As the title infers, infertility isn’t just happening but has been made to happen for many years and is now climaxing because of mandated injections.
According to a report1 by the WHO in April 2023, one in six adults or 17.5% of the world population is infertile. The numbers are based on a report2 called Infertility Prevalence and Estimates from 1990-2021.
In Germany the correlation between the jabs and birthrates is clearly visible in the following graph:
Nine months after the rollout of the jabs birth rates in Europe dropped by 5-15%3. The following graph shows an unusual steep drop in fertility rates in Germany at the end of 2021.4
In the USA the birth rate in 2023 was the lowest since 1979. England and Wales show a decline of 12% through June of 2022. Australia shows a huge drop of 63% from November to December 2021.
Before the pandemic, the number of births in Switzerland was falling. Then the number shot up as the pandemic waned. Between 2020 and 2021 the birthrate rose by 4%. However, in 2022, the rate fell by nearly 10%, according to Switzerland’s Federal Statistical Office (FSO).
Covid jabs have a huge effect on fertility by various mechanisms
Graphene Oxide (GO) damages mitochondria that produce energy in cells. This study5 from Iran shows that GO reduces the energy currency of the body, ATP that is also made in the mitochondria in sperm and thus reduces their motility and metabolism.
Graphene Oxide causes stillbirths by delaying retarding brain tissue development in the fetus by decreasing RNA and DNA synthesis and by retarding blood vessel formation in the heart of the fetus, leading to hypoxia.
Stillbirths per month in a Californian hospital
Polyamides make up the hydrogels and are used to deliver genetic material (and what else?) to cells and nucleus for gene transfection into the DNA and they block androgen receptors signaling done by Dihydrotestosterone, DHT! DHT is the active form of Testosterone that exerts many effects in the body and is essential for male fertility among many other functions. This means the hydrogels in the Covid jabs block the effects of DHT.6
But there is more: Fetal cells were used in these jabs. Every cell therapist knows that fetal cells of a certain organ will migrate to the organ of origin once injected. For example, fetal liver cells will migrate to the liver once injected into the body, be it subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously. If fetal ovarian and testicular cells were used in the jabs, these cells serve as a guide to lead the other jab contents to these organs. We can imagine hydrogel as the taxi, the GO, mRNA, DNA plasmids and whatever else is in there that we don’t know about yet, as the passenger and the fetal cells as the driver of the taxi. This is a targeted attack on the ovaries and testicles of the jabbed. GO causes massive free radical damage by oxidation and inflammation and impairs the function of the organs they damage.
Environmental Toxins that impact fertility
It's clear from the mechanisms of damage and the statistics that the Covid jabs are destroying fertility in men and in women. However, a war on fertility has been waging for many years with the help of environmental toxins.
Many chemicals have estrogen-like effects and compete with Testosterone. They are the reason why male fish and amphibians turn into females in waterways that contain these chemicals. I wrote about these chemicals in this Substack:
Other factors that affect fertility are stress and obesity. Most people on the planet are under constant stress and obesity rates are steadily increasing to a level where more than 50% of Americans for example are considered obese. Obesity increases Estrogen levels in men thereby leading to a relative lack of Testosterone. A nutritious diet is essential for a healthy body, which is essential for fertility. Most foods are laced with toxic chemicals from pesticides to plastics and now mRNA, toxic metals and many yet unknown substances. Even when you buy organic vegetables and fruits or grow your own outside, toxic metals, Graphene Oxide and other chemicals rain down on them. Most growing soil is depleted of nutrients and the nutritious content of foods has declined significantly. In 1936 (!) the US Senate was presented with the results of a scientific study it had commissioned on the mineral content of our food. The results demonstrated that many human ills could be attributed to the fact that American soil no longer provided the plants with the mineral elements that are so essential to human nourishment and nutritional health. The following chart shows the change in nutrient levels in food from 1950-1999.
A healthy gut biome is key for good health. Unfortunately, our beneficial gut bacteria are made sick by an unhealthy diet high in simple carbohydrates and sugars and toxic chemicals like chlorine, glyphosate, pesticides, toxic metals and GMO foods that plant a pesticide factory in the gut. Birth control pills are associated with Crohn’s disease and other inflammatory gut issues leading to leaky gut.
Birth control pills contain hormones that simulate pregnancy. When the body constantly receives hormones, it stops making them and the glands get lazy. After taking these pills for many years, it becomes difficult to conceive and carry a pregnancy because the glands are not up to making the required hormones. There are other pharmaceuticals that impair fertility such as Ivermectin. See my Substack here about the dark side of Ivermectin:
EMF8 from laptops, mobile phones, microwave ovens as well as many other sources impact sperm count and health. Â Sperm count declined significantly between 1973 and 20117. A Swiss study of men in the military found that men using their mobile phones several times a day had a much lower sperm count than men who used it only a once a week. Other factors that affect sperm count and health are drug use (prescription and illicit), alcohol, tobacco and stress besides the factors mentioned earlier such as Graphene Oxide.
What Can Be Done?
For the most part it’s avoidance. Avoid the jabs, avoid toxic chemicals in food and water (get a reverse osmosis filter). Avoid them in personal care products, cleaning products, candles and air fresheners. Work with a natural health care practitioner to apply lifestyle changes and use natural remedies in order to get rid of pharmaceuticals in your life. Use dietary supplements, exercise, begin a stress relief practice such as mindfulness techniques, meditation, going into heart space, breathing and more.
Detox the poisons that were injected and repair the damage. The methods of detoxing the jab ingredients and toxic metals from the environment are EDTA chelation and EBOO treatments. To counteract the damaging effects and repair the damage, we use Plaquex infusions, Methylene Blue, high dose Vitamin C, Glutathione, NAD and a host of supplements.
I wrote about this in these Substacks:
Fetal cells were used to target ovaries and testes with toxic substances, but they can also be used to heal organs. Unfortunately, governments in many countries have made cell therapy illegal or continued companies to make some version of cell therapy products, but watered down so their effectiveness is curtailed as has happened in Germany. To my knowledge fetal cell therapy is still available in some clinics in Mexico and several clinics in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and the UAE. The worlds leading company in fresh cell therapy products originally derived from sheep and rabbit, but now grown in cell cultures is located in Malaysia. Their products are managed and shipped by
To inquire about cell therapy treatment centers email
Many decades ago, we treated the wife of a famous musician and singer with fetal cells as they wanted another child, but she couldn’t get pregnant. A good year later we received a note that she gave birth to a baby girl.
In some instances, hormone replacement therapy, eg. with Testosterone may be necessary, but natural methods of raising Testosterone in men should be tried first. I wrote about these in the following Substack:
In conclusion, it’s our body and our decision what we put into it and what we do to detox ourselves. Thus, we have quite a bit of power over our health and destiny if we take the decision making back and not leave it up to others. There is a good chance to reverse infertility issues with mostly natural methods and lifestyle modifications.
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1. WHO report:
5. Cyto and genotoxicities of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide sheets on spermatozoa
Ehsan Hashemia, Omid Akhavan*bc, Mehdi Shamsaraa, Reza Rahighib, Ali Esfandiard and Aidin Rahim Tayefeha
National Research Center for Transgenic Mouse, National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, P.O. Box 14965-161, Tehran, Iran
Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, P.O. Box 11155-9161, Tehran, Iran. E-mail:; Fax: +98-21-66022711; Tel: +98-21-66164566
Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Sharif University of Technology, P.O. Box 14588-89694, Tehran, Iran. Department of Physics, Kharazmi University, P.O. Box 31979-37551, Karaj, Iran
6. Single-dose pharmacokinetic and toxicity analysis of pyrrole–imidazole polyamides in mice
Published: 21 August 2012, Volume 70, pages 617–625, (2012)
7. Temporal trends in sperm count: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis
Human Reproduction Update, Volume 23, Issue 6, November-December 2017, Pages 646–659, Published: 25 July 2017
8. Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2018; 16: 118. Published online 2018 Dec 9. doi:Â 10.1186/s12958-018-0431-1
PMCID: PMC6240172 PMID: 30445985 Radiations and male fertility Kavindra Kumar Kesari,1 Ashok Agarwal,2 and Ralf Henkel3 Â
 2009 – WHO Eugenics Speech by Kissinger
Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009:
"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services".
Dehydration or hyponatremia causes infertility too. Dehydration or hyponatremia turns on the adrenals because it’s an emergency state.
The adrenals run the show in emergencies. The sex hormone production is shut down in an emergency.
Chronic dehydration results in chronic infertility.
Hydration not oxygenation underpins our physiology.
Hydration equals salt plus water.
Salt turns off the adrenals because it brings hydration.
Read my article: How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?
Click on my blue icon.