Bhakdi is member of the virus cult and promotes vaccines. Vaccines? For what, when there is no virus? No virus at all! He is a at least a gate keeper.

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I appreciate your analysis here. I was just about to read the Bhakdi/Palmer paper, but now I think I won't bother. As for flat-earthers, I always ask them to use their model to predict where in the sky we will see planets and stars next week, next year, next century. They can't of course. The flat-earth model yields no predictions.

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Falsification of the radius of the earth is all that's needed to show that the globe model is a lie. From there,...


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It's much easier than that. They have a formula to count the curvature and that's wrong. Why? Can't they correct it? If there is no curvature, it can't be a ball and there is no curvature with today' good cameras - period.

I also would kindly suggest to research NASA's projects, including the video where they shot the firmament with rockets. Firmament around a ball shape? But anyway, the debates end at the formula for the curvature, there no need more proof because it's simple math.

NASA's rocket at 10 minutes:


The best flat earth videos (with detailed explanations) for everything is still Eric Dubay' Youtube channel. David Weiss is also good including the documentaries (Level Series).

I started to research it at the beginning of the Covid hoax. When I understood that there was no such big lie they didn't dare to use, I found suspicious that Youtube felt the need of those little banners they used with Covid for flat earth, too and the lack of real debate but rude ridiculing. Anyone with brain will become a flat earther after just a couple of hours real research.

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Precisely, check out this model, it's a wonderful redpill for flat earthers, including real world images overlaid to show not only the accuracy of the model, but also the curvature which is actually visible in some large structures


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All planets are a torus therefore spherical in shape and not necessarily of the same density.The Earth is hollow,not hollow like a pumpkin but enormous caverns and caves.no one talking about a hollow earth and underground bases like in antarctica are they?In fact I have read all living things are a Torus.When you have access to hyperdimensional or maybe it's just multidimensional quantum supercomputers you may be able to create timelines and probable problem,reaction,solution scenarios.I'll bet it's mostly accurate.https://rumble.com/v3ab5y4-the-blue-aether-by-marcia-ramalho-reloaded-08.07.2021.html

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Well written! Doc., we are still seeing multiple injected folks succumb to the jab here locally. Karen Kingston stated in an earlier post that the peak of death will be in 2026. Early on, I tried to warn my friends not to participate in the COVID madness, but they defended Gov. Larry Hogan & Dr. Fauci. As they got sick none of them wanted to admit that these injections were the cause. Still, getting reports from undertakers that folks are just filled with clots. The medical systems perverse incentives and brainwashing of vaccines in general has in a great part caused this catastrophic outcome. The gaslighting to patients on vaccines & viruses from incentivized doctors & nurses, especially OGBYN doctors makes me feel so much compassion for these mothers and their babies! Just breaks my heart. As I continue to watch this carnage with eyes wide open, memories of my late father explaining to me the miracle of life and processes that go on within the body to sustain life from both a biological & chemistry standpoint that he witnessed as a surgeon, makes me appreciate the little special light filled connections with others that I have encountered throughout life.

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Or Eric Dubay.


Or simply ask yourself, how is that possible that their formula to count the curvature doesn't work, how a good camera can "bring back" disappearing stuff (impossible with their curvature), how it is possible that calm water is always level.

It's very similar to the virus lie, a lie such big that no one dares to question, no one dares to believe that they could lie so big. The meaning of it? Apart from stealing horrendous amount of tax payer money, keeping up fear as a control tool (asteroids, aliens or virus doesn't matter) diverting attention from real discoveries (Antarctica) and training brains since childhood that you can't believe to your eyes but only them, the lie goes much-much deeper to cover questions like: Who we are, what are we doing here, what is this place. Was Monroe right (working with the CIA) with his loosh (energy) harvesting legend which would explain the cruelty of this place (we have to eat each other to survive)?

It is a closed place, with water(y) substance above and below, above was proven with the rockets hitting the dome, below was proven by a man working on the Blue Planet documentary, who - interestingly - suddenly died in a crash after that he had showed his documentary video on that there was some kind of flexible but impenetrable water-looking substance at the bottom of the ocean, too behaving very similarly to that one above they tried to break. Operation Fishbowl within operation Dominic (Dominic meaning: of the Lord). Very telling names. Only they could tell that because it was a long conspired psyop prepared for the present days, info-chaos to give them a chance for a unified "solution" to be applied or they made mistakes by arrogance of looking down on all of us.

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It is atmospheric refraction due to water vapour

Use the sliders on the model to see what I mean:


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Look up david weiss and then get back to me about flat earth

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So, we know that the powers that be are EMPHATIC about causing divisiveness and fear in the population. (If you buy into the narrative there are entities that feed off fear, misery, suffering). I do. Even if you don’t, you must admit the goal is fear, misery, anxiety, etc.... it has been for decades. What a better way to do that then to create a disease that is either”not” real or way beyond our recognition, perhaps off worldly? Other dimension? And then intentionally create panic in the population with fake tests, paid off hospitals, coroners, doctors, media, community leaders, including churches. Shot, not shot. You’re stupid, you got the jab. You are selfish, you didn’t. Let’s divide them even more. It is working. It worked. It continues to work. They’ve been pumping out nano & more for years, prior to c19. We are all victims of such. And most don’t know this. I’m suspicious of docs who do not go into nano, quantum dots, etc.... You can pull up info that this is/has been done. My conclusion - I don’t have one. But I’m always looking for researchers who question the narrative. And are willing to consider that there is so much more than we know. Thank you doctor.

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But there is evidence from the gain of function patents - check senator paul rand substack. Covid virus is also a hackable virus - can be started with remote monitoring devices from the retina.

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I think all these patents are just gimmicks. patents are part of the category of intellectual property. Intellectual property is a term increasingly used today and taken more and more seriously by companies, regardless of size, when building their development strategy. Why? Because intellectual property represents, directly and indirectly, an important source of income, sales growth and notoriety.

the use of the term "intellectual property" spread after the founding, in 1967, of the World "Intellectual Property" Organization (WIPO) and became common only in recent years. Formally, WIPO is an organization of the United Nations, but it represents the interests of copyright, patent and trademark holders.

Since these are the very changes desired by companies holding copyrights, patents or trademarks, the ambiguity introduced by the term "intellectual property" suits them. in the case of gof, they can use any other poisons and no one can analyze them or comment too much on them because they would violate the property right on the "invention". Remember how well it fits the "intellectual property" for "covid" vaccines.

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It never was a virus. I am not a medical professional but like to use my brain. Many things were wrong at the very beginning, for example, every government acted in the same way. Would you bring back your people from China with a possible lethal infection to let is spread? Even if you are PM what about your family and friends, risking them or yourself? No way. China was the blueprint for the new antennas. All of the so called covid symptoms are match with radiation or irradiation symptoms. They hit many birds with one stone, cover the harm of mw radiation, come up with a new virus legend to implement never seen harsh stuff like lock-downs, ruining businesses with it, and made the mass to accept a nanotech "vaccine" to tag everyone. (The unidentifiable MAC addresses detectable with old Android devices or new and an additional application, Bluetooth Scanner.) They said: flu has disappeared. Flu never disappeared before, it is regularly with us since the mass implementation of electricity and the rest developments messing with the natural electromagnetic fields.

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"I have so far neither heard nor read any evidence by flat earthers that stand up to scrutiny and makes sense."

Here is a good place to start... There is a very simple test you can do which proves that the Earth is bigger than claimed! Go to a beach and take a photo with a good telephoto lens over a distance of 20-30 miles to another part of the coast or an island. Blow up the photo and you should not be able to see the beach 20-30 miles away due to the curvature, but you can...

At 25 miles there would be a curvature of over 400 feet! https://earthcurvature.com/

There used to be hundreds of examples on Youtube but all removed now.

So now you know that they lied about the size of the Earth... perhaps it is flat?

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That is due to atmospheric refraction, use the sliders on this interactive model which also uses real world photos


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The truth is simple is it not? So you've sent me to a long page full of equations and long explanations to justify something very simple.

The example given is Lake Pontchartrain Causeway - a 23.875-mile (38.442 km) long bridge

Over 24 miles one end of the bridge should be 380 feet below the other end or in my example the beach 24 miles away should be hidden by 380 feet of earth's curvature.

But this curvature app claims that due to atmospheric refraction of light you could take a photo of the other end of the bridge (or the beach) because the light is bent!

Do you have a real life proof of such a miraculous feat? Or for that matter water on a ball spinning at 1,000 mph curving and sticking to the surface? Is there one real example of this miracle too? Holding my breath with anticipation...!

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They change after leaving the cells and mutate every 72 hours?

If they are gene specific then why wouldn't they also be organism specific?

That could be why the same illness hasn't been caused when they have been put into another person.

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“the plane doesn’t fly a straight line between the origin and the destination, but a curved route.”

On which map?

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The 2D map displayed in many inflight information systems.

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Aren’t those based on the globe map?

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Laughably they stopped using it, there was one on the TUI flights (UK), but as it showed Antarctica as a long (whole screen long) ice continent or rather wall instead of a round shaped icy spot, they nowadays don't use it.

"Airline Pilots Thoughts on Flat Earth", only 3.30 minutes.


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I know pilots who confirm they fly orthodromic routes. The entire aviation and ship traffic used this type of navigation because the Earth is a sphere.

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Those orthodromic routes would be straight lines on the gleason map, which is a likely alternative view. The UN logo uses a similar map. Also, your experience with the route shift to the south increasing your flight time would also be predicted by the gleason map. I'm not saying the gleason map is accurate (who makes the maps?), just sayin'. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VPL2WWF/ref=sspa_dk_offsite_brave_1?psc=1&aaxitk=56e8af2344115b947dfcc43e890bbbe2

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Pilots are threatened and fired if they dare to speak out but some did nevertheless. I also would be curious that how many pilots are freemasons, because they are the father of the lie.

The problem with this subject dear Prof Anita Baxas that an otherwise big truthteller should be either avoid it or going into deep research into it because otherwise it can ruin the one' credibility. A lot. David Weiss told who - based on a flat earth application - organized flat earthers into groups, that they were the ones who didn't get the Covid vax, 97% of them remained unvaxxed. It also means that they are the people who seek truth in connection of everything. So far they were right.

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The flat earth idea is no doubt a deliberate attempt at creating confusion in the main mass of the population. The more confused a population is, the easier it is to control. Both afraid and confused, and drugged, is the ideal. As for the sphere idea, it's approximately a sphere, but there are also permutations: the spheroid and the geoid, for instance.

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Just finished reading "Can you catch a cold" by Daniel Roytas. He reviews over 200 studies from the last 100 years .Reinfection from sick to well was nearly impossible for colds and flu in many different settings. Kinda gross feeding people snot from sick persons but it's all for science. He also proposes plausible alternate causes involving lung fluid ph levels and temperature changes. These are old timey doctor ideas that need restudying. Their is no money for researching much else outside the realm of viruses. Forward by Dr Sam Bailey. Fascinating stuff.

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Thanks Anita for another great article. Just another note for you to contemplate….

“Bacteria, Parasites and Fungi have been clearly identified microscopically and proven to cause disease by truly isolating them and then following the Koch postulates.”

Totally agree Bacteria, Parasites and Fungi have been isolated and shown to exist, but have bacteria and possibly parasites ever been proven to ‘cause’ disease or is this another claim that we have all been taught to believe? Very worthwhile taking a deeper dive into this.

Whenever someone starts throwing insults like you’re an ‘anti-vaxer’ or a ‘flat-earther’ you know that they have absolutely no evidence to support their claims. I now take their insults as compliments, especially once you realise that what we have all been led to believe are lies!

As for flat earth, take the time to do a deep dive, all I can say is I don’t believe there is enough evidence to support that we are all living on a spinning globe as they tell us, especially when there is not even one actual ‘photo’ from space (all of them are pictures/images/cgi). Welcome to the great awakening.

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Computer models and simulations are digital constructs they are not true reflections of the real world, as with just one parameter change they can show something completely the opposite. I can model/simulate the curvature of Mars - it does not make it real!

Reality is using a telescopic lens to physically see what should be curved beyond view.

The same goes for the ISS ‘image’ that this site uses to verify the globe earth belief - it is not an actual photo, none exist from space. It’s time to use your real senses to figure out was is the truth.

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Look at the video of Soundly (3rd tab on the computer model site), it has real world images (taken with zoom lens) overlaid over the computer model so that you can compare the two (just so happens that the computer model is accurate to real world scale and thus lines up perfectly from multiple angles). And if you go to Soundly's YouTube channel, you can see the original video of him taking long range photos and videos of lake ponchartrain causeway

So ironically, the very thing you are asking for as proof (using a lenses to see earth curvature) is what is in the video link below... but your cognitive dissonance and desire to be right has forced you to conveniently skim over the truth.

I know, cognitive dissonance is hard to break, but you got this far!

So I'll give you a link to the channel I mentioned:


Feast your eyes on the curvature.

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Here I'll make it even easier

In the following six photos you can actually see the curve:


And if you happen to break free of the CIA funded, military grade mind control, read the following articles, and then your previous comment and the reasons your mind managed to conveniently skip over the ACTUAL evidence (despite it being right in front of you) may become more apparent (you were mind slided).



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Thank you for going into the depths on this one; it is important that the "virus"/no-"virus discussion is allowed to continue, so we get all the arguments and counter arguments out there in the open; it is the only thing that will allow the public to dissect this matter further, so no stone is left untouched.

There is however one, important thing to include in this; in regards to the existence of germs and bacteria: yes, their existence is one thing, but the claims of their presence being a harmful one, is the trick-part: the presence of something is not proof of it being harmful.

Royal Raymond Rife, Hulda Clark etc., have supposedly admitted that they could not prove that what they saw in the microscope (and here must be mentioned that Rife had made his own microscope, where he claimed to be able to detect "viruses"), were doing any harm to the host/body.

What must be determined, is the role of certain germs, bacteria etc., and why they appear in some bodies, and not in others. If they perhaps are there to help and heal the body, they naturally would be present where there is injury to any of our bodily systems; this, then, should be fairly easy to establish.

Someone once mentioned that puss only occured on vaccine sites, which could be explained as the body's attempt to encapsule toxins from the vaccine, to prevent it from entering the bloodstream and do further damage. The fact that we carry around SCARS from vaccines, on the vaccine sites/points of entry, speaks volumes of the "ingredents" of such injections...

Another, key point, when it comes to parasites, is that most people live on a cooked foods diet, which means that there is plenty of fodder for parasites, as such food has lost most life or life functions. People on a more rawfood based diet, will have more input of foods with their life force and life functions intact (you can plant a carrot and make it grow; try that with a cooked one... ;)), which means that there is less food/dead matter for parasites to "thrive" on.

As russian researcher and naturopath Ekaterina Sugak mentions in one of her excellent videos; fungis are there to help our body heal. A statement that is very unusual, but I don't doubt that she may be right. Where there is an "overgrowth" of fungi, it may - again - be due to dietary reasons: where there is "trouble", and alot of it, there must also be alot of fungi present to alleviate the situation. Fungi in general live on rotten material in nature; they act as "composters" of sorts, - breaking down dead matter. Perhaps they are present in the body for the same reason; to "compost" matter from a dead, lifeless diet, often rotting in the gut and intestines, and eventually poisoning the bloodstream.

Anyways, and as always: thank you so much for everything you do; humanity owes you big time.

Take care, and CHEERs! <3 :)

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Appendix: La Quinta Columna's recent release about graphen in the "COVID"-INJECTIONS being transmittable to others, thus acting like a "pathogen", is an important detail, in that it may explain the whole understanding of "influensa", too:

The release of toxins through the air, or through droplets, during a "flu", is most likely what may cause "influensa" in other people/others in a household. Depending on how clean (and how effective a person's body's clean-up system is), there will be no illness in everyone in close proximity to the "sick" person.

One may also think that toxins leaving the body during a "flu", can be hidden inside the mucus present (in that the mucus/phlegm is there for that purpose; to get the toxins safely out of the body, without re-entering the bloodstream, and cause further damage to the body).

It is interesting to note the wording of those behind the "COVID"-FRAUD; the focus was on the "SARS-COV2-virus" being "transmittable", not "contagious"... A curious, and very "techno" way of describing the phenomenon, but absolutely correct, as Columna has been able to prove.

Anthony Fauci's alleged "gain-of-function research" was probably then the "how-to" produce the graphen as an ingredient in the "COVID"-INJECTIONS' vials, and not a "tinkering" of a "biological"/naturally occuring "pathogen".

Incidentally; the latin (?) meaning of the word "virus" reads "poison"; how very accurate and befitting, seen in this light!

Medical Medium Anthony William's take on "pathogens" and "viruses" in general, and his strong focus on the "Epstein-Barr virus" as the cause of many "illnesses" in today's society (after "spreading like wildfire" in the global population), is due to Columnas discoveries put in a different light: William refers to the fact that the "Epstein-B. virus" is patented, and that it can lay dormant for a very long time in the body, before it is "activated", and starts wreacking havoc in the body, as well as becoming "contagious" and can spread to others.

If the "E-B.virus" is really just a toxin, like graphen, or maybe it is a form of graphen, the "activation" of it can be explained by what one has witnessed of ingredients in the "COVID"-INJECTIONS, where many of them didn't "come alive" until they were subjected to changes in temperature, or other, outside factors, thus "laying dormant" until such time.

Very interesting stuff, this!

CHEERs! :)

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Also: the fact that those behind the "COVID"-FRAUD insisted on people wearing mouth-nappies (as I call them), should point to there being no "SARS-COV2 virus"; why should Fauci and his team let out (on purpose, or "by accident"), a "virus" designed to "spread" and harm people, and then order them to wear mouth coverings in order to "protect" themselves from the "virus"?? Doesn't make much sense...

No, the "virus" (poison) was in the "COVID"-INJECTIONS, as will be in the next "pandemic", too (if allowed to unfold as planned), where the injections (for "bird flu") already are being shipped around the globe, all ready for "distribution".

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(They clearly wanted people to get the graphene into their bodies; hence the mouth coverings, that were laced with graphene, as well as the - if memory serves - PCR-"tests" and the Antibac handwash etc.).

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Very good observation regarding the terminology used of transmission, transmittable and not contagion/contagious.

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Thank you. :)

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Thank you. :)

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Ooohh - the final rabbit hole Doc!!! (Germ Theory vs Terrain was our final one, prompted by you know what!!).

An interesting account.

A friend of ours was an ex RAF jet fighter navigator (and later a Wing Commander i.e a base commander) and also a trans Atlantic sailor. We crewed for him on race nights where upon he told us that all sailors navigate as though the earth is flat (this was not a FE conversation but one on sailing). I have also seen YT vids where miltary flight training manuals state the same. A friend and former member of my wife's staff - who used to write speeches for Govt ministers- and also a big Icke fan! - became an airline pilot flying 747's - and unequivocally states the earth is flat.

I guess we should also use our everyday experiences and intuition: does it feel like we are spinning at 1000 mph whilst hurtling through space at 66000 mph?

How do billions of tonnes of water cling to a sphere at these speeds - yet allow humming birds and hot air balloons to escape these forces and 'fly'?

When flying did you continually dip the stick to account for the curvature? Do any pilots? (Our friend doesn't).

Do east to west flights take a shorter time due to the destination travelling towards them at 1000 mph?

To my simplistic reasoning, if the answer is 'NO' to either of the last two, we are not living on a spinning sphere.

He's incredibly monotone and sometimes haughty, but Eric Dubay on YT has a wealth of stats and science for you to ponder.

See you on the other side of that hole - and thanks for all that you do !

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All very nice my friend - does that help with any of the questions posed above? They're not my questions BTW. Either side of this argument can produce all sorts of data and animated diagrams but the everyday experience and reality is imortant hence do pilots continually push the stick forward and do east- west flights take shorter time than the opposite?

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You people all have extreme cognitive dissonance combined with ignorance, if you'd understand flight and gravity and drag you'd understand why the plane levels itself out.

But just like with Laura, you obviously didn't even look at my evidence, because if you did, you'd see the very evidence you are looking for.

It starts as a computer model, but the video then overlays images from real life which correspond with the model.

Here's some homework:

Go back to the model, click on the soundly tab (3rd from the left at the top) and watch the video animation (you will see the model moving, but in various angles it will show the real world images)

Again since you flat earthers seem to be both lazy with your research (even when the evidence is literally spoon fed to you) I'll go further and directly link you to the actual YouTube soundly video as well as the still images which clearly show the curve of the Ponchartrain Causeway

Feast your eyes on your own delusion based on military grade mind control:



Feast your eyes on THE CURVE.

Now will you finally wake up? Or will you stay on your YouTube indoctrination playlists?

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What's with the anger and insults my friend? - and the insistence that I do as you wish? Not happening.

No I don't understand flight / gravity and drag - I'm not an aeronautical engineer but can you tell me do east-west flights take a shorter time over the same distance due to the rotating earth or not? Likewise, travelling the other way do those flights take longer as they have to outspeed the 1000mph planet travelling away from them?

So does 'gravity' and or drag pull or push the plane completely parallel with the curvature to prevent it flying off into space?

So gravity is pushing billions/trillions of tonnes of water to force it against the surface of the spinning planet but an airplane - or hummingbird - can break free of gravity and fly from the surface. And no matter what the size/weight of that craft the gravity knows how to keep it exactly at the right angle so that everything apears flat as it travels around a sphere. It's almost omnipotent and sentient this gravity thing isn't it?

I'm sticking with Occam my friend. Have a great day. Stay happy. x

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They are neither angry nor insulting, at best they are deliberately inflammatory in an attempt to shake you awake.

Again, I posted actual visual evidence.

You chose to ignore it and instead cited theoretical reasoning as to why the earth is flat, I could go into detail to answer your questions, but you clearly seem to lack knowledge of certain fundamentals of science.

This is why I posted actual pictures and videos in which you can see the curve.

Yet you refuse to look at the actual evidence.

Mind control cases such as yours cannot be helped.

You have the free will to stay in your YouTube safe space and echo chamber, but that only serves to distract you from the real issues and ostracised you from the community.

Divide and conquer achieved.

Congratulations, you reinforce your own mental enslavement by refusing to look at BOTH SIDES.

I've actually looked into flat earth theories, and none thus far stand up to genuine scrutiny, and yes I've heard all the claims you've made before.

But have YOU seriously looked at the evidence I provided (not just for 5 seconds)?

Unlike the reasoning you cited (which requires an understanding of various principles of physics - which you clearly lack) the evidence I provided is right in front of your eyes, a camera zooming in on the Lake Ponchartrain Causeway and actually observing the inclusion of part of the structure in addition to its curvature.

But as Yuri Bezmenov said: "they will be so demoralized that you can show them the execution chambers right to their face and they still won't believe it".

The same reason you and other flat earthers cannot fathom how you've been lied to is the same reason the vaccinated can't believe they've been injected with nanotechnology, and why normies can't believe that Satanism and Satanic Ritual Abuse is real - the pain prevents you from accepting the truth.

Indeed, you cannot even bear to look at it.

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My friend as we most likely live in an artificial construct, the actual make up of a globe/flat earth becomes rather inconsequential.

The CIA programming that you describe surely refers to the people who steadfastly defend, with some vehemance, the traditional 'scientific' orthodoxy of a globe earth - in spite of some obvious contradictions given real world experiences (gravity;times of travel with/against a spinning globe; perspective etc) and feel the need to issue 'deliberately inflammatory' comments 'in an attempt to shake you awake'.

And you mention cognitive dissonance??

I actually agree with your latter comments but I'm not a FE per se - I have an open mind but there are glaring inconsistencies to say the least. But please do feel free to continue with the sweeping generalisations in your non programmed world.

Again, stay happy.

And tolerant.

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Your "gravity" is called density.

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