Would regular intake of garlic help and or regular use of alchohol?

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Anita, do you know anything about ASEA Redox?

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I take and use Asea. I don’t know any details. But it certainly can’t hurt.

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Sure, it doesn’t improve my fatigue so I don’t know, really, if it’s worth the investment.

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I have a good friend who was massively helped by Asea. I take it, but am not knowingly helped. I know the benefit of glutathione. It is pricey. Liposomal Vit C has been a big help for me. Dr. Ana interviewed Dr.Levy, a cardiologist, retired, and he recommended the brand Livon. He’s done tons of research on Vit C. Says much Liposomal is poor quality. It’s pricey,but well worth it. He compares that brand to I.V Vit C in terms of effectiveness. I do like it very much. Good Interview is on Dr. Ana’s substack .

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Thanks Carol

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Is that also called Zooki? Can’t find Livon in UK?

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It's pricey because it's buffered to avoid making your body acidic.

Some brands are selling ascorbic acids instead of their salts!

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Yes, Dr. Levy and Dr Ana pointed that out. Making to good stuff is costly.

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Going through their website there is no scientific studies I can find. The PDF offered leads to an error page and doesn't download. I read one study about increased Glutathione after taking ASEA a while back. Though we don't know if the Glutathione was increased because the body needed it to "defend" against ASEA or what other reason there was to it increased Glutathione. The body makes Glutathione when it needs to fight free radicals, which granted is almost all the time. The ingredients are given as salt and water. Salt water???? for that price???? I don't really know but there is not enough information to have an informed opinion. It can't hurt I believe, so everybody needs to decide for themselves.

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Thanks Anita

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Sep 14·edited Sep 18

Bryan Ardis says cinnamon as well as liquorice root is an antidote to hydrogel / calamaris type clotting.

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Really? Can you please send a link to where he says this?Thank you.

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Thank you so much!

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Thank you Dr Baxas. I would be interested to know if the pH status of the blood has any effect on the hydrogels. So much attention has been given to the importance of maintaining an alkaline state for good health and for cancer treatment and prevention. Also, I wonder if there are any enzymes such as nattokinase or pancreatic enzymes would affect the hydrogels. I pray that you find the necessary financial support to continue your extremely valuable work which in of itself is impressive but also provides a stellar example of dedication and service.

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The pH status of the blood must remain within a tiny band. The alkalinity everybody talks about is for the interstitial tissues which can be measured indirectly by measuring the pH in the morning urine. I have been taking nattokinase 2 x 2000 IU per day as well as digestive enzymes and still have hydrogels. Thank you for your comments.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14

Yes. I don't believe that proteolitic enzymes can affect hydrogels which are likely not made of proteins.

There is another test that I find important - "Red pine needle oil" has been reported to destroy microplastics in the body. I suspect that it might affect hydrogels in the blood.

NB: red pine needle oil (mostly from Korea) is not the same as pine oil!

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If Red Pine oil has an effect maybe we should be testing terpines in Slash Pine Oil and expand the search more. Can't hurt!

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From what I've read, only "Red pine needle oil" should be taken internally and I've used it. Other pine oils are recommended for external applications only and I haven't tried any.

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You can add Slash Pine Oil put of Georgia US. To the list.

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Very interesting.

Thank You.

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I’m testing Baja gold salt with Mike adams tomato powder ( high in nicotine). Looks good so far. Testing other natural products as well. The edta is miraculous, however it causes dna damage so we need more answers

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Sep 14Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

I’m going to throw something at you. Just a thought - there was a study, one that I know of, where an electronic, programmed, computer duck became attracted/bonded to live baby chicks. The big duck’s movements were totally random. Chicks were placed with mama machine and they followed the electronic duck, day after day. Then, the chicks stopped interacting, were removed from the mama’s tabletop where they all had interacted.

But then oddly, in time, the big programmed duck moved consistently towards the live baby ducks location, kept on one side of a table.. In other words, seeking their life energy. SO, can nano bots, hydrogel be sentient? I think so. What power, impact might thought, decree, charges, have on it? “You must leave”, “My body is whole, made of love, depart, you are not welcome”, “I am whole, healthy, you cannot injure me.” Just a thought. Thanks for all your great work. I do not allow this information to scare me one bit.

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Excellent report. I could not tell for sure if there were quantum dots present in any of the photos above. In several, it appeared that they were present. However, it's much easier to see the pulsating/moving light effects of quantum dots in video format. Do you think quantum dots were present? Did you take any videos?

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I had thought I did but it didn't record the videos. I checked again and did make a recording today of a new sample. There were a few moving dots at the edge of what I believe is a hydrogel being attacked by neutrophils. Within the body there were dots only in that one place, not elsewhere which was strange to me. But again maybe the EDTA and C are helping....

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I can't wait to see the recording. Maybe there aren't as many quantum dots in people being treated with EDTA and Vitamin C, and in whom there are no symptoms. Have you come across any uninjected/unswabbed people with symptoms to see if they have more in the way of quantum dots? I would love to know what the O2 saturations (on room air) are in those with Rouleaux formation that you showed.

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What about Emeramide instead of EDTA?

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From what I read it is used for Mercury toxicity. It doesn't say it removes other toxic metals. We have evidence EDTA works to remove hydrogels and quantum dots. There is no evidence Emeramide works for this.

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Thanks for the great info Dr. Baxas. Looking forward for your test results.

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Sep 14Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

You are Correct, it's Chemtrails in the Air the Food and Water supplies. See my sub stack for the specific flyers I put up to show this Anti Christ End Times Freemason illuminati nazi global holocaustic concentration camp of trauma base mine control Over the masses, which i'm sure you're already Aware of. So good of you to take the time to do all of this research and share it with us. What a blessing you are.

God Bless you

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you might want to follow this substack. He says nano-silver & Borox for the win.

He also explains what is really going on. It's incomprehensible for the average person to understand- including me. https://open.substack.com/pub/terral?r=gzb1o&utm_medium=ios

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I watched some of the videos and it is incomprehensible unless one has hours and hours and hours to try and figure it out which I don't.

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Sep 15Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

Can you try the borox?

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I have been taking boron for a few months.

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Do you think it's doing anything?

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Based on the worsening of the hydrogel in my blood, no it isn’t.

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Are you taking boron supplements or ingesting borax?

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Boron supplement. I won’t ingest Botox. I put that in my washing machine.

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Borox not Botox - Stupid auto correct on the phone🤣

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I only mentioned it because this person with a substack who goes by the name "Terrel" advocates taking nano silver and Borax (sodium tetraborate) despite the warning not to ingest Borax. I have no idea whether it is a legitimate treatment or not.

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Thanks for your work

Been taking Borax for over 20 years.

The pharmaceutical grade Boron is not as effective. Made with fillers . Harder on the body.



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I have bought many US products from amazon that made me VERY sick ( ensure, Gatorade, GM cereals, 1 a day vitamins,zeolite, Essentia brand bottled water, celestial seasonings teas, etc)

I’m not doubting the benefits of the oil, I’m just saying beware of amazon as they’re not what they claim to be, I did mention toxic as well as counterfeit, and you’re going to be better off buying from the “ other places” that you mentioned, or just direct from the manufacturer . And I did look up the slash pine oil there and couldn’t find it, all I found other types of pine oil for soaps and aromatherapy.

When it comes to amazon, buyer beware!!

Many others as well as myself have found this out the hard way. I’m merely trying to to save people’s health as well as their money. Saving a few bucks for fast delivery isn’t worth it in the long run.

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Sep 15Liked by Professor Anita Baxas,MD

Welcome to the club. I was never jabbed or had the nose invasion, but Dr Robert Young did my live blood analysis. I got junk in my trunk, but not as bad as jabbed. One thought; the self assembly of nanotech must draw its' energy (electrons) from our bodies. Since our bodies are electric and magnetic (Dr Jerry Tennant) providing electrons, increasing pH and oxygen may reduce symptoms. Possible helpful ideas:

C IV high dose Dr Levy



Sodium bicarbonate Dr Simoncini, Dr Mark Sircus

Ozone IR therapy

Keto diet to slow or reduce risk of cancer

D3/Iodine for immune support Dr Bruce Hollis, Dr David Brownstein

Chlorine dioxide, Dr Andreas Kalcker www.theuniversalantidote.com www.comusav.com Dr Pedro Chavez has treated over 6,000 vax injured patients in Mexico with impressive results including turbo cancer. He can be found on Dr A Mihalcea Substack and Brighteon.

One new therapy I am trying is from Citozeatec in Italy. They are enzymatic substrates that repair DNA in the mitochondria. They have amazing results for trauma wounds and cancer as an oral and topical. Their website is www.citozeatecsrl.com. They have impressive documented cases of the body repairing itself. I have no clue what effect it will have on nanotech, but thought I'll give it a go.

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Thoughts on Lumbrokinase?

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Better than nattokinase to reduce fibrin

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I forgot to add Lumbrokinase is part of a regimen for the Vaxxed. The doctor escapes me.

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Ivermectin promotes copper concentrations in cells and ironically, a 'cages' iron.. and this impacts the body and the alien tech. Doxy probly does the same..

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I reckon it's alien tech also

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So, is ivermectin good for this or bad?

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Hi Anita,

The serpents look like bloodworms as tapered at both ends. Sometimes you can see the intestines with a few rbc's in them.

When adding something to a covered slide i usually put the drop at the edge of the cover slip and watch as it penetrates underneath. This way you can see both the direct and diluted effects as the substance makes its ways through he blood - just a suggestion. Try it with very diluted peroxide or cds as an example, spectacular.

Love your works, Best Regards, matt

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I thought of adding edta etc to the side of the cover slip but didn’t think it would work. I will try that with sodium edta for iv use, oral Liposomal edta and methylene blue. I need to find some liquid vit c. Thanks for your suggestion.🙏👍😊

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