Am all to familiar with the flashing lights these days.

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Dr. Anita Baxas, I have all three of Global healing centers tinctures. Methylene Blue, Microsomal Calcium Disodium EDTA, & Foreign Protein Cleanse. I will get some more oral Plaquex in the fall. We know a group of 10 who entered a plane together earlier this summer, where 9 out of 10 got COVID symptoms after the flight. Apparently, the filtration air system emits Graphene Oxide during these flights. Penny & I won’t fly anymore. We also have grounded bed sheets and a Q-Link SRT-3 pendant. We are lobbying our small town to install fiber optic cable through out the city and then keep the cell phone towers to the outskirts of town. They seem receptive. These folks are delusional morons or sycophantic killers with an agenda. Maybe both. Slowly people are waking up. Even Dr. Jane Ruby is now talking about this sick use of bio technology on humanity and babies. I don’t know what is going to take to stop these bastards. Maybe only a taste of their own medicine is the answer.

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Can you please explain "the filtration air system emits Graphene Oxide during these flights" ? Like an intentional poisoning system ? Until i read this sentence i assumed this group got sick by being close to people who were jabbed during the flight ...

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Marty, I think in a Karen Kingston Substack she showed a report where complaints were filed with the airlines after an air quality tests were conducted that show Ed the presence of Graphene. Apparently the new filters contain Graphene.

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Dr. Baxas, is there anyone doing similar research in Europe, i.e. vaxxed, unvaxxed vs. unjabbed animal blood? Thank you. Most interesting.

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I'm sure there are, but I don't know who. They have to be careful about what they are doing and they don't advertise, particularly in Germany, the UK and Spain.

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Interesting. Thank you for replying.

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I am from Germany and here you find nothing about the nanotechnology nothing about graphene.Some people they talk about graphene like Dr Andreas Nowak die,they kill him.The people here talking only about spike protein and about the covid Virus nothing else.Not about contamineted blood or the structures of the nanotechnology in it .I surch more than two years help and dont get it.I am lost in this country without help.

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Fragen Sie Heilpraktiker in Ihrer Nähe ob sie Dunkelfeld Mikroskopie durchführen. Ich weiss, dass sie existieren, aber ich kenne sie nicht mit Namen.

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La Quinta Columna in Spain have done a lot of microscopy research into these jabs. They often have their videos translated into other languages.

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What’s Liposomal EDTA?

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Look it up, lazy ass…

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Global Healing makes some, Dr. Group

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Well shit. As Dr

Day said, it is all in place and cannot be stopped now.

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I try to simplify to root cause. I have no idea how to remove the technology although Dr Ana Mihalcea has ideas as does Dr Robert Young. It seems pharma is putting this technology into other injectable’s (Dr David Nixon). So I am cautious of using pharma products to solve a pharma product.

To reduce the affects of the technology cellular voltage and pH could be helpful. Our cells need to maintain -25mv/7.45pH. As electrons are stolen the voltage drops and you have disease. Dr Jerry Tennant’s book Healing is Voltage is a view of our body from a physics point of view. He is an MD but much more now. It seems we have 13 electrical circuits that run from our hand to our toes connecting all major organs, teeth and brain. Our bodies transmit electrons to areas where cellular voltage is low.

Possible solution to reduce effects:

Increase pH/cellular voltage and oxygenate:

Vitamin C IV high dose. C is an antioxidant but at high levels it triggers the Fenton reaction to force H2O2 to release. (Dr Levy)


Ozone IR blood therapy

Sodium bicarbonate (Dr Mark Sircus)

Chlorine dioxide. (Www.theuniversalantidote.com)

Dr Pedro Chavez in Mexico has treated over 6,000 COVID shot injured patients with his protocol and having success with turbo cancers. Below is a link to his protocol and people emitting MAC addresses.


I am not a doctor or health professional. Info purposes only.

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It seems a no brainer to use an electromagnetic filter with a thin mesh . All metals can have magnetic frequencies especially graphene . Filtering people's blood through one filter made of the magnetic frequency to extract , should be able to clean all of the metal ( 100% ) . Public extraction facilities could unite people and they should be free , with all communities coming together to oversee it until 100% of all metal is removed from people's blood in everyone in the world . A cash reward for being 100% nanotechnology / metal free could be given .

Turning off 5G and Mobile Phones is important too , and ' Turn Off 5G ' is a Campaign Name . Asking people to turn off mobiles too early may be a disconnect , so let people be sure 5G is bad and they can make their own decision on mobile phones and campaigns warning of dangers can be run . All future internet should be wired which it mainly is . Only in people's personal homes does it generally go wireless / WiFi and that should be turned off . Phones could be capable of making a call and being used for GPS with no Data Signal so the end of Wireless Signals WorldWide does not spell the end for mobile phones or portable devices . The Wireless ( Internet ) Aspect should be banned . Public internet could be available in all places on Public Terminal Stations in town centres or parks . There is no reason society and the world in general can be more connected with Wireless Signals Turned Off compared to before . In fact the more wired a place is and the more Internet Terminal Stations in public the more we will feel connected because without an over reliance on checking a mobile phone every 20 minutes we will meet people in town and talk there . Perhaps we will talk about the 2 year blood cleaning exercise that reunited society and how close we came 🎯🌈⃤ 🌈 Reform Pink Floyd Clean The World's Blood

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I agree with your thinking although using an electrified wire mesh to pull the tech out is not easy. A famous German body builder went to have his blood run externally through a machine to clear out clots. The machine got clogged up and he died a few months later.

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That's insane ! Are you referring to Jo Lindner, aka "Joesthetics" ? A search reveals many things about "plasmapheresis" ...

"Jo said that he underwent the procedure twice after particles were found in his bloodwork"

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We have a Special live Space coming up this Friday covering Jo Lindner's sad death and links to the covid injections ( 13th September US Time 7pm EST Please See Link ) . 🙏🙏

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This is great information and appreciate the feedback . I looked into the case and it seems to be a really important one because there are implications if it turns out taking the contaminants out of the blood can be dangerous . It is not clear from reading if the reason he passed away was because of the extraction or if he was going to pass away or it was another effect . I will look to set up a Twitter Space to try and discuss the case but I thought it was worth raising another related point as well . It seems the combination of using Steroids or TRT ( or Growth Hormone ) or with other muscle drugs can lead to the relative shrinking of veins and arteries ( I am not a doctor ) but I have knowledge of a spate of early deaths in the Professional Wrestling Industry going back to the 1980s ( less bad now . . . was worse in the 1990s ) and that was largely a combination of athletes using Steroids and TRT or Human Growth Hormone and consuming Cocaine . The Cocaine caused the blood vessels to shrink further or further pressured the heart during the hit and that combined with shrunken sized veins and arteries and oversized hearts from the Muscle Drugs around the over stressed arteries and veins is a double combination that caused a lot of pre-40 heart attacks in otherwise very healthy fit men . I feel that there is enough information to put out a warning to any injected people warning that consuming Muscle Drugs now if they have had the vaccine could be dangerous . As in the case of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jo_Lindner , he was quite an extreme bodybuilder and I wonder if other people consuming Steroids , HGH ( Human Growth Hormone ) or TRT ( Testosterone Replacement Therapy ) are aware of the risks of vein shrinkage or over stressing the heart mixed with the vaccine and what it does for making clots .

It feels of all groups , people taking casual Muscle Drugs now would benefit from knowing the current dangers and how it relates to the covid injection in terms of potential clots .

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Hello all, in a follow up to the previous discussion we have a Special live Space coming up this Friday covering Jo Lindner's sad death and links to the covid injections ( 13th September US Time 7pm EST Please See Link ) .

Thanks to Professor Anita for helping to organise the Space with Joesthetic's friend Bart , a gym owner in Bangkok .


It should work for all 3 timezones , US Time Friday Evening 7PM EST . Questions welcome , and Professor Anita will be there too 🙏 .

For questions , can reply here , or join the Space Live on Friday evening . All welcome! US Time 7pm EST Friday 13th .

Please help share any way you can , and playback will be available . This is an information war and live is where we thrive . I firmly believe the elite will lose in a live conversation information war . The guilty will run away from live conversation and the freedom fighters will sprint towards it . 🎯

https://x.com/i/spaces/1YqKDkOAkbBxV 🙏🙏🙏 See you there Edward Chia Music 🙏🙏🙏 Thank you


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Hello, in a follow up to the previous discussion we have a Special live Space coming up this Friday covering Jo Lindner's sad death and links to the covid injections ( Friday 13th September US Time 7pm EST Please See Link ) .

Thanks to Professor Anita for helping to organise the Space with Joesthetic's friend Bart , a gym owner in Bangkok .


It should work for all 3 timezones , US Time Friday Evening 7PM EST . Questions welcome , and Professor Anita will be there too 🙏 .

For questions , can reply here , or join the Space Live on Friday evening . All welcome! US Time 7pm EST Friday 13th .

Please help share any way you can , and playback will be available . This is an information war and live is where we thrive . I firmly believe the elite will lose in a live conversation information war . The guilty will run away from live conversation and the freedom fighters will sprint towards it . 🎯

https://x.com/i/spaces/1YqKDkOAkbBxV 🙏🙏🙏 See you there Edward Chia Music 🙏🙏🙏 Thank you


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I know Dr. Jerry Tennant's work. It's amazing. pH is voltage so an alkaline diet can be of some assistance with that. Thank you for the resources.

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"By 2030, Smartphones Will Not Exist, Technology ‘Built Directly Into Our Bodies’"

-- Pekka Lundmark, Nokia CEO, Davos 2022.

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Excellent article, pictures and video. I cross-posted it.

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I am unvaxxed but got Covid while visiting my mother at a hospital. When I get around vaxxed people, I always have symptoms that same night like I am getting sick, low grade fever and chills. The next morning I am ok. I feel my body is fighting it but this is still happening 3 years after having Covid!

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It's very likely that the symptoms you feel is your body trying to detox from the Graphene oxide and hydrogels coming off the jabbed, but also through the environment.

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I’m mostly a loner. Stayed away from folks during last years. No jab. No one in family had jab. But did go to meeting in ‘23 with about 150 folks, mostly older. Stayed couple hours. Came home, fatigue, aches, felt awful. Nothing very definitive but just felt terrible. The worst part and best way to describe, I felt a sense of “doom”.. it was overpowering, like why not just give up now? Took a clean aspirin, felt better in several hours.

Felt same couple of times since then. Stay away from jabbed.

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Question, Are you also testing the influence of exposure to microwave or mobile phone radiation on your samples?

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Not yet. The samples were left outside for 20 hours exposed to the WiFi field in my house, though this is dampened as I keep the modem in a Faraday cage. I intend to do this testing once I can plan the set up for this testing and I have the time as I only have little spare time to do all this.

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Great, I’m quite sure the results will be astonishing.

According to a theory, the electro sensitive material, is designed to shape shift and reassemble in different forms via Wi-Fi or more likely 5g/millimeter waves.

Some say that the same vial can be used for different purposes, depending on how the electro sensitive materials contained in the shot are arranged at the time of the inoculation.

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I know its valuable to test meat but some people are getting the idea that fruit and vegetable diets are not equally infested with the nano. Is this being done because it's harder to look at cells of vegetation clearly under the microscope?

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You’re correct. Meat has blood we can look at. I’m not sure yet how we can test vegetables but they will most likely be just as affected.

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Yup. They WILL get you. Mitigation, not elimination is now the game, as you will otherwise never be able to get 'clear'. But you CAN mitigate, reduce and periodically decrease numbers and toxic ness...

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Does that mean they weren’t joking when they Bill Gates said they would do this an Joe Biden signed a Law these vaccines can be sprayed into the atmosphere Bill Gates cabal can poison the planet humanity our livestock our insects farming land and every living organisms on the planet will die WTF

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Thank you!

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Chem Trails. See them (under the PHL flyway) as I hang my wash on the line several times per week. Glad I put my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ

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That’s interesting to see. The amount of people who are dying including children is staggering.

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Agenda 21, the Elite plan for Global Rule, says Earth isn’t sustainable past 4 billion (total BS of course) so they are going to cut us by at least 1/2 if not more. They don’t care how many of us barbarians die. No one seems to be getting this! The Elites don’t care who and how many of the 99% die in their coup. The more the merrier. They don’t even see us as people. We are Workers or Useless Eaters. You can be guaranteed the Useless Eaters (anyone who can’t work) won’t be eating for long. Why you all can’t see that we haven’t anymore time to armchair direct a global coup. Time to stand or fold.

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What amazes me is why isn’t anyone standing. I agree with you, the statement is you can vote your way in but, have to shot your way out. Maybe that these folks are tved out zoned into the mind games. It’s going to have be really bad.

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