research from my heart…

Ps. My well water which is excellent (central MN), gets an AquaCure hydrogen induction to create structured water.


Tom Cowan interviewed the inventor about 3 years ago and I was compelled to purchase. I breath the h gas for 30 minutes at 428 or 528 hz. Produces a quart of water. (HoneyBees buzz at 528). Run it sometimes w/o breathing

I switch the frequency! Water bubbled is what we consume. H deficiency is prevalent in stuffy inside buildings. Other benefits include sex drive, scares go away, skin is healthier ect ect. Cures skin problems. Hair regrows -haven’t noticed that.

Thanks again

Not selling anything-just saying.

In China there are bars to breathe this.


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Sep 21Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

What about a water distiller 🤔 💭? I think that's the best but we need experimental just like this 🤓

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I found that moving bots were still active after Distilling. I think the heat activated them. If you think about it, Nanos travel through the Air from Geoengineering, so that is similar to steam and fog. Some people like FM8 swear by Distilling, but perhaps he has a better equipment than I do.

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Detox with chlorine dioxide and natural zeolite https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=20805

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Thanks, MLeon. I do believe in the power of Chlorine Dioxide in general, although I haven't looked at it under the microscope to see if it can destroy Nanos in the water used in making it. Natural Zeolites are all different, and some are high in, yes, Heavy Metals, according to Mike Adam's research! Also, Sabrina Wallace says that Zeolites aid Nanos in building themselves and I believe her. I have not looked at them under the microscope or tested it to remove Nanos. I did look MasterPeace under the Microscope a few months ago, and unfortunately I found lots of Nanos in it! The Search for Detox products continues!


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Who did your whole house RO system? I’m interested in doing this!

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The company is called Aquasoft. They service SE Florida.

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If you don't mind, how much in US dollars would it cost to have a system like yours installed in SE Florida?

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Back in 2017 it cost 7500.-- US. Today it will be more, probably around 9000.--

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Thanks. That's actually cheaper than I thought it would be.

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I drink a view liters of rain water about a year ago. About 3 months later started skin problems all over my body. Dokter took samples but still ( 6 months latare ) can not tell me for sure what caused it . What effect can have hydrogel in your blood steam on your skin ? Do you have some pictures ?

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From what I can see in the photos, it is not a hydrogel, it is graphene oxide microsheets, graphene oxide ribbons and graphene oxide filaments. To think that there are hydrogels in the sky is absurd.

On the other hand, beer, wine and whiskey also have the characteristic shapes of graphene oxide. We have analyzed almost everything.

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Celeste Solumn FEMA whistleblower says the hydro-gel for air dispersal are called aerogels, and they absolutely are being used.

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What you say is correct. Graphene oxide is used in airplane fuels and chemtrails. There are multiple patents and we know that they use it.

We must be careful when talking about hydrogels since it is confused with the PEG hydrogel of the covid vaccines. There are many types of hydrogels, but only PEG has been used in vaccines.

Could they be using other types of hydrogels in fuels? It is possible, I can neither deny it nor affirm it because we have no evidence, nor have chemical studies been done on the matter to determine what type of material it is. What we do know for sure is that graphene oxide is also used in airplane fuels.

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Celeste Solumn presented the white papers and Scientific Journal articles on it in 2021 or 22. ? Most of her research and documentation is membership only or part of a teaching presentation, some free, some not. I have seen it, though, so I believe it to be true.

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I don't know who that person is.

But on the other hand, talking about papers or articles that others have written does not prove any truth. Only the chemical analysis that one does of something and that other researchers can later confirm, certifies the validity of a statement. Science works like that. Dr. Campra himself asked for a counter-analysis of his studies, and for now all the analyses carried out prove him right.

As I said before, I cannot affirm the contrary since there is no proof that what we see under the microscope of rainwater, or what falls from the sky is some kind of polymer, since no chemical analysis has been done on it. But I can affirm that due to similarities in the scientific literature and in the chemical analyses that others have carried out independently, characterizing the material, that the images that some present as such are very similar, if not identical, to graphene oxide.

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Can you explain why you say it is absurd to think there are hydrogels in the sky. I have never heard that before.

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I have responded to your colleagues and I think I have answered your question.

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Morgellons are polymers that come down with rain and wind from the sky. Hydrogels are polymers as well. So it's not absurd. Graphene oxide that is big enough to be seen under the microscope would be visible in brightfield as black structures. I always start with brightfield first to see if there are any such black structures. There were no black structures in any of the items I put under the microscope so far or I would show the photos as well.

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It all depends on the scale to be able to see it under a microscope. Microsheets, ribbons and filaments of graphene can be seen under an optical microscope as many doctors have demonstrated. The first of them in the world was Dr. Campra, using the micro-Raman technique. Not only are there photos in his studies under an optical microscope, he also has images under an electron microscope.

Depending on the layers that graphene oxide has, it will be darker or more transparent. Look at Dr. Campra's photos.

If you look at his studies you will see that not only is graphene oxide seen as black structures, you can also see these structures.

Subsequently, multiple doctors around the world have corroborated Dr. Campra's work, you know this because you have read the articles I wrote about it, for example, here: https://covidproject.substack.com/p/history-of-a-genocide-xv

On the other hand, if you buy a reduced graphene oxide solution you will be able to see these structures, some darker, others more transparent. And if you apply ultraviolet light, or look at them under a dark field microscope, you'll see that these structures glow. Graphene oxide glows: https://covidproject.substack.com/p/history-of-a-genocide-xi

Morguellons are very similar to graphene oxide filaments. We know that airplane contrails contain graphene oxide since they have been fueling with this material for a long time.

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I am a firm believer in using shungite for purifying my water and I question whether you have tried this ? Or if you have tried making your water "live" or "structured" ? Vortexed water is said to be structured and healthy. Would this eliminate the hydrogels? Maybe add this to your testing.

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No amount of shungite or structuring will be able to take out polymers or Graphene oxide from water. These methods are great on an energetic level, but it can't filter out stuff.

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what about a table top water distiller....

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Outstanding report. It looks like so far; Mountain Valley Water appears to be the safest commercially available water of those you have tested.

Are you having to add minerals back into the water your RO system produces?

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Calcite is added to the water after filtering by the system. I take a ton of supplements including minerals anyway, so that's not an issue.

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try the beers (German's are very pure per the strict laws on additives to beer). The wines (might be quite a bit hidden in those. Also the ciders (from apples) and lastly take a look at the hard liquor whiskey (Islay Scotch for example), Bourbon (Kentucky) and Rums (a ton of these from all over to choose from). I'd bet dollars to donuts that the liquor is tainted (else why allow those liquor stores open but church closed in lockdowns!)

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Next week I will post my findings in Chardonnay, Sauvignon blanc, Chivas Regal and Budweiser.

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Great Work again, Anita! Same here: Mountain Valley is Pretty Good, but not Perfect. I DID find a few Nanos in fresh Coconut Water from the Coconut (unless it was on my slide and then activated with water.) I need to do a similar posts of my findings in various Waters!

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My understanding is that Nanoparticles collate and form Hydrogel structures over time once activated by liquid, such as water or blood. In some liquid products, they are already formed floating around, but can grow, as I have seen numerous times.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

THANK YOU for your studies of this!

Very interesting observations, esp that of no difference to boiling water. I would say that keeping the water fresh is favorable to boiling it, in general too, because the life force in the water is killed when boiled. Since the life force of water is conscious, it can be impacted upon, with our help, thus cleanse itself.

Coconut-water, yes, it is an overall excellent source of nutrients; glad you have your own supply.

Keep up the good work, and go (coco)"nuts"! Hhaahaha.

CHEERs! ;)

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Fiji Water: Was the fiji water from a plastic bottle? I'd classify most of those images as microplastic contamination, the second one looks like ground glass.

Rainwater: 1 could be hydrogel, 2 more like ground glass, 3 microplastic, 4 organic matter, 5 oomycetes (usually found in anaerobic conditions)

Mountain Valley Water: first one looks more like a micro-hydrogel, the lower image is microplastic

The problem with identifying a lot of this stuff is the limitations of light microscopy, to tell exactly what a lot of these things are requires EDX mapping and SEM, which costs silly money to buy the kit, or even rent lab space that has the kit to use.

Re rotten egg smell from your well water: It's not from sulphur per se, it's from Sulphur reducing bacteria (SRB) which gives off Hydrogen Sulphide, usually in anaerobic conditions, I get this in my greenhouse rainwater collection barrel.

You can clean this up with Lactic Acid Bacteria serum (LAB), which is easy and very cheap to make in large quantities, it a probiotic bacteria used in fermentation (e.g. sauerkraut or Kimchi), LAB will kill the SRB and use their nitrogen to form long chain amino acids (hence probiotic), it would then be much better for your garden, and probably more healthy to drink than your RO water assuming there's nothing else in the water, which you could get tested pretty cheaply at Logan Labs. Let me know if you'd like a recipie to make a large batch of LAB, I make a lot to treat my compost after the thermophillic phase.

Generally it looks like you have a lot of contaminated samples. Do you have an untrasound cleaner for all your slides/coverslips? If not your procedures could be resulting in all this contamination. You can get an inexpensive untrasound cleaner for eye glasses or jewelry from Amazon which would make your results a lot more reliable. Also you can spray your lab space with 70% Isopropyl alcohol 15 mins before you start work, spray high and close windows/doors, this would help clean up the air before a scope session.

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