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You have passion for organic farming too... 💙 Years ago in Bundaberg Qld, an Aqua culture system gave birth to the first two headed fingerling. It was found a combination of four farming products, three pesticides and one herbicide. The chemicals at ppb interacted synergistically to cause it.

Of course the Qld government had study to say it didn't, years later. Same old same old eh. Protecting the state and $$$, from the new Macadamia industry, which added two of the pesticides.

Thank you for that post I learned much. 😊

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Re that list of carcinogens, sadly, I am so familiar with many because they are or were ingredients in so many products. It is a worthwhile experiment to count the number of hours per day that ones hands or body are in contact with plastics- like the keyboard I type this on, or the car steering wheel, or the formica topped school desk, our relationship to plastics has become constant and ubiquitious. To not consider the effect of this on human health, all starting within the last 100 years or so, is a huge oversight.

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Thank you for an excellent article , written so I could understand it.

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Wow!! Thank you!! That was incredible!! My spirit testifies!! Gonna read again…and again…lots to absorb.

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Hi Doc years ago i had lunch with a chemist who worked in the level IV biolab at Fort Detrick. I asked him about the naming of SV 40. He told me that they found so many polymyoma viruses that they decided to stop naming any after 40. So there were many more than 40. It's just history from someone who worked in the lab.

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Thank you for the work you do for humanity. Cancer is the "cure"... meaning that the body will encapsule toxins in what we call "tumours", so they will not reach (and damage) our vital organs. When there are too many toxins, the "cancer" will apparently "spread", or "grow".

"Effects" from the polio-"vaccine" WOULD give "cancer"; in that the body would attempt to protect itself from - and handle - the toxins in it.

CHEERs, and keep talking! :)

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…so the perpetrators have long studied their graphene oxide, their plasmids, and their electromagnetic frequencies. One to form perceptions remotely. The other, to turn on the kill switch. Am I seein what I’m seein?

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Good article. I also question whether SV40 is actually a virus.

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This is the kind of information treatments and policies should be based on. Your argument is not too hard to understand. Considering the long history of all this, it’s apparent that the influence of money and politics has distorted modern medicine into something diabolical beneath all the feel-good propaganda. I’ve been around long enough to watch it happen, with ever growing unease. We don’t even need to go into the darker esoteric implications, though they are probably there.

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Very true. This kind of medicine was forced on the population when Flexner wrote his report for Rockefeller and others which led to the closure of medical schools teaching natural healing methods, introduced licensing of "approved" medical schools and doctors who followed orders by prescribing pharmaceuticals. Doctors are brain washed all through medical school, residency, continuing education supported and often organized by big pharma, visits by pill pushers (reps) and hijacked medical journals. Some are bribed with lavish gifts, vacations and expensive meals. There still are good doctors trying to do the best for their patients but they are squeezed out of the system. Many are so busy following rules, orders, protocols, doing mandatory paperwork they don't have time to sit down with their patients and have a conversation. The electronic medical record and the protocols have turned doctors into robots and put up a barrier between them and their patients. It truly is a sad state of affair, brought about on purpose for nefarious reasons.

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On a higher IeveI, it doesn't matter if it's SV40 or other toxins. It matters that peopIe are wiIIing to torture (and at the other end, approve the torture of) other sentient beings, ostensibly to benefit themseIves, be it financially, satiating sadistic bents, wanting the glory of a demigod (and at the other end, to allay their own fears). ExtremeIy ignoble, to say the very Ieast. Our souIs are stained with their bIood and suffering.

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