Extends through time and space of the 3D, into a realm that resides outside time and space. Where our higher selves reside, until you join with your higher self.
My experience the only place I've read that comes close to it. Is Thoth's Emerald Green tablets. That happened back in 2014, someone else was in 2012. Then I had visions from a few thousand years ago, on that day. 🙏
My dear mate and I are a pair such as you describe. Been together almost 40 years, following the classic trajectory outlined in your earlier article. Life takes the usual odd twists and turns, but simply being with each other always seems like the ultimate purpose. I would have it no other way. It’s a real thing.
This is a "hot potatoe" in the "spiritual arena", but the main theme seems to be that when on a "twin flame journey", it is about coming into oneSELF fully, rather than "aligning" with another person on the earthly plane.
The concept of "twin flames" is a very interesting one; it seems like some souls are "too powerful" for one, "physical" body, so it is "split in two", so the "twin flames" then are placed in two separate bodies, instead of one.
Most people seem to think that coming into union, means to pair up with a counterpart (man for a woman, woman for a man, or same-sex versions of the same), but there are also people claiming that one's "twin flame" can be found in another person that is not a romantic interest; it can for instance be a family member, or others). The issue then becomes far more complex, complicated and well, how to bring about a "union", will have to be in another way; hence the need to "align" with oneself, instead.
It is an interesting thing, especially seen in the light of what british researcher and author David Icke has mentioned about the non-humans controlling both our "physical" AND the spiritual realm: to me this reads as follows: our spirits seem to be trapped in the spiritual realm, by the demonic forces, that then deceive us into the reincarnation cycle (also a trap, according to Mr. Icke). It seems to me that our spirit is handed a "spiritual robe" that is then labelled a "soul" (hence Satan is able to "buy our soul"...).
That "they" (the demons) sometimes "decide" that one soul is too powerful (the "chosen ones", who are always under hard fire and attacks from the demonic forces, even from birth, are probably these "twin flames"; in this regard souls that are very powerful, and the demons can't have that, so they "split" them into two separate bodies).
Those who have a twin flame (if this concept is true, that is), seem to be under heavy spiritual and psychic attacks from demonic forces (often using family members, friends etc., of the two flames, in order to sabotage a union and hinder them from coming together), especially after the "COVID" FRAUD was launched over 4 years ago; all to prevent them from "aligning" with, or coming into union with their "twin flame". (One may wonder if this is the true definition of the term "power-couples").
The plot thickens, as some people claim that a "twin flame" can "jump ship" (bodies), so that if a union with one "twin flame" is intercepted, one can find one's "twin flame" in another person...
I think - regardless of whether "twin flames" exist or not - it is wise to acknowledge the following: since we are all connected through the aethers, a "physical" union may not even be necessary (although for romantic couples the possible procreational part (where babies is the desired outcome) would create powerful, energetic "waves", as also a sexual union would); simply allowing ones own spirit into one's own body as much as possible, is enough to stand in one's own power, which is all we need, at this point. (In this context, then, the buzz word "ascension" that "everyone" talks about these days, may instead be a need for a descension; as in allowing our Spirit to descend into our body, as much as possible, in order to face the challenges ahead of us).
Anyways: what the demonic forces seem to not have realised (as with most other things, too! Hhahahahah. ;)), is that even if the two soul parts are not coming into union, one of them on their own will be powerful enough to take down their evil reign.
As always; I encourage everyone to do their civil duty, and inform everyone on the planet, directly and individually, about the Fuellmich covid trial court proceedings against those behind the "COVID" FRAUD. It is the most effective tool in our box, as it overrides "censorship", and if implemented swiftly, this whole shit-show we are currently under, will cease to exist pretty shortly.
Thank you for your very well written comment. You raise an interesting question. Do the demons decide to split powerful souls into two bodies? I think maybe such powerful spirits/souls may be able to decide this for themselves and may choose to do the split incarnation to accelerate their evolution and bring about positive vibrational changes to the planet once they meet and mingle their powers. But your question is a valid one. In any case, each twin needs to stand in his or her own power and be fully realized before they meet. Once they are firmly connected to their spirit (and then often to the spirit of the other twin) this self realization can happen. This prevents dependency and drama in the relationship.
We will bring this shit show down as you call it! Be it through spreading information, supporting the good souls that do and just purely on an energetic level putting good vibes and visualizations into the field.
Thank you. Hm, interesting, on the soul split. When it comes to "evolution"; I see our spirits as already "equipped", and fully "evolved" (especially if we are - as coined by Mr Icke: "all that is, has ever been, and ever will or can be"), but the demonic forces may be able to trick us into believing that our souls need to "grow spiritually", through pain and suffering: a concept undoubtedly put out there by "them", and oh my, how many in the "spiritual arena" have fallen for it! Hhhaaha. ...thus upholding the abuse cycle that "they" need, to siphon our "energy".
There seems to be a common theme of "twin flames" not being equally "realized" upon meeting, which then leads to the "running" of one of them (with the added "ending up with karmics", etc.). There can also be heavy contact in the spirit realm (between the separated "twins"), with all sorts of telepathic communications etc.
Yes, there seems to be the added trap of "co-dependency" (weird term, but...), with all the drama that involves. Whether as "twin flames" or not, we all need to become adults, and the "COVID" FRAUD clearly showed us that they are very scarce amongst us!
Thank you for the moral support; yes we are definitely creating something good, and walking away from the "enabled lot" (the demons), is the first step. CHEERs! :)
You are right about a great deal, including Ickes work and the fact that the astral plane is controlled as we are groomed even on the physical side into the reincarnation soul recycling mind wipe
You may find the following articles and website insightful regarding soul recycling:
False navel, eh?? Hhahha. CHEERs, and thank you so much for the links! Genetic equals; very interesting term. Yes, many in the "spiritual arena" have been talking alot about the attacks, especially after the "COVID" FRAUD was launched. The "demonics" seem to be getting more and more desperate, as we remove ourselves from them energetically... :)
Interesting concept about the "jumping" to another person when one union is intercepted! I never heard of this before, but I experienced something strange in my own life that might be explained by this concept. In fact, this experience has been one of my life's biggest question marks, so I'm curious to learn more about this jumping-bodies concept - can you recommend something/someone where I can learn more?
Hey, queen! (Love your bio-substack-name, btw.! :))
This I have heard in passing in the tarot reader community on Youtube, so have a look around there. (Sorry; can't recall a specific reader, but search under twin flame readings, and you may come across it there).
Yes, it's a weird kinda concept, but soul transference is described here and there, and Richard Willett's recent article on Substack (Druids, soul transference etc.) could be one place to check out. Some body-less souls seem to "hang around" coma patients, awaiting to take over their bodies...abit of explaining to do, if they leave the hospital, all of a sudden, I can imagine!! HHahhaahh.
CHEERs, and please share your strange experience, if you so feel inclined to; I love "terrible tales"!! Hhahahha. ;)
Sorry that mine took a while, I had to do some research first. I think I have found what you were referring to, and apparently in "Twin Flame lingo", it's called "Walk-in". It's a strange concept, and I'm not sure what I think of it...
The strange thing I experienced is too personal to share online, but from what I learned now I don't think it had anything to do with Walk-Ins or soul transference. There are no dead people involved either. However, I found a different concept called "monad", which might apply in my case. Monad is like an oversoul that is split up into several individuals, in my own words I would call it a "soul family". In my strange experience, what could have happened was that Plan A, a union between two individuals of a certain monad, didn't work out because the individuals weren't able to meet in 3D. So the monad activated Plan B, a different potential for an equally powerful union, still within that same monad, but with a different individual.
I had also previously read that a soul can be incarnated in multiple individuals, and I think this is the same as what I just learned about the "monad". This seems more plausible to me than the Walk-In concept, which I'm still very skeptical of. With the Walk-In concept I find quite a few problems and so many questions, but I've only found contradictory or at best very vague answers out there.
Same for me; not sure what I think of that particular "aspect" of "twin flames". Aha; that monad-thing kinda struck a cord in me; sure may be possible, in this our weird "world"! Yes, there seems to be cases where a union is not possible in the 3D (ego, differences in choices, "status", family interfering etc.), but I can assure you there can be plenty of "action" in the 5D!! Hhahhaa.
I must say that the idea of "breeding" with oneself/one's own "soul", as would be the case in a monad situation, and where there are children involved, seems abit too weird for me! Hhhahha. But that it is possible, I have no doubts about, I just don't see why anyone would want that, or what the purpose would be.
Yes; I see where you'd find it difficult to believe in the Walk-in; I have questioned that myself. Anyways; hope your own situation turns out well, unless it already did.
"breeding with oneself" I never thought of it that way. 😂 But that's already what's happening since we are ultimately all One Thing! And isn't that what a True Deep Love relationship is about, that you get to experience Divine Oneness with the other? The same Love that is in one person is also in the other person, and through the seemingly separate individuals this One Love meets and recognizes Itself. 💚
I always intuitively felt the physical "breeding" plane as separate from the soul-plane, so the monad concept doesn't freak me out at all 😄 From the physical individual standpoint, the other person would feel like a "soul-mate". Some people even say "my other half", which is nothing but the monad concept, except that a monad could be "split up" into more than two individuals.
Yeah, that "all one" thing; not sure I agree with that! Hahah. One could say that "God is the sum of all of us."... ;) (A homemade quote of mine). If we are "all one", I'd say we are a pretty INBRED bunch of spirits!! HHhahha. There are plenty of people as well as (demonic) beings I'd prefer NOT to be "one" with...heh...just saying! Hahaha.
Hmmm, true deep love relationship, and experiencing Divine Oneness with the other; yes, I guess one could formulate it thus, and beautifully put, by the way. :) It is my experience that when people are in harmony, we are on the same "plane" of existence, simultaneously, and that in itself is a very profound and pleasant feeling; a sense that we are pulling in the same direction, and acting "as one"; but this can be felt with all aspects of creation, not just in romantic connections.
Love in recognition of itself...can love view itself from "the outside", y'think?
The physical "breeding" plane; love how you express yourself! Your words belong with poets, m'dear. <3 Yes, indeed, it is separate, but at the same time is from whence we control and create what we then bring forth into physical existence. Aha, yes, the monad thing would be less creepy, seen from your perspective. Food for thought, that one, and also thank you so much for your insights. :)
I wonder how voluntary these splits are, if we are "beguiled" into this realm by way of demonic trickery; or perhaps some of us come from the spirit world outside of the matrix construct in the astral plane...
I can confirm from direct experience that it is real, including the attacks from family, friends, government etc... all designed (in vain) to attempt to prevent union
Rachel Vaughan an Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) survivor is spearheading a movement to do just that by getting people of all walks of life to learn to identify ley lines and put out positive loving energy (which is infinitely more powerful) than all the sacrifices the Satanists do on the same energetic grid work of our planet in order to keep consciousness numbed and enslaved...
Check out the website to learn how you too can contribute to humanities glorious liberation from eons of Satanic mind control and enslavement
This confirms what I have been knowing inside myself as well! I have had this vision of exactly what you are describing for years, the exact same concept but as a personal vision for myself - and I have been trying to manifest it into my own life. I knew that this connection, when manifested, would create a sort of vortex that brings the 5D/Prime Reality vibe into this realm, and it would have a positive effect on the world. But lately I have been wondering whether this connection is really possible IN this false matrix, or if the matrix needs to go down first (or I need to die or "ascend" or whatever). NOW THIS IS MY ANSWER! It's meant to be manifested here and now, and it's going to help bring the matrix down, YAY!
Thank you Anita, these "Twin Flame" articles of yours mean a lot to me. Because indeed, my mind was wondering whether I'm crazy - but now I see this idea is not coming from my own ego mind, this idea is bigger, and it's REAL!
(By the way, the term "twin flame" is relatively new to me too. I understand in some circles it's not even a positive term and refers to unhealthy or artificial soul-attachments, but doesn't matter because I know EXACTLY what you are talking about!!)
I feel encouraged on my path of manifesting now, and indeed it is top priority! :D
Thank you for your comment. It's truly encouraging that others have this knowingness inside as well that can't be explained by logic and mind. You just know, from the heart which is our connection to our higher self and the All That Is (and our twins higher self). I just tried to put into words the information that sort of hit me like soft lightning bolt out of the blue last year. I don't think we need to try and manifest it because if it is meant to be, the "universe" will arrange it. All the best on your journey!
In light of David Icke's latest "revelations" (the book The Reveal); he actually confirms what I have come to think myself; that our soul is what we "wear" when on the astral plane, after we leave the body.
This also means that the concept of "twin flames" is a construct of the "simulation"-trap in the "spiritual" realm, and the fact that it is so heavily pushed (esp. after the launch of the "COVID"-FRAUD) in the "spiritual" arena, is very interesting to me, and it reads that "they" want people to belive in it, and live it out, so as to trap more spirits in the "simulation".
Same with the concept of "soul-mates"; also an entrapment, to keep the same "couples" coming back to their "true love", lifetime after lifetime...thus guaranteed to enter and repeat the reincarnation/karma-trap.
In conclusion, what we need to start looking for, in a potential "partner", is instead a "spirit-mate", so that we together with them can venture OUT of both the "physical" and the "spiritual" "simulation"-trap, when we decide to leave the body. :)
Interesting thought. I think the issue is that no precise definitions are being considered for the terms soul, spirit, spark and even mind. Could it be that when twin flames are explained as one soul that split into two, actually the divine spark is meant? Precise definitions of terms are not made or considered when most people talk about them. Human language is quite imprecise and English more so than some other languages which leads to misunderstanding and confusion as people may be talking about different things while using the same terms. Ultimately, we need to consider that nobody really knows as nobody came back from the other side with their memory intact. NDEs don't count as they never entered the "final" destination on the other side. All we have are hints.
Hmm, maybe, that is interesting. I would, however, think that it fits "their" description to create as much suffering as possible, since that is how their "world" is designed; meaning that twin flames that are not able to come together can experience quite abit of pain, which then feeds "them".
If twin flames are divine sparks, and not the product of being split to create suffering during their incarnation, then the question arises; how much are divine sparks able to influence the possible simulation (the "physical" as well as the "spiritual"/afterlife), and can they come and go as they please.
Yes, it is important to be clear about the definitions and their meaning, if we are to discuss anything at all, otherwise we land ourselves in alot of misunderstandings.
I am aware that the term "soul" has been defined a certain way "pre-Icke", but Icke's explanation rings true, because one would probably need a "vehicle", to reside on the astral plane, between incarnations.
Also, the term "selling one's soul" (to "Satan") says it "all", in the sense that it show that we are not soul, but spirit. If the human body and the soul-vehicle is created by Satan, it makes sense that he would "buy" it, i.e. that it would be "for sale".
True, we do have hints to relate to, but it is in the details of these hints, that we can follow our quest further.
There are many questions still to be asked, but Icke's views are unique, make much sense, and confirm alot of what one already "know". I guess we as spirits know the truth when we hear it, despite any mind-wipes between incarnations.
Twin Flame Magic
Extends through time and space of the 3D, into a realm that resides outside time and space. Where our higher selves reside, until you join with your higher self.
My experience the only place I've read that comes close to it. Is Thoth's Emerald Green tablets. That happened back in 2014, someone else was in 2012. Then I had visions from a few thousand years ago, on that day. 🙏
I've had joy in my heart all day. 😊
My dear mate and I are a pair such as you describe. Been together almost 40 years, following the classic trajectory outlined in your earlier article. Life takes the usual odd twists and turns, but simply being with each other always seems like the ultimate purpose. I would have it no other way. It’s a real thing.
Sounds "far out" enough to be believable.
Thank you!
This is a "hot potatoe" in the "spiritual arena", but the main theme seems to be that when on a "twin flame journey", it is about coming into oneSELF fully, rather than "aligning" with another person on the earthly plane.
The concept of "twin flames" is a very interesting one; it seems like some souls are "too powerful" for one, "physical" body, so it is "split in two", so the "twin flames" then are placed in two separate bodies, instead of one.
Most people seem to think that coming into union, means to pair up with a counterpart (man for a woman, woman for a man, or same-sex versions of the same), but there are also people claiming that one's "twin flame" can be found in another person that is not a romantic interest; it can for instance be a family member, or others). The issue then becomes far more complex, complicated and well, how to bring about a "union", will have to be in another way; hence the need to "align" with oneself, instead.
It is an interesting thing, especially seen in the light of what british researcher and author David Icke has mentioned about the non-humans controlling both our "physical" AND the spiritual realm: to me this reads as follows: our spirits seem to be trapped in the spiritual realm, by the demonic forces, that then deceive us into the reincarnation cycle (also a trap, according to Mr. Icke). It seems to me that our spirit is handed a "spiritual robe" that is then labelled a "soul" (hence Satan is able to "buy our soul"...).
That "they" (the demons) sometimes "decide" that one soul is too powerful (the "chosen ones", who are always under hard fire and attacks from the demonic forces, even from birth, are probably these "twin flames"; in this regard souls that are very powerful, and the demons can't have that, so they "split" them into two separate bodies).
Those who have a twin flame (if this concept is true, that is), seem to be under heavy spiritual and psychic attacks from demonic forces (often using family members, friends etc., of the two flames, in order to sabotage a union and hinder them from coming together), especially after the "COVID" FRAUD was launched over 4 years ago; all to prevent them from "aligning" with, or coming into union with their "twin flame". (One may wonder if this is the true definition of the term "power-couples").
The plot thickens, as some people claim that a "twin flame" can "jump ship" (bodies), so that if a union with one "twin flame" is intercepted, one can find one's "twin flame" in another person...
I think - regardless of whether "twin flames" exist or not - it is wise to acknowledge the following: since we are all connected through the aethers, a "physical" union may not even be necessary (although for romantic couples the possible procreational part (where babies is the desired outcome) would create powerful, energetic "waves", as also a sexual union would); simply allowing ones own spirit into one's own body as much as possible, is enough to stand in one's own power, which is all we need, at this point. (In this context, then, the buzz word "ascension" that "everyone" talks about these days, may instead be a need for a descension; as in allowing our Spirit to descend into our body, as much as possible, in order to face the challenges ahead of us).
Anyways: what the demonic forces seem to not have realised (as with most other things, too! Hhahahahah. ;)), is that even if the two soul parts are not coming into union, one of them on their own will be powerful enough to take down their evil reign.
As always; I encourage everyone to do their civil duty, and inform everyone on the planet, directly and individually, about the Fuellmich covid trial court proceedings against those behind the "COVID" FRAUD. It is the most effective tool in our box, as it overrides "censorship", and if implemented swiftly, this whole shit-show we are currently under, will cease to exist pretty shortly.
CHEERs, and keep talking! <3 :)
Thank you for your very well written comment. You raise an interesting question. Do the demons decide to split powerful souls into two bodies? I think maybe such powerful spirits/souls may be able to decide this for themselves and may choose to do the split incarnation to accelerate their evolution and bring about positive vibrational changes to the planet once they meet and mingle their powers. But your question is a valid one. In any case, each twin needs to stand in his or her own power and be fully realized before they meet. Once they are firmly connected to their spirit (and then often to the spirit of the other twin) this self realization can happen. This prevents dependency and drama in the relationship.
We will bring this shit show down as you call it! Be it through spreading information, supporting the good souls that do and just purely on an energetic level putting good vibes and visualizations into the field.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment!
Thank you. Hm, interesting, on the soul split. When it comes to "evolution"; I see our spirits as already "equipped", and fully "evolved" (especially if we are - as coined by Mr Icke: "all that is, has ever been, and ever will or can be"), but the demonic forces may be able to trick us into believing that our souls need to "grow spiritually", through pain and suffering: a concept undoubtedly put out there by "them", and oh my, how many in the "spiritual arena" have fallen for it! Hhhaaha. ...thus upholding the abuse cycle that "they" need, to siphon our "energy".
There seems to be a common theme of "twin flames" not being equally "realized" upon meeting, which then leads to the "running" of one of them (with the added "ending up with karmics", etc.). There can also be heavy contact in the spirit realm (between the separated "twins"), with all sorts of telepathic communications etc.
Yes, there seems to be the added trap of "co-dependency" (weird term, but...), with all the drama that involves. Whether as "twin flames" or not, we all need to become adults, and the "COVID" FRAUD clearly showed us that they are very scarce amongst us!
Thank you for the moral support; yes we are definitely creating something good, and walking away from the "enabled lot" (the demons), is the first step. CHEERs! :)
You are right about a great deal, including Ickes work and the fact that the astral plane is controlled as we are groomed even on the physical side into the reincarnation soul recycling mind wipe
You may find the following articles and website insightful regarding soul recycling:
And the following article is regarding twin flames aka Hieros Gamos aka Genetic Equals:
I can confirm from direct experience that it is real, including the attacks from family government etc designed to attempt to prevent union
False navel, eh?? Hhahha. CHEERs, and thank you so much for the links! Genetic equals; very interesting term. Yes, many in the "spiritual arena" have been talking alot about the attacks, especially after the "COVID" FRAUD was launched. The "demonics" seem to be getting more and more desperate, as we remove ourselves from them energetically... :)
Interesting concept about the "jumping" to another person when one union is intercepted! I never heard of this before, but I experienced something strange in my own life that might be explained by this concept. In fact, this experience has been one of my life's biggest question marks, so I'm curious to learn more about this jumping-bodies concept - can you recommend something/someone where I can learn more?
Hey, queen! (Love your bio-substack-name, btw.! :))
This I have heard in passing in the tarot reader community on Youtube, so have a look around there. (Sorry; can't recall a specific reader, but search under twin flame readings, and you may come across it there).
Yes, it's a weird kinda concept, but soul transference is described here and there, and Richard Willett's recent article on Substack (Druids, soul transference etc.) could be one place to check out. Some body-less souls seem to "hang around" coma patients, awaiting to take over their bodies...abit of explaining to do, if they leave the hospital, all of a sudden, I can imagine!! HHahhaahh.
CHEERs, and please share your strange experience, if you so feel inclined to; I love "terrible tales"!! Hhahahha. ;)
Thank you for the reply, Hege! :D
Sorry that mine took a while, I had to do some research first. I think I have found what you were referring to, and apparently in "Twin Flame lingo", it's called "Walk-in". It's a strange concept, and I'm not sure what I think of it...
The strange thing I experienced is too personal to share online, but from what I learned now I don't think it had anything to do with Walk-Ins or soul transference. There are no dead people involved either. However, I found a different concept called "monad", which might apply in my case. Monad is like an oversoul that is split up into several individuals, in my own words I would call it a "soul family". In my strange experience, what could have happened was that Plan A, a union between two individuals of a certain monad, didn't work out because the individuals weren't able to meet in 3D. So the monad activated Plan B, a different potential for an equally powerful union, still within that same monad, but with a different individual.
I had also previously read that a soul can be incarnated in multiple individuals, and I think this is the same as what I just learned about the "monad". This seems more plausible to me than the Walk-In concept, which I'm still very skeptical of. With the Walk-In concept I find quite a few problems and so many questions, but I've only found contradictory or at best very vague answers out there.
Thank you for an interesting reply, Q!
Same for me; not sure what I think of that particular "aspect" of "twin flames". Aha; that monad-thing kinda struck a cord in me; sure may be possible, in this our weird "world"! Yes, there seems to be cases where a union is not possible in the 3D (ego, differences in choices, "status", family interfering etc.), but I can assure you there can be plenty of "action" in the 5D!! Hhahhaa.
I must say that the idea of "breeding" with oneself/one's own "soul", as would be the case in a monad situation, and where there are children involved, seems abit too weird for me! Hhhahha. But that it is possible, I have no doubts about, I just don't see why anyone would want that, or what the purpose would be.
Yes; I see where you'd find it difficult to believe in the Walk-in; I have questioned that myself. Anyways; hope your own situation turns out well, unless it already did.
CHEERs! :)
"breeding with oneself" I never thought of it that way. 😂 But that's already what's happening since we are ultimately all One Thing! And isn't that what a True Deep Love relationship is about, that you get to experience Divine Oneness with the other? The same Love that is in one person is also in the other person, and through the seemingly separate individuals this One Love meets and recognizes Itself. 💚
I always intuitively felt the physical "breeding" plane as separate from the soul-plane, so the monad concept doesn't freak me out at all 😄 From the physical individual standpoint, the other person would feel like a "soul-mate". Some people even say "my other half", which is nothing but the monad concept, except that a monad could be "split up" into more than two individuals.
Yeah, that "all one" thing; not sure I agree with that! Hahah. One could say that "God is the sum of all of us."... ;) (A homemade quote of mine). If we are "all one", I'd say we are a pretty INBRED bunch of spirits!! HHhahha. There are plenty of people as well as (demonic) beings I'd prefer NOT to be "one" with...heh...just saying! Hahaha.
Hmmm, true deep love relationship, and experiencing Divine Oneness with the other; yes, I guess one could formulate it thus, and beautifully put, by the way. :) It is my experience that when people are in harmony, we are on the same "plane" of existence, simultaneously, and that in itself is a very profound and pleasant feeling; a sense that we are pulling in the same direction, and acting "as one"; but this can be felt with all aspects of creation, not just in romantic connections.
Love in recognition of itself...can love view itself from "the outside", y'think?
The physical "breeding" plane; love how you express yourself! Your words belong with poets, m'dear. <3 Yes, indeed, it is separate, but at the same time is from whence we control and create what we then bring forth into physical existence. Aha, yes, the monad thing would be less creepy, seen from your perspective. Food for thought, that one, and also thank you so much for your insights. :)
I wonder how voluntary these splits are, if we are "beguiled" into this realm by way of demonic trickery; or perhaps some of us come from the spirit world outside of the matrix construct in the astral plane...
CHEERs, and take care. :)
Excellent article
To anyone interested in learning more about twin flames aka hieros gamos aka genetic equals see the following articles and incredible body of work:
I can confirm from direct experience that it is real, including the attacks from family, friends, government etc... all designed (in vain) to attempt to prevent union
But fear not, we can all do our part to turn the (energetic) tides of this magical war on consciousness (with the end goal of AI enslavement)
Rachel Vaughan an Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) survivor is spearheading a movement to do just that by getting people of all walks of life to learn to identify ley lines and put out positive loving energy (which is infinitely more powerful) than all the sacrifices the Satanists do on the same energetic grid work of our planet in order to keep consciousness numbed and enslaved...
Check out the website to learn how you too can contribute to humanities glorious liberation from eons of Satanic mind control and enslavement
144000 sets my Kabbalah alarm off
I just found out that they mention 144000 in the Bible and I agree this is a strange coincidence (?).
This confirms what I have been knowing inside myself as well! I have had this vision of exactly what you are describing for years, the exact same concept but as a personal vision for myself - and I have been trying to manifest it into my own life. I knew that this connection, when manifested, would create a sort of vortex that brings the 5D/Prime Reality vibe into this realm, and it would have a positive effect on the world. But lately I have been wondering whether this connection is really possible IN this false matrix, or if the matrix needs to go down first (or I need to die or "ascend" or whatever). NOW THIS IS MY ANSWER! It's meant to be manifested here and now, and it's going to help bring the matrix down, YAY!
Thank you Anita, these "Twin Flame" articles of yours mean a lot to me. Because indeed, my mind was wondering whether I'm crazy - but now I see this idea is not coming from my own ego mind, this idea is bigger, and it's REAL!
(By the way, the term "twin flame" is relatively new to me too. I understand in some circles it's not even a positive term and refers to unhealthy or artificial soul-attachments, but doesn't matter because I know EXACTLY what you are talking about!!)
I feel encouraged on my path of manifesting now, and indeed it is top priority! :D
Thank you for your comment. It's truly encouraging that others have this knowingness inside as well that can't be explained by logic and mind. You just know, from the heart which is our connection to our higher self and the All That Is (and our twins higher self). I just tried to put into words the information that sort of hit me like soft lightning bolt out of the blue last year. I don't think we need to try and manifest it because if it is meant to be, the "universe" will arrange it. All the best on your journey!
In light of David Icke's latest "revelations" (the book The Reveal); he actually confirms what I have come to think myself; that our soul is what we "wear" when on the astral plane, after we leave the body.
This also means that the concept of "twin flames" is a construct of the "simulation"-trap in the "spiritual" realm, and the fact that it is so heavily pushed (esp. after the launch of the "COVID"-FRAUD) in the "spiritual" arena, is very interesting to me, and it reads that "they" want people to belive in it, and live it out, so as to trap more spirits in the "simulation".
Same with the concept of "soul-mates"; also an entrapment, to keep the same "couples" coming back to their "true love", lifetime after lifetime...thus guaranteed to enter and repeat the reincarnation/karma-trap.
In conclusion, what we need to start looking for, in a potential "partner", is instead a "spirit-mate", so that we together with them can venture OUT of both the "physical" and the "spiritual" "simulation"-trap, when we decide to leave the body. :)
CHEERs! :)
Interesting thought. I think the issue is that no precise definitions are being considered for the terms soul, spirit, spark and even mind. Could it be that when twin flames are explained as one soul that split into two, actually the divine spark is meant? Precise definitions of terms are not made or considered when most people talk about them. Human language is quite imprecise and English more so than some other languages which leads to misunderstanding and confusion as people may be talking about different things while using the same terms. Ultimately, we need to consider that nobody really knows as nobody came back from the other side with their memory intact. NDEs don't count as they never entered the "final" destination on the other side. All we have are hints.
Hmm, maybe, that is interesting. I would, however, think that it fits "their" description to create as much suffering as possible, since that is how their "world" is designed; meaning that twin flames that are not able to come together can experience quite abit of pain, which then feeds "them".
If twin flames are divine sparks, and not the product of being split to create suffering during their incarnation, then the question arises; how much are divine sparks able to influence the possible simulation (the "physical" as well as the "spiritual"/afterlife), and can they come and go as they please.
Yes, it is important to be clear about the definitions and their meaning, if we are to discuss anything at all, otherwise we land ourselves in alot of misunderstandings.
I am aware that the term "soul" has been defined a certain way "pre-Icke", but Icke's explanation rings true, because one would probably need a "vehicle", to reside on the astral plane, between incarnations.
Also, the term "selling one's soul" (to "Satan") says it "all", in the sense that it show that we are not soul, but spirit. If the human body and the soul-vehicle is created by Satan, it makes sense that he would "buy" it, i.e. that it would be "for sale".
True, we do have hints to relate to, but it is in the details of these hints, that we can follow our quest further.
There are many questions still to be asked, but Icke's views are unique, make much sense, and confirm alot of what one already "know". I guess we as spirits know the truth when we hear it, despite any mind-wipes between incarnations.
CHEERs, and thank you for your thoughts! :)