
Thank you. Here is what I have heard and read regarding dosage of MB:

Infusions once per week and oral tincture on the other days. Repairs and activates mitochondria. Improves brain fog.

Dosing: 20-30 mg mixed in 100 ml D5W given iv in 30 minutes once per week. Oral capsules 5-10 mg twice a day. A safe dose is 0.5-1 mg per kg body weight of PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE Methylene Blue.

It is extremely important that it is pharmaceutical grade! The feedback from using oral tincture is from "yuck it's like drinking fountain pen ink to I don't care about the taste. " Supposedly capsules are compounded by some pharmacies.

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Mar 9Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

The widespread roll out of 5G, on top of all the other electromagnetic insults to biological life, is certainly a factor in the horrible mess of the Covid era. And the referenced supporting article on the fatuous origins of the virus theory needs to be understood as well. Such explanations perform an important service, though the con has been long in the making, and the inability of the general public to see through it all is not encouraging. The term “Science” has morphed from the description of an investigative process to the name of a quasi-religious belief system, with no recognizable irony at all.

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Mar 7Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

Good on you, for writing this; thank you.

Our body is always blamed for "attacking itself" (aka "autoimmune disorder" etc.). As Medical Medium Anthony William explains in his books; our body does NOT attack itself.

What really happens, is that our bodies will try to expel toxins, and in doing so, it will look like an "attack" of it's own cells. The more poisons in the body, the more the cells will be saturated with it, and the harder it gets for the body to do the clean-up job.

CHEERs, and keep talking! <3 :)

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Mar 5Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

I hope that millions of people read this post and understand it.

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Mar 5Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD


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Dr. Anita Baxas, Thank you so much for this clarification. We all need hope and understanding, while the protocol treatments are being administered! You are wonderful!

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Mar 25Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

Super article. We see these truther (if you don’t know the term, that’s ok) docs, the new proclaimed messiahs, stepping up and telling us, the awakened to the plan, that the “spike protein” is the problem. Oh dear, but we can help you. Clear out that harmful spike protein, you must. And here, these products that we have for you will do just that. And now we have a company that sells such a kit. Alert: Better run in the other direction. And big truther accounts are profiting off these sells as well. Meaning lots of sells.

Thing is, these truther docs know the “truth” don’t they? They’re not stupid, are they? So if we go there, that they know, you have to ask, why are they not telling the entire story? Like you Dr Baxas and Dr Ana and Dr Nixon? Let’s see: bribed, threatened, or part of the deception. Deep deception that is not even imaginable.

Dr. Baxas, I appreciate you calling them out. There is an X poster that has called out the medical company selling the “cures”. She got blasted. Is she legit or not? Dunno. But she got blasted.

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Mar 11Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

There are a number of technical papers describing the internet of bodies.

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That is a difficult task indeed. All we can do, is put the information out there. Some will be ready to see it, others not yet. Once they are willing to listen, all we can do is be by their side and help them through the difficult realization.

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Great work. Please comment on Metheleyn Blue and suggested dosage.Thanks

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I am trying to keep hope alive in my soul for humanity in my time in this human vessel! Thank you Dr. Baxas 🙏

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Anita, this is all wonderful. I wish AMD would read your article, because he insists there's no evidence of graphene. He would be a better doctor, able to treat nanotech injuries.

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ATAM Authentically Truthful Alternative Media. 🙂 Thats you Dr Baxas, and your friends. God bless you all.

I'm using a Rosehip/Jojoba oil that's infused with vitamin C and a few other herb extracts to see if it reduces the pink dots I have in my skin. I don't have that many of them, I don't glow as much as the vaxxed I only have it in pours, I don't have the illuminated eyes. I got bit by a bio nano drone, who knows what dose was and other nasties. I think I cleared all nasties now.

I had massive white clots and got rid of them. I used multiple weak and strong chelators orally. Plus a green laser. It didn't work till I used that green laser. According to literature it makes the hydrogel swell, before disassembly, I tell you I could feel the swelling. Plus that vein is destroyed now, all shriveled up.

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Great article and interesting that you should have a photo of Captain Picard, if you watch the opening credits of the TV show Picard, I believe what they show is exactly what you talk about. It shows something coming from the sky, into the body, gradually recreating a brand new nervous system, ultimately turning Picard into a cyborg. There is also documentation of this very process using nanotech to create a parallel system in the body that can be externally controlled.

Thanks for the great work.

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Love your opinion,

When was the last time a legitimate, totally safe, miracle medicine became available?

Let’s say, for cancer.

Well, there is talk that ivermectin is doing just that, paired with a couple of other drugs, it is curing cancers right and left. But is it? Is it really?

What else is it doing?

Ivermectin received the Nobel prize in 2015. Went hugely mainstream. Yes? When has big Pharma ever introduced a miracle drug at a very reasonable price? A drug most anyone could have access to.

To me, this big ivermectin push is suspicious. Bigly suspicious.

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Mitigation, maintenance and NOT eradication.. because that ship has sailed for most of us in the WEST.

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