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Jan 4
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I have used it and Dr. Mihalcea has good success with it in unvaccinated patients whose blood is not too contaminated. And we both test the blood with before and after microscopy clearly showing the improvement.

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DR. Baxas thank you so much for the excellent review on EDTA. Finally a certified EDTA professional stepped up to the plate to dispel the misinformation that sometimes appears on this platform. As you state, properly given it can be a lifesaver for those with heavy metals on board. I have noted a reduction of metals in my blood over the last year or so with my EDTA treatments and heavy metal testing.

Thank you for stepping up!

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Great information. Thank you! What about taking EDTA orally? Any thoughts on its effectiveness. I've been taking EDTA disodium once a week, about 1/4 tsp at a time.

Dr. Exley claims EDTA binds with aluminum during the manufacturing process, and therefore is consistently contaminated with aluminum, so it isn't really binding with aluminum. He claims only silica in the form of silicic acid removes aluminium (he's a brit). Thoughts?

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Silica is good for binding Aluminum. There is no reason Aluminum would be used in the manufacturing/compounding process of EDTA. Before and after urine or hair analysis shows a reduction of Aluminum burden after doing EDTA chelation treatments.

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Oral EDTA is absorbed poorly unless it is liposomal which is claimed to be absorbed at a higher rate than non-liposomal products but not as well as intravenous. If infusions are not possible, then liposomal EDTA, eg. from Quicksilver scientific, is a good alternative. Caution is warranted with oral EDTA as well. The minerals must be replaced and regular blood tests for kidney function should be performed.

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Thank you for replying to these questions. We use only orthomolecular methods with the livestock on our farms, and we use raw milk and fermented raw milk to cultivate a balanced microbiome throughout the farm and the foods we deliver. Young people who work our farms turn to us for advise on detoxing and protecting themselves and their children from the assaults.

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When you state minerals should be replaced, are you speaking in general? A good multi-vitamin? Or certain minerals? Magnesium. Others. Thank you.

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When doing chelation a multi mineral supplement is essential that includes Magnesium, zinc, manganese, potassium, molybdenum and others. Pure encapsulations has a good product that you can get on Amazon.

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Thank you. Very helpful.

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You need to dissolve in water before taking. The absorption goes up to over 90% according to reports comparing granular to liquid absorption.

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Thanks. I do dissolve it in water, often mixed with my first 15g vitamin C dose in the morning and sometimes niacin.

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I thought EDTA was not water solveable? Interesting.

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Have you tried horse chestnut water ?

It is some emulsifier that really is a saponine that is immune-system soothing, a rare and precious combo.

(Most saponines irritate immune system or at least shift biome like PEG or PolySorbatess (asides these feed the dragon) - the only one I found so far also not shifting biome it as also used by body are phospholipids from liposomal solution extracted from sunflower lecithins.)

I would try doing soap water from chopped nuts, filtrate and do some ultrasound mixing to Dr. Klinghardt (he gave DIY tipps for Vit. C solving but for phospholipides): just theow in a small lab or other thin walled glass cup and place in strong ultrasound glasses cleaner bath, for some 1/2 hour. Has to be pre-blended.

How would I know easily it works and leads to high resorption with EDTA ?

For pro’s you can find papers and patents on that by Solv4U.com

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Thank you!!

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It has been attacked recently.

Great indicator that it is not a cash cow for big Pharma.

And that it is most likely safe & very effective.

Thank you for this informative post.

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Dr Anita Baxas has delivered a succinct rebuttal of some claims relating to EDTA treatment here. Thank you Mam for your common sense approach to this important information.

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Hey Matt thanks for contributing. I've been on edta and have seen a marked improvement. Are you supplementing with it as well?

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Hallo David,how you supplementing edta?orally,topically or infussion?

Thx Aminata

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what about taking oral edta in the form of MedFive capsules?

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The MedFive website doesn't give the ingredients in terms of how much of what is in their product. Without that information it is difficult to make any statements about their product.

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Hello, Professor Anita Baxas, MD. Thank you for explanation on EDTA chelation therapy. As far as I know IV EDTA is prepared with at least two components: EDTA and 0.9% saline solution. You are well aware that all pharmaceutical products nowadays have some ‘additional’ ingredients (let’s say nano). This is also applied to saline solution. I stopped going for IV EDTA because I am not clear about saline. Can you comment on this please.

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So far nano ingredients (GO) has been found in injectables filled in glass vials such as HGH, insulin, anaesthetics. It seems Corning labs who produce glass vials had a contract with Pfizer before Covid to manufacture a new type of glass vial for the jabs and began building large factories. This new type of glass may (no evidence yet) contain the nano particles that then dissolve into the liquid. This way not all manufacturers of insulin, HGH etc would be in on it. Saline solution usually comes in plastic bags, not glass bottles. So far I think they are safe. To test it, we would need to use a magnet and see if any black substance can be concentrated at one end of the bag.

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Nice. Corning labs now gives a warm fuzzy feeling.

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Dear Professor. i confirm that the calcium EDTA i examinated on microscope contain GO and filaments. regarding Magnet, i tried to apply on contaminated vials of lidocaine after heating ( following protocole of la quinta columna) but no black substance can be seen. maybe because the concentration of GO was not strong enought. That said, im gona post picture of the Saline solutions i examiated recently on my substack and i would love to have your opinion : i see structure, but maybe not graphen. so maybe normal?

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Why use industrial synthetics with extensive toxicity records in the literature when natural options exist. https://drloveariyana.substack.com/p/dr-ariyana-loves-premium-detox-protocol

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Because natural options are too cheap and very effective!

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Many thanks for your work.

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Have you seen evidence that it actually works? I haven't.

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That's where the microscopers come in. You can get to a solution if you follow the direct visual evidence of a given outcome. They have all been a huge blessing to us; especially Matt jaob.

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Dr Baxas, is Plaquex over the counter?

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Plaquex for infusions can only be purchased from AnazaoHealth compounding pharmacy in Las Vegas by medical professionals. Plaquex Oral is over the counter but I have no evidence it works for detoxing GO nor Hydrogels. It has some capacity to repair cell membranes though. It's available from www.biorica.biz.

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My husband is now at the point where he either goes down the statin, beta blockers, catheterization , stent route for cardiac stenosis or chelates. Thank you for this report. Much appreciated. 30 or so years ago, I listened to a medical radio show where the host, a cardiac anesthesiologist, had a heart attack. He chose not to have bypass but chose chelation. He spoke of its benefits often. He left the traditional medical field and started a journey into natural healing. I would probably have limited knowledge of chelation if I had not listened to that doctor’s testimony. If you listen to main stream medicine, chelation will kill you.

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For that problem Plaquex is much better than chelation. Go to www.plaquex.com to get more information.

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Thank you.

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Thank you for your suggestions Dr.Baxas.

My husband, info above, had a cardiac cath today. Severe blockage in main artery, significant blockage in several others. No stent or balloon, too extensive. But he has not had a heart attack previously. Of course, bypass surgery, statins recommended. A road he does not want to go down. There are many seemingly helpful treatments/supplements for clogged arteries. Too many to evaluate them all. And he feels as if is he needs to do something. Quickly. Re:plaquez, how quickly might he see results? Or what else do you recommend? He’s 66, fit, good labs, a runner. No vax. Thank you so much.

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Without exact numbers and not knowing your husband and symptoms he may have it's difficult to say. With severe stenosis he will probably need around 40-60 treatments. Improvements in symptoms usually begin after about 8-12 treatments as blood flow is improved. Reduction of plaque deposits takes longer, at least 20-30 treatments and in severe cases more though the process begins from day one. He would need to do 3 treatments per week for the first month to get faster results and then can reduce to twice per week. You can search for a clinic on www.plaquex.com under Resources and then Find a Doctor in the US. Just put in your zip code and the search engine will list clinics in the area. As clinics don't inform us if they move or close, there may be some showing up that don't exist any more.

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What about EDTA in liquid drops form taken internally? Is that safe? I bought some from Global Healing.

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