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May 7
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Case in point ... in Canada ... the Truckers Freedom Convoy from coast to coast to coast all across the land - people rose up to fight for justice and freedom and the result was a

movement by people around the world to push back against tyranny and fight for their

God-given rights for freedom of movement and expression. More to come - the Farmers' Protest also happening in Europe, USA, Canada and more to come still - God Bless Reiner!

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This seems to be a case of arbitrariness and the bending of the law. I’m very sorry for Dr. Rainer Füllmich. Thank you informing us. Because the mainstream media seems to be blind.

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"The Fascism of tomorrow will never say 'I am Fascism. It will say: 'I am anti-Fascism."

(Ignazio Silone)

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I pray daily for Reiner’s safety, deliverance from evil and freedom. Also for his wife, Inka.

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People round the world need to unite more and get posters/leaflet campaigns going to let the people round the world know what is going on with Reiner and other things like the DNR MURDER OF ELDERLY and the numbers of people MAIMED AND MURDERED by the POISON JABS and then the SCUM BEHIND IT ALL LIKE the WHO/WEF/POLITICIANS/PHARMA/SATAN GATES/MSM etc!

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