Horsetail , Bamboo Extract & Hyaluronic acid are great supplements to counteract low testosterone, along with eliminating exposure from halogens, plastics & pesticides!

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Great article.

Is there any research on the children born to parents, one or both, of vaxxed children?

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Thank you for this questions. I will have to find out if there is any research.

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Dehydration or hyponatremia causes infertility too. Dehydration or hyponatremia turns on the adrenals because it’s an emergency state.

The adrenals run the show in emergencies. The sex hormone production is shut down in an emergency.

Chronic dehydration results in chronic infertility.

Hydration not oxygenation underpins our physiology.

Hydration equals salt plus water.

Salt turns off the adrenals because it brings hydration.

Read my article: How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?

Click on my blue icon.

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Very interesting article. I highly recommend others read it too.

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Thank you Anita.

You may also be interested In my article: We breathe air not oxygen.

I have logically dismissed the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide as a fraud and an intentional mis-direct to cause suffering.

Oxygen is a man made PRODUCT of air not a constituent of air. To make oxygen, air is stripped of its moisture to the required parts per million of water contamination. Oxygen is measured by its DRYNESS.

Air is measured by its moisture or humidity.

Please note the difference. There is no naturally occurring oxygen or nitrogen in the air we breathe for obvious reasons. Nitrogen is made from oxygen with the addition of carbon particles. They needed to invent a noncombustible oxygen. Nitrogen is synthetic smoke. I have an article with link to a brilliant demonstration of this, Peter and Pete use a home oxygen concentrator to produce oxygen and then with the addition of a carbon filter, they produce nitrogen. The periodic table is really a table of PRODUCTS.

The lungs work efficiently with air between 30-50% humidity. We notice when air is too dry or too wet our lungs struggle.

The lung alveoli requires air reaching it to be at 100% humidity, that is dew point or drop point.

The respiratory tract mucosa conditions the air inhalations by adding moisture and salt. The drops arriving at the alveoli are salty. The drops saturate the red blood cells as they pass through the alveoli capillaries and rehydrate them. Zero oxygen is required.

The salt in the air exhalation turns lime water cloudy, zero carbon dioxide required.

The red blood cells carry and distribute salt water.

An IV saline drip also rehydrates RBCs. The red light monitoring is checking for hydration NOT oxygenation.

When oxygen is released from confinement it extracts moisture from its surroundings to return to its natural state, air.

When oxygen is released into the respiratory tract, it extracts moisture from the mucosa and the delicate alveoli. Reactive oxygen species ROS is describing damage due to oxygen’s power to dehydrate. Oxygen toxicity is due to the power of oxygen to dehydrate.

Oxygen is used in plain sight to cull. The majority of prescriptions for oxygen are for the terminally ill. Palliative care is not kind.

If you exchange any words describing oxidation with dehydration, a true understanding of our physiology is revealed.

Our Achilles heel is dehydration. Every dis-ease begins with dehydration.

Hydration enables healing.

Salt restriction directives have caused the epidemic of chronic dis-eases, including fertility.

The WHO boosts the money they have spent on salt restriction directives has been the most effective in population reduction. The message in the title of their brochure: Reducing population, salt intake. Easy to see once you know eugenics still underpins the established medical global framework and our physiology is undermined by salt restriction directives.

Excerpt: Sodium reduction has since been recognized by WHO as one of the “best buys” in global public health, yielding an estimated return on investment of USD$13-78 for every dollar invested.

Source https://www.who.int/health-topics/noncommunicable-diseases/reducing-population-sodium-salt-intakes#tab=tab_1

The returns invested, are increased chronic dis-ease and market growth for big pHARMa drugs.

It is time, we wised up and got salty.

The phrase: ‘take it with a pinch of salt’ refers to salt enabling our cortical brain to scrutinise and strategise.

When you want to move out of an adrenal surge that causes: fight/flight/freeze take salt plus water.

Next time you get bad news, a fright, have a strong reaction to coffee, get salty and watch your physiology come back to calm.

A hang over is a state of dehydration, get salty.

Mountain sickness or altitude sickness is dehydration, get salty.

Eclampsia of pregnancy is the result of dehydration. Women are more susceptible to dehydration because we are built to carry a baby. We need extra salt to hold fluid. Water follows salt.

Dementia is the result of chronic dehydration of the brain. A headache is not a prompt to take a Panadol. The brain is most susceptible to dehydration.

Learn all the symptoms of dehydration. Dryness is our Achilles heel.

Dry lips, get salty.

Dry eyes, get salty.

Learn the indicators of dehydration, remedy it, and maintain your ability to heal.

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 2009 – WHO Eugenics Speech by Kissinger

Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009:

"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services".

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Can therapeutic effects of Phoshatidycholine be achieved when it is taken orally? If so what would be the dose and frequency?

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PC taken orally does have some cell membrane repair effects but not as fast and wide spread as the intravenous PC as much of the oral PC is excreted via the liver within the first liver by-pass. It works great for liver cells, but for other organs it takes longer to work.

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