Aug 31Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

Good information, thanks for compiling and providing conclusive evidence of 5G exposure. I’ve realised yesterday that there is a large 5G tower near to my flat. God knows when it was erected. Really pissed off about it and refocuses my attention towards detox. It’s disturbing to know that there is a weapon system, ready to zap me near me.

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Aug 31Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

You've left out another likely possible cause: Zinc depletion and zinc deficiency.

Zinc depletion and ionizing radiation can both impact DNA integrity and health in a number of ways, including:

DNA damage

Zinc deficiency can cause oxidative DNA damage, similar to the effects of ionizing radiation. Zinc is a component of many proteins, including DNA-binding proteins and those involved in DNA repair.

Radiation-induced oxidative stress

Zinc can help prevent oxidative stress caused by ionizing radiation by scavenging free radicals.

Serum zinc levels

Radiation therapy for head and neck cancer can reduce serum zinc levels, especially in nodal disease. Taking zinc supplements during radiation therapy may be necessary.

Immune response

Zinc deficiency can cause a dysfunctional cellular immune response, which can lead to frequent infections. Zinc supplementation can reverse these effects.

Zinc deficiency can cause symptoms like diarrhea, cold symptoms, rash, vision problems, or weight loss.

Zinc deficiency can result from many conditions, including diabetes mellitus, alcohol use disorder, and use of diuretics.

+Non-ionizing RF energy/EMF

Radioprotective effects

Zinc and selenium have radioprotective effects and play a key role in sperm development.

A study found that zinc supplementation can help reduce the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on the brain. The study found that:

Rats exposed to EMF had lower levels of plasma zinc than control rats.

Rats exposed to EMF and supplemented with zinc had lower levels of TBARS in their plasma and brain tissues than rats exposed to EMF without zinc supplementation.

Rats exposed to EMF and supplemented with zinc had higher levels of GSH in their brain and erythrocytes than rats exposed to EMF without zinc supplementation.

Zinc supplementation ameliorates electromagnetic field-induced lipid peroxidation in the rat brain.


There is a lot of evidence linking zinc to blood clotting. Zinc is released from cells called platelets that control blood clotting, and scientists have found unwanted blood clots can form when zinc levels in the blood are faulty.

Google 'zinc deficiency skin', set your browser to display images and compare the photos to skin conditions attributed to other conditions & diseases.

Selenium is also depleted by the same causes as zinc.

Selenium deficiency can lead to cardiomyopathy, myocardial infarction (heart attack), sudden death. As in 'Died Suddenly.

Why are the healthiest amongst us, professional athletes dying suddenly?

They're Vaxed, and:

Regular exercise can lead to a low level of zinc available to the body. For example, long-term endurance training can significantly lower resting serum zinc levels in athletes compared to people who are sedentary.

But not just zinc. Prolonged strenuous exercise can result in marked changes in chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, selenium and zinc metabolism. Evidence of these changes can persist for several days after the exercise is discontinued.

Exercise combined with a selenium-deficient diet can inhibit the production of thiol-containing enzymes in the liver, kidneys, skeletal muscles, and cardiac muscles.

Selenium loss in sweat

Men can lose an average of 340 micrograms of selenium in sweat over an 8-hour period.

150,000 have died from kidney failure since 2021. Selenium deficiency and kidney disease

Selenium deficiency can cause renal injury by increasing oxidative stress and impairing mitochondrial function.

Selenium deficiency can lead to complications similar to those seen in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients, such as bone loss, anemia, and cardiovascular disease.

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Aug 31Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

Additionally: Extreme mineral deficiencies can take years to develop. The vaxed are dying years post vaccination. Farmland has been overworked and is deficient in essential minerals. Some reports indicate vegetables today have as little as 1/8th they did 50 years ago. Highly processed foods are devoid of essential nutrients & trace minerals, as are seed oils, which have mostly replaced animal fats in the food supply.

I've watched many videos & read many obituaries. Overweight and obese are not dying suddenly. But lean athletes are. One possibility is that minerals are stored in body fat (as is vitamin D). Under equal conditions, individuals with excess body fat will not suffer from mineral deficiencies, including zinc and selenium nearly as soon as lean individuals.

How about those with Monkey Pox symptoms. What is their average BMI?

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Good info, thanks. I take a few drops o lugols per day as well now.

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Aug 31Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

I totally agree. If microwaves already cause this damage, imagine how much more damage will be caused by introducing graphene oxide into the body. Graphene will act as a capacitor absorbing all this microwave energy causing more oxidative stress and therefore more damage.

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Aug 31Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

Hi Anita,

A great summary and packaged nicely. Also good to see the real virology people credited.

I would add to potential graphene - morgellons fibres and bio film when it comes to skin issues today.

Also we are told its only non ionising radiation. Its hard to verify this as we can only read up to about 10 g but they have way higher capacity from the towers , <60g?.

I saw some early videos where people were using old Geiger counters and getting high readings in cities. That's probably why we need to buy old analogue giegers to know for sure.

Also I have been told that very high non ionising can do a lot of damage too

Regards, Matt

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Aug 31Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

this is undoubtful the clearest Information I have read about your work....Thank you.

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Our demise was foretold decades ago through a little known document referred to as The N.A.S.A War Document. you can get a glimpse of what they intend to do in the years ahead by fast forwarding to 1hr. 5 mins. on vigilante.com's newest video or I would suggest listening to the whole thing as he puts out very relevant info every week and is entertaining to boot.


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Important Correction:

We're talking about MoneyPox - not mon[K]eypox!

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Aug 31Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

 Japan Declares State of Emergency After ‘Nanobots’ Found in 96 Million Citizens

The globalist elite and Big Pharma are panicking, terrified of what the Japanese are finding, and they are doing everything they can to discredit these investigations, including ordering the mainstream media to initiate a total media blackout of any news coming out of Japan.

But we are not going to allow the elite to succeed in gaslighting the public any longer. Japan are uncovering crimes against humanity and the whole world needs to hear this information.

A new Japanese study published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory Practice and Research proves that Pfizer and Moderna vaccines contain unauthorized “animated worm-like” entities, invisible to the human eye, that swim, wriggle, and assemble themselves into complex structures.

As the Dr. Young Mi Lee and Dr. Daniel Broudy from Okinawa Christian University explain, these worm-like entities are responsible for causing clots inside millions of human bodies around the world since the mRNA roll out.


Dr. Young Mi Lee and Dr. Daniel Broudy isolated vaccine vials for three weeks, then examined them under 400 times magnification and found what they describe as “undisclosed additional engineered components” … also known as nanotechnology.

Bill Gates wasn’t joking when he let slip that mRNA contains “nanotechnology” that is “very self-assembling.”

Evidence is now emerging that the elite have implemented their plan – without our consent – to turn the human race into a vast battery reserve to be harvested in secret.

The Japanese study concludes that the smart microscopic components are part of the global elite’s “long-planned well-funded Internet of Bodies,” which was described as a kind of “synthetic global central nervous system” turning humans into controllable “Biohybrid Magnetic Robots.”

A patent granted to Bill Gates awarded the self-appointed world health czar the “exclusive rights” to computerize human bodies and use them as local wireless networks.

Microsoft was awarded US Patent 6,754,472, which is titled: Method and apparatus for transmitting power and data using the human body.


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Aug 31Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

Here's a practical and delicious way to increase selenium and zinc in our diet. Make a nut butter with pumpkin seeds and Brazil nuts, using a Champion juicer.

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Morgellons 👈👈👈👈

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Why anyone would continue to believe these so-called authorities (like WHO, CDC, FDA, FCC) who are known liars is beyond me.

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Fascinating what I learn here on Substack, this is better then school. 🙏🍀

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Sep 3Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

I have come to the conclusion MDs are like priests and Pharma are the high priests. We can’t question their science because it is absolute. It has become a religious order that can’t be questioned. Didn’t they burn people at the stake. Hmmmmm……

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There's a handful of us who get it!

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

Hi Dr. Baxas and community, this is my first post as I just came across your work.

I recently attended a music convention in Liverpool, UK where several attendees got very sick and one required admittance into a hospital. This person (an American who arrived in good health) developed strange blisters but this wasn't shingles and a weird all over body ache like a body flu but worse. She's been very ill past 10 days.

It's sounding like she has mpox. But from reading your posts, she's really got graphene poisoning exacerbated by 5G which her hotel is surrounded by 5G towers all around.

Meanwhile I personally experienced a histamine storm the day after arriving back in the US which was directed at my throat and sinus area and I felt massive inflammation in my face, it's very odd.

I managed to get some treatment to reduce the oncoming sinus cold but then my throat and lymph nodes and back of my throat caused post nasal drip.

So been fortunate to mostly neutralize this onslaught of 5G focused trigger of grapheneoxide induced reduced immunity.

However am still suffering from some sinus congestion.

It seems like the 5G towers and 5G frequencies have been turned up at the end of August to induce mass cold/flu illnesses over the UK bank holiday and US labor day weekends.

Turn off your as much of your wifi devices as possible and try shielding your windows from the 5G transmissions. They will only turn it up higher in oct/nov to induce more illness leading to deaths.

Taking some ivermectn also seems to help strengthen one's immune system. I'm not a doctor but taking even 3mg to 6mg a day seems to help.


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We really need to protect ourselves from EMF. Check out https://getlambs.com/. Their T-Shirts and PJs are expensive, but really comfortable and well made.

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