A Renowned American Physician Raises Alarm over EPIDEMIC of Skyrocketing Cancer Cases.
And she knows what the culprit may be: Alcohol as if consuming alcohol started only in 2021!!!
Dr. Yoshida even suggests that alcohol could be causing cancers to form and rapidly spread.
“Alcohol really changes a lot of the DNA,” Yoshida said.
“And so, what happens is it changes the DNA in cells, and so here are the bigger risk factors, so colon cancer, breast cancer, certain types of head and neck cancer, liver cancer.”
If some MDs are playing ostrich about the 95% Safe & Effective Woodoo concoctions from Murderna and Schizer, who is going to hold the medical mafia accountable?
Welche Art von Phosphatidylcholine genau muss es sein,damit es an deoxycholsäure gebunden ist? Zur Infussion oder Injektion.Ich suche eine Alternative zur Viktoria Apotheke.Ich hatte dir geschrieben was in deren Edta Fläschchen drin war.LG
A Renowned American Physician Raises Alarm over EPIDEMIC of Skyrocketing Cancer Cases.
And she knows what the culprit may be: Alcohol as if consuming alcohol started only in 2021!!!
Dr. Yoshida even suggests that alcohol could be causing cancers to form and rapidly spread.
“Alcohol really changes a lot of the DNA,” Yoshida said.
“And so, what happens is it changes the DNA in cells, and so here are the bigger risk factors, so colon cancer, breast cancer, certain types of head and neck cancer, liver cancer.”
If some MDs are playing ostrich about the 95% Safe & Effective Woodoo concoctions from Murderna and Schizer, who is going to hold the medical mafia accountable?
Hallo Anita,ist das dass plaque/ppc in Deutschland was du beschrieben hast?
Liebe Grüße Aminata
Schwer zu sagen da nicht beschrieben wird welches Phosphatidylcholine drin ist und ob es an deoxycholsäure gebunden ist.
Welche Art von Phosphatidylcholine genau muss es sein,damit es an deoxycholsäure gebunden ist? Zur Infussion oder Injektion.Ich suche eine Alternative zur Viktoria Apotheke.Ich hatte dir geschrieben was in deren Edta Fläschchen drin war.LG
Dilinoleoylphosphatidycholine ist das Korrekte
Danke,werde mich erkundigen.